I’m out 😥 : Hi ladies, No one... - Fertility Network UK

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I’m out 😥

Gemstar20 profile image
24 Replies

Hi ladies,

No one prepares you for the TWW , getting your hopes up and then receiving a negative! The hurt is unbelievable, I can’t stop crying!

I had a top grade embryo 5AA, goes to show anything can happen even when you have good grade embryos.

I’ve got one frozen left and that will be the end of my journey if that one fails.

Has anyone got any ideas on anything I should have checked before I do my next transfer? I will talk to my clinic, but just wondered if there’s anything I could try for next time which may help it implant.

Wishing you all luck ladies in your journeys xxx

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Gemstar20 profile image
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24 Replies
Purpledoggy profile image

So sorry to hear about your unsuccessful round. It’s such an awful emotional toll.

I did a few things differently on my successful round but 2 things that may specifically help implantation are buscopan and vitamin E. Based on scientific studies, I took 20mg buscopan 30 mins before embryo transfer then 10mg twice a day for 4 days. It relaxes the uterine muscles preventing muscle spasm from ejecting the embryo and is proven to improve pregnancy rates. I had some light cramping during the first 2ww and did verify with my clinic I could take buscopan to help with that. The dose I took from research. Vitamin E I took 200iu 3 times a day. It improves blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. I can’t actually remember whether vitamin E has been shown to help implantation but multiple studies have demonstrated a positive effect on uterine and ovarian blood flow, so I decided that can only be a good thing!

I wish you much success on your next round xx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Purpledoggy

Buscopan used for IBS, right? That’s so interesting. I’ll ask my clinic about that one too ☺️

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to XOXO13

It is indeed used for IBS. I take it periodically for that and also when my period cramps get really bad. Because I had been having quite a lot of luteal cramping in my natural cycle and then 2ww on first round I started to worry it was going to hinder a bean trying to stick. Progesterone should calm the uterus in a normal cycle and I don’t make enough, so that’s probably why I get cramping, but then when I had it on the IVF round I started looking into uterine peristalsis (muscle movement) and whether abnormal peristalsis might contribute to infertility. It turns out some ladies have abnormal peristalsis although a strong link to infertility is a bit inconclusive. But, a few treatments that calm uterine muscle contractions do improve pregnancy rates so I decided to give it a shot. I can’t say it was the magic bullet that made this round work but glad I gave it a go. Xx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Purpledoggy

That’s fascinating. I used to have those for my irritable tummy. Thank you fir sharing, I’ll bear that in mind as I’m always scared of eating the “wrong” thing that sets my tummy off when really I’m a healthy eater. There’s just things that cause me irritation! Xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to XOXO13

I'm totally the same - it has taken me many years on this earth to figure out what I can and can't eat, and in what proportions. I'm now 6+4 and over the last 1.5 weeks I have started to have a lot of problems again - basically being pregnant has moved the goal posts. I'm so grateful but I could really do without the looking 8 months pregnant already! xx

MyPatronusIsACorgi profile image
MyPatronusIsACorgi in reply to Purpledoggy

Was just reading your reply and really found the buscopan part interesting! Was just curious, is it due to the overall tablets being able to reduce cramps or is it a particular substance in the tablets that works for that? I suffer with IBS and unfortunately for me buscopan’s effects started to wear off after taking it so long but I do take peppermint tablets, which are also known to have anti-spasmodic properties. I wonder if peppermint tablets could have the same effect as buscopan in the same situation regarding egg implantation? x

