Feeling down and morning sickness - Fertility Network UK

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Feeling down and morning sickness

Lindt83 profile image
29 Replies

Hi everyone. I've not been on here in a while but I wanted to share some good news with you all. I'm 11 weeks and 4days today and I really didn't think we would ever make it this far. However, I've been having really bad morning sickness! It's been happening all day long with headaches and dizziness. I've spoken to the doctors and I've tried about 3 different types of medication but nothing really helps. Has anyone else experienced this? I really find it difficult to get out of bed most days as I'm feeling so rough. I feel so down and low when I should be excited! Best of luck to you all wherever you are in your journeys xxxx

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Lindt83 profile image
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29 Replies
Lovemylion profile image

Congratulations on your pregnancy! All day sickness must be very debilitating. Hopefully once your out of the first trimester this might ease? I'd keep going back to your GP. Hopefully someone has more answers than me. Might be worth trying the NCT and babyandus forum too! Xxx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Lovemylion

Thank you for your response. I really hope it does pass, I can't put up with this the whole pregnancy! Best of luck to you, I see you're in your tww 🤞. Thank you for your advice, I'll try posting on NCT xx

Lovemylion profile image
Lovemylion in reply to Lindt83

O bless you. Just eat little and often and plenty of fluids. I'm sure it will pass. Got a nice little bun cooking there! Already causing you grief 😜..hehe. I think there are lots of anti-sickness tablets out there so hopefully your GP will find one that works for u! Yes, torturous 2ww...yet again 🙄🥺 xxx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Lovemylion

Thanks for the positivity! I just can't seem to pick myself up even though I know there's a 'little bun cooking.' I hope you get a good outcome, I'll be thinking of you. When's your test date? Xx

Lovemylion profile image
Lovemylion in reply to Lindt83

Awh. Well chat to your midwife if your feeling down. It's quite common to feel like that in pregnancy even when it's sooo longed for. Infertility leaves wounds even after a happy ending. Remember lots of hormones circling! Test date is 22nd but I'm waiting till 23rd as that's my day off and if it's negative I can have a good sob at home. Xxx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Lovemylion

Yeah you're right, I just keep brushing it under the carpet hoping it'll pass. Wow, you're brave to wait a day later, I'm always the opposite! Testing early as possible! Best of luck to you 🥰 xx

Olivia1980xxx profile image

Wow that amazing news hun 😃 I was thinking of u how u been doing .

I haven’t had any sickness with my first one ...but with this pregnancy now till about 12/13 weeks I wasn’t feeling so great in sense of food. I wanna eat and when I did I couldn’t, some food make me feel sick and had really bad tummy .

When I felt like I’m gonna be sick I find eating banana help , laying down on left side and put warm water bottle on my back . Till 13 weeks I pretty much eat most of the time soups...after all bad stop and I eat anything I want but small portions but often.

I’m so so happy for u and your hubby.

Those bad things will go away soon hun . Xxx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Olivia1980xxx

Aww it's so nice to hear from you Olivia! Congratulations on your pregnancy! How far along are you?

Thank you for all the tips. I do try and eat little and often even though I'm always feeling hungry and can't keep anything down! Sometimes I can't even keep any liquids down! I pray it does pass soon xx

Olivia1980xxx profile image
Olivia1980xxx in reply to Lindt83

After 4 cycles and loosing 5 good embryos in Oxford we done my 7th cycle in my home town.

We was on different meds and lots of injections.

We couldn’t believe....just on my hubby birthday BFP.

I’m 21 weeks + 2days .

We all ready had a scans , baby is doing good I felt first kick when I was 14 weeks and 17 weeks when I sow.

Baby is now kicking more and more and “pushing “a lots . We having a girl so my oldest one is super happy .

I have another scan on 28 may due that I’m over 40 they told me I will have more scans which I’m not complaining about it☺️

Hun I’m super super happy for u and your hubby that amazing news ...and to be honest I was thinking how u being doing.

