I know I shouldn’t be symptom spotting but I find it impossible not to. I’m 6dp5dt and I was having some cramping, fuller breasts with some tenderness. Today I’ve got nothing. I’m not going to test until OTD as I’ve tested early in the past and it’s just caused more stress. Had anyone got any positive stories with a similar experience? Hope everyone is doing ok xxx
Symptoms have disappeared during 2ww - Fertility Network UK
Symptoms have disappeared during 2ww

really, don’t worry about it. Symptoms during 2ww are due to meds rather than pregnancy. I felt like you and someone on this forum was kind enough to remind me of this. I had intense symptoms until 3dp5dt and thereafter…nothing! I am 7 weeks now with twins and saw the heartbeats and still the symptoms are minimal. I read that symptoms start to appear from 6 weeks onwards. Honestly, enjoy these symptom free days and good luck with your tww 💕
Hi Claire, I know it's super difficult (I'm guilty of it, too, right now!) But the symptoms at the moment are down to all the meds and your body adjusting to them. There won't be enough HCG in your system for any other symptoms to start kicking in just yet so please don't feel disheartened. I also think there's lots of stories of losing symptoms or having no symptoms and getting a BFP (I can't actually remember what I had before mine although it was a MMC but nausea etc only kicked in after 6-7 weeks). Best of luck!!! xx💕
Thank you Hoop!! The time just drags, wish I had an answer either way. Wishing you so so much luck with your round, hope you get a positive outcome xxx
I got my positive with twins, currently 22 weeks and this happened to me on my last 2 transfers.I was even taken additional progesterone this time yet my boobs just went from being so sore to absolutely fine just like that! I too panicked at the time but they’ve continued to come and go during my pregnancy so far so it’s not a bad thing I think its totally normal 🤞🏽🤞🏽 X
I'm in the same boat as you I'm 10dp5dt and feel soooo normal, I've been telling myself it's probably not worked! Tomorrow's test day and feeling mixed emotions - it'll end the little story in my head and things will be become definitive! Such a testing and difficult 2ww.
The same thing happened to me in all my 5 transfers and only the last one was successful,so symptoms (or lack of them) mean nothing dear. And to be honest I am currently 32 weeks and I didn't have any of the common pregnancy symptoms, like nausea, sore breasts etc so there you go 🤷🏻♀️
Good luck!
I had no symptoms during the 2WW. Throughout pregnancy she was measuring bigger than date and was born at 38 weeks. Don't worry look too much into it. Each person experiences will be different.
With both my ivf pregnancies I had zero symptoms through out my first trimester so don't worry about lack of symptoms and good luck!