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to MyPatronusIsACorgi

Hyoscine is the drug in buscopan that works as a smooth muscle relaxant - smooth muscle is the main muscle in the gut and also makes up some of the muscle in the uterus. The key thing for having an effect on the uterus is that some of it is absorbed systemically when you take oral tablets, as it needs to get into the blood in order to go to the uterus (actually quite a small amount is absorbed but it seems to be enough to have an effect). Peppermint works on the gut in a very similar way to hyoscine and the main active ingredient is menthol. I just had a quick lit search and it looks like some menthol is absorbed into the blood in the form of a metabolite menthol glucuronide. What I can't find is whether that metabolite has any direct effects on smooth muscle in the way menthol itself does. I also have not found any papers looking at the effect of peppermint on uterine peristalsis. So, the short answer is...maybe, and it is probably not going to hurt if taken for a few days after ET. I have read various opinions that peppermint should not be taken in the first trimester as it is an emmenagogue (brings on a period) but I have seen it recommended on an NHS hospital advice page for morning sickness so not sure there is really any proper scientific evidence it is really going to bring on a period at normal doses. I have IBS and having some major issues with gas right now(!) so have been trying to confirm that I can have peppermint and fennel tea, which are my usual go-tos. One should not taken buscopan in pregnancy anyway, but there is a big difference between a few days after ET (most of which is going to be before implantation) and in actual pregnancy. xx

MyPatronusIsACorgi profile image
MyPatronusIsACorgi in reply to Purpledoggy

Thank you for the in-depth reply! That’s really interesting actually :) will definitely keep it in I mind when I’m closer to my FET (got my final scan tomorrow to see if I’m ready for my EC 🤞🏻)

Haha thanks! I got the idea from a tshirt my mum gave me for Christmas 😂 x

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to MyPatronusIsACorgi

Also I love your name 😂 xx

pelvicpain123 profile image
pelvicpain123 in reply to Purpledoggy

Wow. That is interesting. I was told that you SHOULD NOT use Buscopan. I have a number of other health issues and have avoided taking Buscopan for that very reason. Thanks for sharing - I will look into it.

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to pelvicpain123

Buscopan definitely shouldn't be taken while pregnant (or at least not without a doctor's say so) so taking it beyond a few days after transfer is not OK. There seems to be a small window around ET where benefits outweigh risks but of course if you have been told to avoid it then it is worth a chat with your RE or whoever told you to avoid. xx

IvfStruggler profile image

I'm so sorry to hear this. Did you test at home or did you have a blood test done? I remember we had our ECs on the same day. My official test day is tomorrow and I'm really dreading it. You hang on to that little bit of hope and it's so awful to have to let it go. I don't have suggestions other than keeping an eye on your progesterone especially if you've had spotting before test day. I hope you can find something that can slightly comfort you. Take care xxx

Gemstar20 profile image
Gemstar20 in reply to IvfStruggler

I tested at home hun, my official testing day was today too , did a test just then and still negative. All tests used were either first response or clear blue 😢 x

IvfStruggler profile image
IvfStruggler in reply to Gemstar20

I'm so sorry. You have been through such a rollercoaster- you really deserved a positive result. Take your time to grief. I always found myself moving on to the next step really quickly but eventually I noticed that I just wasn't dealing with the losses I encountered. Hang in there xxx

bearblue profile image

Hey Gemstar20, not much to add except that I’m sending you my thoughts and a big hug. I’m wishing you all the best though for your next round. xx

XOXO13 profile image

I’m really sorry to hear this. I was the same with my first transfer; a grade 5AA hatching blastocyst and it didn’t work. It will always hurt when it doesn’t work out, grieve as much as you need.

I haven’t so far had luck with my transfers, but these are the tests I’ve done following each transfer:

Post transfer 1:

- HyCoSy (to check tubes, all clear)

- Repeat thyroid check

Post transfer 2:

- progesterone level check ahead of next transfer

- blood clot panel (positive, raised anti-cardiolipin)

For transfer #3, we added in aspirin and heparin due to my raised anti-cardiolipin. We also did a double transfer. We made it to a positive pregnancy test but it sadly ended a few days post OTD with a CP.