When is your first scan ? Xxx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Olivia1980xxx

So sorry to hear you lost 5 good embryos and had to move. At least you're pregnant now though 🙂 with a healthy baby girl.

We got our BFP on hubby's birthday too. I've had 2 scans already, one at 7 weeks and then one at 9 weeks. I have another one this Thursday where I'll be 12+1 weeks xx

Melonay1987 profile image

Hi Lindt83.

I could have wrote this post myself! I'm 11weeks tomorrow and I've been in bed for I'd say the last 3 weeks. I was back to work this week and I've had to ask to change my role, due to the sickness. I go to work and come back to bed. I can totally relate and everything I've tried has not worked. I'm just hoping once I went the 2nd trimester it eases up. People are telling me to enjoy the pregnancy and I feel like I should be so happy, but it's really hard when you feel this bad.

I hope yours eases soon for you, take care xxx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Melonay1987

Yes exactly! You can't enjoy it. My sickness started straight after my OTD and it's definitely picked up momentum since then! I think I've probably spent the last 7 weeks in bed! I haven't been able to go to work yet it's been that bad. I really hope it gets better for us, most have said it will after 12 weeks 🤞🤞 xx

Melonay1987 profile image
Melonay1987 in reply to Lindt83

Bless you, its tough for sure. The only thing thats keeping me going is knowing it should subside soon-ish - well I hope. Xxx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Melonay1987

Yes let's hope 🤞. Apparently, some women can get it throughout their pregnancy! I just hope we're not those people 🙈 xx

Melonay1987 profile image
Melonay1987 in reply to Lindt83

I really hope we're not one of those 😬xxx

Zebedee1971 profile image

The only thing that eased mine was lemon squeezed into my water. Used to sip it through the night, helped immensely

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Zebedee1971

I haven't tried that, thanks! When I feel so bad, I can't even keep liquids down! It comes straight back up! Xx

Materialbarbie profile image

Omg this was me a few weeks ago! I was off work sick for 6 weeks because I couldn’t move from bed and with an 18month old too it was so awful, feeling so low because I couldn’t do anything even tho I should be happy with this little miracle babe growing inside me. It’s completely normal to feel how you are feeling! I tried 4 different tablets and ended up in a&e so please try to push for maybe one more tablet but I promise you it will ease. I’m now 15+2 weeks and feeling a lot better, still on sickness meds but definitely has eased a lot! I have everything crossed that you find something that works for you and it eases soon. But your feelings are totally normal so don’t doubt yourself or feel bad for feeling this way! Xxxx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Materialbarbie

Thank you so much for your response, it's not nice and I don't wish it upon anyone, but it's nice to know it's not just me!

When did you start to feel better? Around 12 weeks or just now? I'm glad you're better now, I can't imagine what you would've gone through especially since you had an 18month old!

Thank you for your positivity and for reassuring me that this is all normal. Best of luck in the rest of your pregnancy xx

Materialbarbie profile image
Materialbarbie in reply to Lindt83

I started to feel better around 14 weeks so hopefully you get there too! Hang in there because it’s hard, worth it all but super hard! Anytime, good luck with the rest of your pregnancy too xx

Rehsuh profile image

Huge congrats. Sorry about the sickness, I know exactly what you’re going through. Though I’m only 8 weeks tomorrow. Since 5wks + 2 when it hit me like a steam roller, I’ve been so so nauseous and yesterday was sick 6 times. It’s all day long and I’m between bed and sofa with a sick bowl. The transition between the two usually makes me sick. Smell aversion is like nothing else. So I feel your pain. Calling gp in the morning to extend my sick note. Do you recommend the meds? I’m sure they’re safe for GP to recommend but I’m loathe to try any if unlikely to work. Anyway i can update you with any prescription I get tomorrow or advice etc. Jane x

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Rehsuh

Thank you for your response Jane. It would be great if you could please update me after speaking to the doctor.

