Unfortunately my first response test this morning has gone lighter my digital is still saying 2-3 and the other clear blue test is the same but first response is definitely a lot lighter. My boobs also don’t hurt so much today, I noticed it when I woke up that they weren’t so tender. OTD tomorrow but I’ve got an awful feeling this will end up being a chemical :(. X
*sensitive post* first response test ... - Fertility Network UK
*sensitive post* first response test lighter

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Here are my other tests from yesterday and prior to compare.
looking good yesterday
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Step away from the tests! It doesn’t look lighter to me and remember these tests are not designed to be used in this way, how hydrated you are and how much dye is in the test will have a factor. And please don’t use the CB digital weeks ones to check progress, they are notoriously unreliable. My last pregnancy I totally freaked myself out because it hadn’t gone to 3+ I went and paid for a private blood beta and my result was way over the threshold for 3+ so all that worth was unnecessary. It’s out of your hands now, try and stay positive and believe in your pregnancy while you wait for your scan. Constant testing is just going to make you anxious xx
Thanks I know you are right, but the tests are meant to get darker as the days progress aren’t they so give an indication of HCG rising? Also my boobs aren’t as tender and sore today X
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Your tests a nice and dark anyway, they reach a point where they don’t get any darker. I’ve seen lots and lots of pictures of tests during a chemical and they don’t look like yours, they are usually much, much lighter than that. Way, way too early for regular symptoms too - proper pregnancy symptoms don’t usually kick in for most people until 7 weeks. Hang in there. Right now you are most definitely pregnant that’s what you need to try and focus on and enjoy if you can xx
Hello, sorry you’re going through this period of uncertainty, it isn’t fun at all! My tests look similar and unfortunately that round ended in a chemical (it was my most recent transfer and you can look at my previous posts to check the photos). That’s not to say this will be your outcome, but I would advise you to compare tests within a 48 hour timeframe as it’s a better indicator. So perhaps test again tomorrow morning and place it side by side with the one you did yesterday (assuming it was also done that morning). Wishing you all the best xx
Thank you, at what point did your tests start going lighter? Did you have a beta and do that also show low HCG. I have mine tomorrow x
my darkest test was on 10dp5dt then it got visibly lighter from 14dp5dt, and a few days later the line was barely there. I did a beta that was super low on 16dp5dt, I think it was 10 or something.
Keeping everything crossed for you tomorrow. Try to stay positive, there’s every chance this will work xx
Thanks that’s all helpful to know, I did another test at 10am this morning (I know I shouldn’t have!) and it was my darkest test yet. So no idea what’s going on 🙈
hey. I agree with Missl73 - I can totally understand why you’re worried, but try not to freak yourself out. These tests do depend on your body and hydration etc, and they can fluctuate - and it still looks like a really good line for 10dpt.
try and take it easy today, I know you need to test again tomorrow as it’s OTD but also remember that the clinic tests can be less sensitive, so if the result doesn’t feel conclusive ask for a blood test. When I thought I had a chemical I asked for bloods to be done and they agreed.
Don’t get disheartened yet! This whole experience can drive you completely bananas 💫🤞🍀💪 xx
Thank you! I know you are both right, it’s so hard to not over analyse it all 🙈 I’ve got to wee on a stick tomorrow then if it’s positive go in first thing for HCG bloods they’ve agreed to do them anyway for me provided my wee test tomorrow is positive x
Hi lovely. Think it might be time to stop testing for a little while. They can vary wildly depending on a number of factors that have nothing to do with the pregnancy. I remember taking one and it was randomly so light and I was sooo spooked. The problem is, they only give you temporary reassurance and can make you more anxious. The only way you can know really if it’s viable is at the 7 week viability scan xxxx
sorry! I know it’s so stressful 🥺
just to add - I once took two tests at the same time. One came up straight away but the second one didn't even show a control line because I didn't pee on it properly or enough time. They are still good clear lines on yours and the difference might be down to something like less pee on it? Hope that's all it is and your beta tomorrow helps reassure you x
Yeah that’s true, it’s so confusing. I know I shouldn’t have but I did another test at 10am 🙈 and it was darker than my one this morning. It’s so confusing! X
they look still ok to me hun . Good luck with tomorrow xx
It's such a mindf*ck, I'm sorry. But seriously, a one off test means v little. And those digital fckrs left me sleepless for days because I wasn't getting a 3+. I remember dismantling it and comparing the inner strips. Utter madness.. Did a blood test and the hcg was incredibly high and rest of pregn went well. The risk of 💩 news is always there (esp for us going through fertility treatment or who have suffered miscarriages) but try not to freak out without being certain of trouble. Hang in there. Sending sticky vibes as they say. Xxx
Thank you! It’s all so unknown! I just can’t understand why my afternoon and evening wee tests are stronger lines than morning tests? Morning is meant to be your strongest urine released. That’s the part that’s confusing and worrying me! X
In the absence of nothing else to reassure you, I can understand the need to test over and over again. Lots of us do it. A lot of women on here say the same thing about their evening tests being darker. They have gone on to have successful pregnancies.
It looks like the testing is not providing you with reassurance so I would stop testing and wait for the scan. When I tested a few times, I stopped comparing as many factors influenced how light or dark the test was. A blood test will be the most useful indicator at this stage. Hoping it goes well today 🙏🏾
Thank you so much for your thoughtful message, you’re right it really is hard to stop testing and loads of people do it. I had my HCG this morning so will know the results later today. I think what I have found confusing is that the instructions say you get the best result with mornings first urine but mine always seem to be darker in the afternoon or evening, which is weird when it’s diluted through the day x
You’re welcome hun. Yes it can be confusing but I have learned in this journey is there can be variations to the norm and what works for someone may not work for another.
All the best with the results today x
I know a lot of people prefer First Response / FRER but they never were as reliable or consistent for me as Clear Blue - to the point that I’d test with both every day for the first few days just to keep myself from getting too anxious. I have no idea what it is but for some reason I did better with CB, even though I know it’s the opposite for many. My little girl is now 16 months. If your CB looks good (which it does) try not to stress too much about the FRER.