Hi there. So today we got our third BFN. It doesn’t get any easier. The first cycle we had a complication which meant I had to freeze the 8 eggs they collected (I was 39 then) and when the time came for thawing out only one survived which failed to fertilise. Then covid happened resulting in massive delays. 2nd round I was 40 and they collected 11 eggs, of which 4 fertilised, 3 made it to day 3 but were not of good quality (only 4 cells) they put all 3 back but they didn’t take. 3rd round I’m now 41, they collected 4 eggs, only one fertilised, it appeared to be good quality, 7 cells at day 3 so they transferred it, but it failed. We have male factor so used donor sperm for this third round. Follow up appointment with consultant this Wednesday but we’re running out of money (all 3 done privately) and the emotional toll is far reaching as I’m sure you all know! We’re considering going for a complete embryo donation from Czech, it’s a quarter of the price with much much higher success rates at my age. Anyone have any experience or opinions on this? I’ll have to come to terms with not having a child that is biologically linked to me or my husband. My husband supports this idea which I think is amazing bearing in mind he has two kids of his own from a previous marriage.
Thanks for reading and baby dust to all xxx