Consultants / nurses involvement - Fertility Network UK

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Consultants / nurses involvement

PrincessGurn1984 profile image

Really happy with our clinic but wondering as I’m sure I felt like this last time but the consultants don’t really see you do they! Other than the debrief call and then when you have EC and then transfer the rest of the time it’s just the nurses making the decisions on what to change doses to and stuff? Did you ever feel like that? Sort of a bit neglected by the consultants 😂 Is it like that at all fertility clinics do you think and that’s the standard process?

Maybe I’m being needy 🙈

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PrincessGurn1984 profile image
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18 Replies
McQueeny profile image

Heya. I totally agree, you don’t see the consultants much, same at ours…. But I don’t think the nurses actually make the decisions about doses, in our clinic at least they have a review meeting every afternoon. The nurses present all the info from the scans and bloods etc, and the consultants make the decision :) the nurses often know what the decision is likely to be (as they’ve seen it enough times) but they don’t actually make the decision. They then call you after the meeting to confirm your continued protocol.

The only time I saw a consultant other than during procedures and debriefs was when I had a meltdown at the clinic - I thought only my husband heard me, but it turned out one of the nurses heard me too so she got a consultant to come and talk to me 🤣 🤦‍♀️

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to McQueeny

Thanks that’s reassuring glad it just isn’t me that feels that way 😂 I know I should just the process and they’re the experts but I just second guess everything! And think what if they made the wrong decision.

Annoyingly I’ve just done my Bemfola injection for the evening which is the pre filled pen type ones which I hate, and it was leaking out while I pushed the plunger down ☹️🙄 so now I’m worried that the injection didn’t go in the full dose. Do you think that matters? I go back Monday for my next scan to see how things are progressing so I guess if the follicles haven’t grown at all then I’ve messed it up 🙈

McQueeny profile image
McQueeny in reply to PrincessGurn1984

I know…. We all need to trust the process, but you still want to feel like they’re really paying attention and not just like one on a production line 😝

As for the injection - I’m sure it’s absolutely fine, a bit of leaking won’t be a significant percentage of the dose, it’ll do it’s thing 😊 x

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to McQueeny

Yes exactly I want to be #1 priority 🤣I’m not sure if much went in at all, but I guess there’s nothing I can do about it now. Good job I’m going on Monday for scan so I can discuss with them and I guess I might just need to stim longer maybe. Have you ever used those pre loaded pen ones? I don’t know why they seem to leak a bit. Any tips?

McQueeny profile image
McQueeny in reply to PrincessGurn1984

Oh I see! Hmm, well I can see why that’s a bit frustrating . But as you say, worse case scenario is you have to stim for a day or two longer. Definitely worth asking them. and I’m sorry but no, I’ve never used them so no advice I’m afraid 😕 x

PrincessGurn1984 profile image

One thing always has to go wrong 🙈🤪

McQueeny profile image
McQueeny in reply to PrincessGurn1984

Don’t beat yourself up, these things happen, I’m sure it won’t impact your cycle in any significant way 💪 x

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to McQueeny

Thank you, why is IVF so stressful 😂

MrsOrangejuice profile image

It was like this at both my NHS and private clinic - we saw the consultant initially and then it was nurses. Then the only time we saw or spoke to consultant at the private place was when they were trying to get me to cancel (bring out the big guns etc) or when I insisted on having a call to discuss treatment options - they charged me for these calls btw. The nurses were great and they also said they checked everything with the consultants and often they disappeared off after scans etc for this purpose, but on quite a few occasions I did ask to double check as what they were saying didn't sound quite right to me or I didn't feel I had the full picture - don't feel bad for doing this as sometimes I think the consultants are so busy and dealing with so many patient files, they don't always have time to give enough time to really tailor their decision and even if double checking resulted in the same answer, I felt more at ease.

