Anyone else terrified for their first... - Fertility Network UK

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Anyone else terrified for their first viability scan post BFP?

Panda490 profile image
22 Replies

I am absolutely terrified! I have been very lucky to never have experienced a miscarriage but I know so many people personally and also through the IVF community that have which makes me so so anxious. It almost feels like it is a miracle in itself to get through pregnancy. My first scan with my IVF clinic is on Friday where I will be 8+5, I had a very tiny bit of brown discharge which resolved quickly but I'm still terrified. I've not tested since my BFP when I did 3 tests. I can read 100 success stories with pregnancies and viability scans where everything is normal and I'll read one awfully sad story about the viability scan not going well, no heartbeat and I'll zone in on that one story thinking that is going to be me. My symptoms have been a little strange in that I had 2 days around 6 weeks where I was really really nauseous on the verge of throwing up and then it just kinda went. I am still nauseous but it's more from heart burn / indigestion, foods make me feel really rough and I have developed alot of food aversions so I guess that is a type of nausea but not like it was those 2 days. My boobs are painfully sore, they wake me up in the night when I turn over but I do still think it might be all the meds. I think I'm just rambling here but basically I'm just not sure how I would recover if the scan doesn't go well. I was in quite a dark place when our cycle was unsuccessful but to get this far and then fail, I really am worried for my mental health. Anyone else feel this way?

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Panda490 profile image
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22 Replies
Jonesy84 profile image

Hi lovely, firstly congrats on your BFP. You are definitely not alone in feeling very nervous and anxious about the scan and tbh every scan I have had past the viability scan I have been so nervous as there is always a different hurdle to get past.

Before my first scan I had 2 lots of brown bleeding and 2 days before the actual scan I had period type cramps.

What symptoms I felt I had with food, sore boobs etc had gone. I still remember waiting to go into the scan and had completely ruled myself out and tried to prepare myself as best I could for the bad news.

Next thing I am in the scan room listening to baby’s heartbeat. I honestly was so shocked I couldn’t even talk.

Every woman’s body has their own way of dealing with pregnancy some are absolutely fine no symptoms and some are so sick for weeks. There is no right or wrong.

Please keep the faith! Stay strong you got this and I have everything crossed for you xxx

Beanybeanz profile image

Hey yep this is perfectly normal - the first scan was nerve wracking - I actually coped by what I felt was taking control of the situation and doing a private scan a few days before the NHS one after my successful ICSI round last September. It also helped that my partner was allowed to the private one but not the nhs one so that was a bonus too!

Am now sat in bed watching trashy tv while my 3 month old wiggles around in his bed playing with his bunny 🐰 toy.

Every milestone I kind of catastrophised - you get to viability, then 12 weeks, then wait for the trisonomy results from your 12 weeks tests (if you choose to have them) then wait for 20 week scan then wait to get past 24 weeks when they might actually try to save a baby if it was born that early, then wait for 30+ weeks when it’s far more likely that if the baby came it would be fine, then wait to go into labour thinking what could go wrong, then as soon as it’s born going through those first few days checking it’s breathing and watching it sleep.

Basically what I’m saying is - I am not abnormal - it’s perfectly normal ESPECIALLY after IVF where everything is analysed and checked and all the waiting games.

It will be fine! Xxx

Marisa32 profile image

Yes! After 2 chemicals and 1 blighted ovum, I was petrified of my viability scan. I also didn't test after the initial BFP pregnancy tests, so had no idea if my HCG was going up or not. Plus I had NO symptoms. I basically walked in and told the doctor, I got a BFP and don't have my period but I don't think there is a baby in there but prove me wrong. She must have thought I was crazy 🤪 thinking back. But hey - the baby was there, heart beating away and 33 weeks now. Good luck! 👍You got this.

KiboXX profile image

The way you are feeling is completely normal, I found the wait for the viability scan one fo the hardest parts of this whole journey so please know you are normal and not alone ♥️

Just remember, you’ve been beaten all the hard odds to get to where you are today, there is no reason why you won’t have a happy ending. Today you are pregnant and that’s amazing. Sending you a big hug and lots of positive vibes for Friday xx

MakingbabyN profile image

I feel you Panda and I did a similar post recently. The anxiety levels are unreal and I’ve been so worried and feeling consumed by negativity. Nothing like my normal self. My scan is on Wednesday. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Xxx

Panda490 profile image

Thanks so much everyone, your replies have made me feel better. It's a rough time isn't it, I'm certainly not myself at the moment I can't think of anything but the scan, I've not thought about anything past Friday. Just hope Friday will be a good day and I can start to feel abit more myself ❤️❤️.

Emlou87 profile image

Omg yes. It’s so much worse than the TWW!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️😰

ZessB profile image

100% normal to be worried and wait for the wait between the viability scan and your 12 week scan... The worry, as far as I am concerned, is here at every stage this time around because my last pregnancy resulted in a missed miscarriage that happened just a few days before my viability scan. I also have little symptoms which I should count myself lucky some might say, but add to the worry unfortunately. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. Your chances of everything going well are much higher so just try to focus on this. That’s what I do, although I know how hard it is. X

IMax93 profile image

I can relate so much! I got my BFP last week and my scan is booked for the 9th September. I’m hyper analysing everything if I get a cramp etc, I swear it’s probably just trapped wind most the time.I’m very early on so apart from sore boobs no sickness has hit yet and nurse said some people just don’t get it.

