I will be doing my first natural FET cycle after my fresh transfer failed, and I am so scared. Although, I am trying to be positive, I keep having thoughts that I am not doing enough, so the fear of another failed cycle creeps in my mind.
In part I wish that I had more answers about what could have gotten wrong on my fresh transfer, and what can I do to improve my chances on this one.
On my fresh embryo cycle, I got sick the next day of the transfer and keep thinking: “what if my immune system killed the embryo? Although the dr assures me that “most likely not”, I keep asking how do we really know? Will my body fight the embryo again?
I am trying all my best to eat healthy and be stress free, but that fear just comes and makes me doubt my efforts.
I honestly never thought about how difficult this whole process would be and Im just seeking support by venting.
Thanks guys!!!