Hmm… it wasn’t my experience I have to say. At every appointment I saw a doctor, including on the doses etc. I saw a nurse on a couple of occasions to run through the medication and things like that but there was always a doctor present for the appointments 🤔

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Positivechangeplease

Same with my (NHS) clinic - all appointments, scans etc are done by the drs and then we may have a nurse appointment after if ordering medication. I guess we got lucky in that respect!

Zeebee14 profile image

In my original clinic the consultant did the scans themselves, therefore I saw them every appointment and they made the decisions in front of me.

Then I moved clinics when we switched to DE and it’s so different. A sonographer does the scan, then a nurse seems to make the decisions based on the sonographer’s report, and I don’t see a consultant. It isn’t clear to me when the consultant is involved other than setting the protocol, and perhaps for transfers etc.

At my last scan this week I was really unhappy about this because I really wanted to talk to the consultant about my specific case, and not feel like I was on a conveyor belt and the same as the person before and after me. I kept asking questions and after I wouldn’t settle for the nurse’s answer she went to fetch the consultant, who was able to put my mind at ease.

The other difference was that in my original clinic we had a patient coordinator who I could ring or email whenever I wanted. She would directly ask the consultant my questions and reply back very quickly. In my current clinic there are no patient coordinators but a team of nurses who I can contact, but they don’t reply as quickly and don’t always check my questions with the consultant. They seem to have a set of stock answers, but I don’t feel that they have the knowledge about my unique case or the right to make the decisions.

All in all I think each clinic is different. Perhaps without having experience at different clinics I would be happier with my current clinic’s procedure, but I can’t help second guessing them.

BettyBe profile image

It’s been the same in the 2 clinics I have been to, the nurses deal with everything but they are debriefed and advised by the consultants of what to do regarding meds and protocol. I never questioned it, just took it as standard practice, if private - seeing the consultant would mean paying for that time! X

PrincessGurn1984 profile image
PrincessGurn1984 in reply to BettyBe

We are having our treatment privately so I sort of assumed that would mean we get close attention paid to each person seeking treatment and it’s more personal? X

BettyBe profile image
BettyBe in reply to PrincessGurn1984

We were private too for all our rounds, we didn’t even see the same nurse most the time, just passed along to whoever was free and picked up our file! It does feel impersonal but I think it’s common practice over here! I think with all private healthcare, any time with a consultant is paid for, not great when you’re already paying so much! X

Loveheart6 profile image

Hi I totally agree. I spoke with mine on the phone once and never saw them again in the process. All nurse led. Even after being told my partners spent wasn’t fertilising the eggs no one ever explained anything to us after. X

Twiglet2 profile image

I’ve saw my consultant maybe 5 times in the 6 years with the clinic and I have to say it hasnt bothered me one bit the nursing team are absolutely fantastic and know the details of our case much better than consultant (and I now know most of them personally). The lead nurse or one of the senior nurses in her team always takes your case to a lunchtime meeting with the consultant there though if there is any decisions to be made so I know they have involvement in the background but personally I don’t see the need to speak to them directly unless I have an issue (which I did one time with a decision they had made at the lunchtime meeting) and they called me that day. From what I’ve heard it’s pretty standard that the nurses handle most of your treatment and care and like you said consultant decides protocol in the background and does transfer etc. xx

Skittles11 profile image

My previous clinic was the same as what you are describing. It was nurse led and the only times I saw the consultant was for consultation and egg collection/ embryo transfer. They had a lunch time meeting though in which nurses liaised with consultants and that's when important decisions were made. I think this is a standard approach.

My newer clinic I have more interaction with my doctor. When i have been scanned it has been with my own doctor or one of the other doctors. The nurses do also scan, but I think I saw that my clinic aim to have most scans with a doctor. My doctor has also called me back personally on a couple of occasions with no additional charge when I have had difficult things come up. However my preference in care and choice in clinic is directly related to my complex history with fertility and IVF. I wanted to move to a clinic where I know I would be able to see more of my doctor. Xx

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