Post transfer 3:

- genetic testing of both me and my husband (karyotype screening. Normal)

- hysteroscopy (normal)

We have moved clinics and repeated all tests incl. full hormone profile and then some including my immune panel (they usually suggest this after 2/3 unsuccessful transfers and 2+ miscarriages, and it’s only done with specific clinics I think), thyroid screening, sperm DNA fragmentation.

With each unsuccessful transfer, I asked my consultant why she felt it wasn’t working with seemingly good embryos and asked her what she’d do different with each one. It’s important to us to always keep learning and trying new tests so ask if there are any other things for you to explore. They may say at this stage no, it was just unfortunate and that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. Sometimes you can have great looking embryos but they’re still not chromosome normal.

Sending you big hugs and I hope your follow up provides some direction for your second transfer 🍀 xxx

Lancal profile image

Hi there,

I have been there and it’s devastating! I had two transfers fail with perfect, euploid blastocysts from a 24 year old egg donor!

This might be too hippy dippy for you, but I’m going to be doing TCM and taking Chinese herbal medicine for my next transfer. Shou Tai Wan honey pearls worked for two of my friends who struggled through the IVF battle, just like us. I figure, why not give it a try? My fertility specialist said it would do no harm. I mean honestly. I’d probably chew crayons if someone told me it would help my chances.

The other thing I have been doing is taking L-Arganine. It’s a supplement that body builders take, I think? It helps to create a nice, thick, squishy lining. It is also recommended in women with high blood pressure through pregnancy, so it does no harm. It didn’t help with my first two transfers, but I hadn’t had all the test I’ve now had, then. I’m waiting for results on those. My specialist also didn’t check my thyroid, and it turns out I’m hypothyroid, so currently getting that under control before my next try. It goes without saying that I have since changed clinics and specialists.

I’d be your own advocate and push them to do all the tests they can - if you can afford it. They make a dent in your pocket.

Fingers and toes crossed 🤞🏼 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

Lillybell83 profile image

I'm so so sorry honey.... keep faith ur time will come xx

Hope_1234 profile image

Im so sorry to hear this 😓

I have recently had an ERA and immunity testing

ERA tests your window of implantation, to ensure they are transferring your embryo at the correct time. My timing was 12 hours out, so my next transfer will be timed 12 hours late

Also consider checking your progesterone levels. I wasn't absorbing the pessaries very well so they are adding in lubion injections daily.

You could also ask about immunity testing /NK cells test. The results from my uterine biopsy, they found I have aggressive NK cells, so I'm being put on prednisolone (steroids) they surpress your immune system to stop your body attacking your embryo.

I'm also opting to have intralipid infusions which do they same thing.

My clinic have also added in clexane injections.

I had my thyriod checked to ensure it was below 2.5 Mine was high so I'm on thyriod medication to lower my thryoid and im also increasing my estrogen by adding in patches.

Sorry this may seem overwhelming.. I'm not sure if all these changes will make a difference for me. But thought Id update you with the tests I have had

Best of luck with your next transfer 🙏xx

Gemstar20 profile image
Gemstar20 in reply to Hope_1234

Thank you hun, lots of good information to consider here, will chat to my clinic xxx

Ladybugluck profile image

Have you had an ERA? I highly suggest it. My clinic suggests for everyone after a failed transfer.

Gemstar20 profile image
Gemstar20 in reply to Ladybugluck

No I haven’t, but I’m going to look into it, thank you xx

AuroraXen profile image

Oh darling no... I'm so sorry. I just saw this. Urgh it's just fo cruel... going through so much and doing everything right, taking everything we can to get a positive, and it's just... so crushing. Now we need this last frostie to step-up and be The One 💜 I hope you have all the support and love you need to take your next steps. Will you wait a bit or go straight into it? Sending you all the hugs xx

Ellie1005 profile image

So sorry to hear this I’d been following your progress and it’s just gutting. I really hope you can take some time out to grieve properly and look after yourself. Sending lots of hugs your way xxx

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