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Sensitive post 9 week scan and useful information ie Covid and vaccination in pregnancy.

Jess1981 profile image
18 Replies

Hi ladies.

I hope this is okay to post here.

I'm 9 weeks 5 days pregnant after 3 losses- one late loss at 20 weeks and 2 early ones.

I had spotting last week and had another scan on Wednesday at EPU and today was my extra reassurance scan after my recurring miscarriages. All is so far is going is well I find scans very difficult after Amelia.

Anyway I've been really struggling whether or not to get my second dose or not. I put to my obstetrician and asked what the safest option was for my baby. She has recommended the vaccination so there are less risks ie the pre term labour and still born risk which I said I worry if I had unknowingly had COVID-19 and that may have caused Amelia to die. Lack of clear answers after a full post mortem has been very difficult. She also recommended I took extra care ie masks in confined spaces social distancing and hand washing. Just as an extra precaution to keep us safer. She did say pregnant women can have the vaccination in first trimester saying it's safe but personally I'm delaying it until after first trimester as that is when baby would do much developing with organs etc which she was supportive of. She said they were just giving information and telling the women to decide 😱 but know with restrictions being lifted cases being higher they believe the vaccination is safer than getting Covid in pregnancy particularly the last trimester is more of a risk to mum and baby as pregnant ladies are more vulnerable. It might also give baby antibody against Covid 😊

There is also a podcast she recommended called obs pods where a London obstetrician discusses Covid vaccination and pregnancy which she said was very informative.

I know it's such a difficult decision to make anyway but after infertility and miscarriage it's even tougher to decide what is best 😊

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Jess1981 profile image
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18 Replies
HollieW profile image

So glad all seems to be going well Jess. I really hope that the rest of your pregnancy is much less stressful for you 🤞. I was really torn about the covid jab and what to do as we are looking to start treatment again in September. My clinic did provide some really good literature and I have now booked my vaccinations as I think it is safer to be vaccinated overall. It is so hard when they keep saying it is up to you as sometimes you just want to be told what yo do! Xx

Jess1981 profile image
Jess1981 in reply to HollieW

Thank you definitely! it's been literally a really horrendous decision to make and I needed medical advice and she swayed that the vaccination was the safer option , she was our miscarriage specialist so it's nice she's doing our antenatal care feels personal . They were initially doing that but now are advising vaccination! 😱It seems to be the lesser of the 2 evils. Horrible choice after infertility/ miscarriages. Good luck with your treatment will be keeping everything crossed for you 🤞🏻 👶 Xx

Ranchu90 profile image

I am happy for you that everything is going well. Congratulations 👏🎊 Regarding vaccine I would ask them only one question: if it is not safe for children below 16 years old to have the vaccine how it can be safe for an unborn baby?!? That is a bu***** in my opinion. I don't have anything against the vaccine it is the opposite but I don't agree them in pregnant women...

Take care of yourself 🤗 and enjoy the pregnancy 💖

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Ranchu90

Aspirin is unsafe for babies but pregnant women take it every day. It doesn’t translate that what goes into mum is the same as giving it neat to a baby.

Also so far the vaccines are safe in children that have received them-in the US 12+ kids get it. What we don’t have is data to show it is safe in younger kids but that doesn’t mean it isn’t. In order to do a clinical trial the thing in question needs to benefit the recipient sufficiently to offset any perceived risk, and as COVID so far has been of limited risk to younger kids there isn’t the justification to start jabbing them just in case. If a variant comes along that affects them more they will start a trial xx

Jess1981 profile image
Jess1981 in reply to Purpledoggy

I didn't know that about aspirin as I've been advised to take 150mg during pregnancy as my first born was small birth weight🤔. I do agree although it has been a very difficult decision I think the vaccination outweighs the risks of Covid. I worry about the pre term labour and still birth link 😱🥲It's such a personal decision to make Xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Jess1981

Just to reiterate, aspirin is completely fine for pregnant women and loads of pregnant women take it all the time. The great majority is metabolised by mum so very little goes to the baby, which is why it is very different giving it to a born baby as they have to metabolise it themselves. Xx

Jess1981 profile image
Jess1981 in reply to Purpledoggy

Sorry I had a blonde moment I didn't think they'd give an unsafe medication to pregnant women!😂🙈 I'm hoping my vaccination will offer my baby some protection against Covid. Although I will be insisting that anyone who visits the baby takes a Covid test to be sure they are Covid free Xx