I've tried Prochlorperazine, Cyclizine and now I'm on Metoclopramide. I'm reluctant to take any medication too as I feel it might harm the baby. I feel I have no choice when you're feeling that rough you just want to keep trying to see what might make you feel better.

I'm exactly the same, carrying my sick bucket around with me. I find it difficult to even sit up on the sofa, I spend most my time in bed! Xx

TheodoraT profile image

Congratulations on your pregnancy. I have the horrible sickness too, im 16 weeks tomorrow and it hasn’t gone away yet. I’m told it should ease between 16-20 weeks. All you can do is relax, I’ve spent most of the last 11 weeks lying on the sofa. I’ve found little sips of plain water help and ripe bananas. The ginger biscuits didn’t help me at all. You just need to keep positive and remember you are growing a baby and hopefully it will pass eventually xx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to TheodoraT

Thank you for your response and congratulations to you too. 16-20 weeks is a long time to put up with it, it's so hard. I keep being told it will improve by the second trimester 🤞. Nothing has helped me either, not even medication! It's so hard to think positively when you feel so rough xx

CAS2 profile image

Congratulations. Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. I was the same and it didn’t ease until 20 weeks but I was pregnant with twins. I’m currently 5 weeks pregnant and praying it didn’t kick in as bad but not hopeful. Cylezine worked a bit for me but just made me sleep all day 😞I’d just keep trying other meds, try to rest as much as you can. Sorry, it really is the worst feeling and no amount of ginger or crackers helps. Feel free to message if you want any moral support xxx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to CAS2

Aww thank you so much for your message. Congratulations to you too. I hope it's not too nad for you this time round. You're right, nothing helps! I've tried Cyclizine but it didn't work for me. Now I'm on Metoclopramide which isn't working much either! I've also tried Stemetil. I think only time will make it better but I just feel so low xx

Becksdk profile image

Hi lindt83 I had the same up until around 5 months, I tried many medications too until I found one that worked really well for me. ‘Prochlorperazine’.

I don’t know if you’ve already tried these or not, but they take a week or so to work properly.

I found I wanted a quick solution cause I was so desperate to stop being sick and feeling sick but the doctors reminded me that I’d have to persevere and keep taking them till they work!

I really hope you start to feel better soon cause it really is horrible ! I hope also you are getting the appropriate support from your employers if you work, and your family and friends.

I had PTSD from the sickness and genuinely couldn’t even face being in certain rooms that I’d been sick in previously, even listening to a certain song in the car used to make

Me feel nauseous!

Just know that it does get better and it’s not around forever! You have the best gift at the end of it all and it feels totally worth the sickness xxx

Lindt83 profile image
Lindt83 in reply to Becksdk

Thank you so much for your response. So sorry to hear you had it so bad. Glad to hear you've recovered though.

Yes I've tried Prochlorperazine. They were one of the first ones I tried and they made me feel very agitated and kept me awake at night tossing and turning! I'm on Metoclopramide now which are a bit better but still not great!

I haven't been able to go to work at all and my employer has been great about it! She knows my struggles of IVF and is very supportive thankfully.

I know I should be excited about the end result but it's so hard to see that far ahead when you're feeling so rough. Thank you for the positivity though and best of luck to you with the rest of your pregnancy xx

Brassimc profile image

I’m currently the same. I’ve been trying to carry on with work but as soon as I get home I have to go to bed because I’m exhausted. Tonight I couldn’t eat tea I felt that sick but I managed an ice lolly which helps to settle my stomach. I feel a bit better in the mornings so I’ve been trying to meet up with friends outside and all I feel like I’m doing is moaning how poorly I feel when I’m so grateful deepdown but it’s making me quite depressed as well as I literally can’t do anything and I’m really struggling to get through a day at work but I can’t bear the thought of going sick because i recently got a promotion to a management position before I got pregnant with IVF... I can’t wait for the when we apprently start glowing hehe x

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