Hello - I had my first bfp in over a year of trying (incl two pretty disastrous rounds of ivf) on Monday, and asked my ivf clinic if I could get a scan next week to make sure it’s progressing ok (previous history of things not going entirely to plan). They asked if I wanted to come in for a blood test first - I thought that if you had a blood test you should get two to check if the hcg levels were increasing as they should? But is it worth getting just a single test just to check the levels aren’t too low? Thank you !
Sensitive - how do HCG tests work - Fertility Network UK
Sensitive - how do HCG tests work

Hi lovely, congrats on your BFP!
I had a HCG blood test to confirm that it was a viable pregnancy. I didn't need a follow up because they were happy that the levels were high enough. I think they repeat them if they aren't high to start with.
For example on 9dp 5dt, mine were 237 - so that is a decent number (they like it to be over 100). If it had been lower they may have done another to check it was increasing, but in theory you don't really need to do that.
It's up to you though - my opinion is that it just adds more stress to what is already a stressful situation!!

Hi. To start off with, just one Beta hCG blood test would probable be OK, Uf it comes back at a decent level, they may not invite you back for another one. Good luck with whatever you decide. Diane
My clinic does an HCG then checks 2 days later to make sure it does to mark progression
First congratulations for the bfp!In my country you do need to have 2 hcg blood tests 72 hours apart cause as you already mentioned the doubling or the increase is what matters not only the number itself
Congratulations on your positive news! My clinic did a blood test and then decided the levels were high enough to perhaps see something in the scan, I think I was told if the levels are not over a certain amount then they may suggest a repeat blood test rather than a scan as they might not see much yet on scan and that can be stressful for you. They are perhaps doing the blood test to determine best next steps to reassure you xx
To see the pregnancy is progressing well you need 2 HCG 48 hours apart. The number of your first one as long as it’s in the range don’t really tell you much. It’s the second test that should near enough doubled from the first which is the most important thing.