Jess1981 profile image
Jess1981 in reply to Ranchu90

Thank you. It's such a horrendous decision to make esp after a difficult journey to get here. I guess I just have to trust my former miscarriage specialist and I have to think about keeping my 2 year old daughter safer too ( we had after a 7 year struggle) it's definitely a very personal decision to make. I hope all is going well with your pregnancy 🤰 Xx also in Canada they are offering the vaccinations to young people but my sister refused her son to get vaccinated , I hope he can travel with her and my niece to see us next year as I haven't seen her for over 6 years! Xx

in reply to Ranchu90


saraht23 profile image
saraht23 in reply to Ranchu90

As far as I’m aware the vaccine can not cross the placenta. I’m sure I’ve read it in a study recently (from a reputable source), but now I’m looking for it I can’t find the blooming thing!I’m also in the same boat though. Had the AstraZeneca vaccine as my first dose pre ivf and decided to wait until after the first trimester for my second, and now don’t know which to go for between AZ or Pfizer. More info on Pfizer and moderna but literature also says complete course with the same vaccine where possible

Llizzie profile image

There’s a maternity action webinar tomorrow and a very good video on pregnant then screwed’s insta. I’m considering having mine at 11 weeks but may leave till 12. I’m absolutely having it - the jump in numbers of pregnant women in hospital with Covid combined with the higher risk of stillbirth and pre term birth due to Covid has made the case for me. I know you’ll make a decision that’s right for you but I too am on this similar rollercoaster! xx

XOXO13 profile image

So glad everything went well for you 💛

There are so many mixed reviews about the vaccine…my GP personally advised me not to have it through pregnancy but that was off the record and she said if it were her, she wouldn’t have it done. I’m being very careful anyway, and I’m on steroids so I have to take extra precaution which means limiting who I see and what I do but that’s okay. If I make it into the second trimester and babies are doing well, then I may consider having the first jab done, especially if Covid cases continue to rise. It is a very personal decision so whatever you feel is best for you and your baby. Best of luck 💜 xx

Hi.. Its an awful situation to be in. I've had covid and my friend too whilst pregnant and here we are 25 weeks and 39 weeks thank god all perfectly fine. There's a lot of scare mongering. We refused the vaccine along with my sister who is being induced Monday purely because it is still in trial phase and has only been used on pregnant women in the last few months. Me personally I wouldn't in a million years have anything injected in me pregnant that hasn't been out and tested for years but I can totally understand the worry and fear wither way. My obstetrician even recommened it but when I asked for the statistics etc she said there wasn't enough data. That was all I needed to hear to confirm my no. They were advertising 'trials' for the moderna one just recently for pregnant women. Who would volunteer for this?! After everything I've been through to be here I wouldn't risk it. I literally won't and don't entertain anyone else's reasoning when trying to push it on me, it will never change my mind. I'm not even interested in any more data from anyone not even here (sorry if that sounds rude it's not meant to it's just a closed door for me) . Once you've made your mind up yes or no then stick with it and move forward that's what I've done. Put it behind you and enjoy your pregnancy. It's freedom of choice and it's yours, nobody else's. I find the divide over whelming so don't let it get in on you x

Jess1981 profile image
Jess1981 in reply to

It's definitely an individual decision and I would never force my opinions on anyone. I was really struggling to decide myself. I'm sure there are pregnant women that have had Covid and have been completely fine. As for the trials who on earth would volunteer and risk their unborn child 😱🥲 Xx

in reply to Jess1981

I know 😭it's absolutely terrible isn't it. I really disagree with the pushy people all over the Internet. I'm Irish but live in UK and you're literally a second class citizen if you've not got the vaccine there it's mad! Doesn't even stop you getting covid or spreading it but might not make you AS ill... But you might be very ill from side affects 🤔. Oh god so confusing. I'm just staying as safe as I can. I do lateral flow tests, I've done the anti body test yesterday just out of curiosity and I wear mask wash hands sanitise. Covid was like a very bad lingering hangover. I wouldn't like it again but I've had worse morning sickness so think it affects everyone differently x

Jess1981 profile image
Jess1981 in reply to

The trials seem so unethical I'm surprised it was ever passed a🥲 My dad is half Irish ☘️ All the best people are 🥰 all the best with the rest of your pregnancy Xx

in reply to Jess1981

☘ U 2 x

Fairy999 profile image

I had my first jab before starting ivf and 2nd i delayed b'coz i was pregnant. I had miscarriage at 8 weeks so once the m8scarriage was confirmed i booked my 2nd jab n had it. My midwife told me that if its pfizer then go for 2nd jab but i had astrazenica.

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