Best of luck for your scan. Xx

MrsOrangejuice profile image
MrsOrangejuice in reply to IMax93

Mine is the 8th - is there such a thing as a viability scan buddy? :)

IMax93 profile image
IMax93 in reply to MrsOrangejuice

Congratulations!! And why not, fingers crossed it’s comes round quickly. How are you feeling? X

MrsOrangejuice profile image
MrsOrangejuice in reply to IMax93

Absolutely fine. Mild cramps which I probably wouldn't even notice were it not for the embryo development sixth sense I seem to have developed! I've had friends who got pregnant naturally and didn't really have symptoms at all in the first trimester - one didn't even know she was pregnant until 14 weeks (don't get me started...), but then it's also very early.

xIVFWarriorx profile image
xIVFWarriorx in reply to MrsOrangejuice

Yes! Mine is also the 8th 😬

MrsOrangejuice profile image
MrsOrangejuice in reply to xIVFWarriorx

Great! Please let me know how you get on x

xIVFWarriorx profile image
xIVFWarriorx in reply to MrsOrangejuice

Thanks, you too!

MrsOrangejuice profile image

Yep, same re worrying. I've had chemicals and they've made me very nervous - I go from disbelief and over the moon to well enjoy it today because by tomorrow it won't be there... I read all the stories and I can't seem to focus on the fact that nearly all women and their little ones are fine at the first scan, and the second etc, just the ones where they weren't and I assume that'll be me. So it's like you can already feel the sadness. *If* it's fine - and in all likelihood it will be - I feel like I may physically deflate then and there as all the pent up worry leaves me (until the 12 week one).

It's funny as having always been a bit narky about 'precious' mothers (not a bit of bitterness in there, nope not me) I think I may already be way past that :)

LauraShe10 profile image

I’ve got my first scan on Thursday and I’m sooooo very anxious! I’ve had similar symptoms as you, sore boobs, food aversions, feeling a bit sick now and then. I am dreading Thursday’s scan. The last few weeks of being pregnant have made us so happy and I’m scared it’s going to be taken away. This is my first BFP so never miscarried before as well. I just want this to be ok xxxx

XOXO13 profile image

I was exactly the same before my first scan due to my experience of a missed miscarriage picked up at a previous twelve week scan and a CP. I told the doctor I was really nervous and she was super supportive, kept me talking and as soon as she saw the babies she reassured me they were okay so I could look. I’ve had scans weekly since week 4, I’m not just over 10 weeks. With each scan, I’m anxious and then relief floods over me when I know the babies are okay. I really wish the anxiety would settle but I think I’ll always be a little anxious throughout this pregnancy because pregnancy after loss and after a really tough journey is hard. But, with each scan, I also remind myself that there is no reason why this wouldn’t work out for me and that’s the same for you too 🌈

Try to avoid negative stories and focus on the positive which is that you’re pregnant right now. Don’t look too much into symptoms, I’m carrying twins and really don’t have any typical ones - I was worried and asked the doctor about it and she said I’m just lucky and not everyone gets them, in fact it’s quite common that people don’t get the typical and obvious symptoms.

Sending you lots of positivity and well wishes for your up and coming scan 💛 xx

SMMW profile image

I don’t want to write a post that makes you anxious but wanted to say your symptoms sound promising. I had what you’re describing happen to me and I too couldn’t imagine having to cope with that.. but just wanted to say I hope that doesn’t happen of course, but if it does you will cope because you kind of have too… it’s hard but all will be ok. And as I said you hopefully won’t have that heartbreak and all will be fine x

I am 15 weeks today and still having doubts that will work. After so many losses in my case is hard to believe that will go well this time. I tried to be positive because I don't want my feelings to affect the baby. Is hard not to be afraid on every scan, every doctor appt and anything related to the pregnancy. I believe this will go on until the baby arrives and after that the worrying part continues. Don't worried and you are not alone in this fear. We are all afraid and to tell you the true the only day that I feel really positive is after a scan day or ultrasound day. I see that baby and I see that he is fine and next day I am all worried again. I believe is normal and all the moms go trough the fear and doubts about pregnancy because pregnancy no one can predict the end until this day comes. I also lost twins at 30 weeks. So really nothing is guaranteed but we need to tried and tried over and over to be strong ang hang in there. Wishing you the best!

MomaJoni profile image

I was shaking like a leaf and in a terrible mood. All I had in my head was that I was driving toward bad news and I just wanted to stay in my happy little bubble. I was in genuine shock when I was told baby looks perfect and then saw the heart beat. Nothing can prepare you for it

Bella_Bee profile image

Bless your heart. I posted the exact same thing before mine. All was fine. Not much you can do except power through and keep as busy as possible. As you say, you can read a million positive stories but your brain is stuck. I know that feeling all too well. You'll be ok. Xo

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