Has anyone done IVF? : My husband and I... - Fertility Network UK

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Has anyone done IVF?

LiveandLetLive42 profile image

My husband and I are about to start the process. I’m a little overwhelmed. I don’t really know anyone who has been through it. Thanks!

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LiveandLetLive42 profile image
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45 Replies
leo1980 profile image

Hi. Do you mean an IVF cycle as opposed to a iCSI? I am 40 and I did 4 cycles - no baby though but lots of ladies here have had a positive result and a baby from the process. Don’t be nervous - you have come to the right group for support or questions...

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to leo1980

Thanks I appreciate that. I guess ICF cycle. I'm still a little confused. I am going along with everything they want me to do, but we haven't started the actual treatments yet and I guess I don't know what to expect.

leo1980 profile image
leo1980 in reply to LiveandLetLive42

Depending on protocol- you might have to down regulate- where they switch off your ovaries. Then you get a period, and you go in for your baseline scan. If it’s all nice and quiet, lining is thin, no obstructions; you can start stimulation. This bit is tricky because you have to injection your self as directed by your nurse. This goes on for about 12 days. My clinic has move come in every 2 days to check my blood (oestrogen and LH) and scan. The monitor the progress of the follicles. When your follicles are ready, you take a trigger shot- must be taken at the time they tell you. Then 36 hours later they retrieve the eggs. They then fertilise it overnight abs will call you in the morning to tell you if they fertilised. Then they watch it grow every day. The aim is to get it to grow to day 5. If you are having a fresh cycle you need progesterone from the day after your egg collection of its frozen you only start this when you are ready for transfer. It’s a bloody stressful process. So have a little book ready to write down notes from nurse, appointment times etc. Snd organise your medication and set a reminder every day so you stick to your medication schedule.

Hopefully you are both on prenatal vitamins? Wellman and the like for him and pregnacare or something for you?

Drink 2L of water - seriously my first two cycles. I didn’t drink enough. The last two, I drank 2l a day for three months and when it came to egg collection no bloating. In fact I could have run home 5km if they allowed me. I felt so good!

Just organise yourself a bit so you have everything in should you need. I usually organise my home, food etc a few days before stims. I try to relax during the process. I have days when I am excited then days when I feel so negative and I just want to wallow in it. And I don’t want to do anything so it helps to get organised.

Eat well too. Get enough protein, avocados, fruit and veg etc.

The lovely ladies on here will guide you through but for a start that’s what I do:)

Wishing you all the luck in the world 💋

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to leo1980

Wow thank you so much for all that information. You are awesome! I am already feeling better about going forward. So, the doctor told me my ovaries are a little older than they should be and I only have 7 follicles :( I was told that's extremely low. I should have 15 or more. So, they want to start fertility treatment right away to get my ovaries normal. We actually got pregnant last July and had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. It was devastating. I am so happy you took the time though to write all of that. You're a sweetheart! Thanks!

Lozza8 profile image
Lozza8 in reply to LiveandLetLive42

I don’t think the treatment will be to make your ovaries “normal”, it won’t fix it if you see what I mean. It will give you the best chance possible to collect eggs from your few follicles and hopefully create some embryos. Sorry just wanted to clear that up as being given false hope is dangerous in this game! It’s a really difficult process and many people do not have success/find out just how dire their situation is in the process (like me!). I don’t mean to be really negative but IVF definitely isn’t a guaranteed baby and I went into it naively. I’ve been through 2 rounds so far so if you have any questions fire away.

Beanybeanz profile image


I found this website great - explains everything about IVF in the UK (assuming you’re in the UK?) with a very no nonsense approach.

There’s also an Instagram page recently started called ivftheduff which is really clearly with frequently asked questions and really simple diagrams


LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to Beanybeanz

Thank you so much!!

Drives profile image

You've definitely come to the right place for advice and support 💗 I found this forum a lifesaver when going through treatment! Wishing you all the best and happy to answer any questions you may have x

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to Drives

Thank you so much! That's really sweet. I am just totally overwhelmed. We did all the testings, ultrasounds, paperwork, ect. We have our genetic counseling next week. So the doctor wants to start me right away. We are actually going to the Bahamas April 17th so they will start the treatment and then freeze the eggs while we're away. I'm just so new with this and confused about the whole process lol.

Drives profile image
Drives in reply to LiveandLetLive42

Aww that's totally normal to feel overwhelmed. It is an emotional rollercoaster that no one can really prepare you for. Just take each day as it comes and look after yourself - Bahamas sounds like a perfect way to relax ready for the next stage! I'm the kind of person who likes to know the ins and outs of EVERYTHING and was recommended the Zita West fertility book. I found it so helpful. Lots of information and really well written. Definitely worth a read x

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to Drives

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind words and helpful information!

Conceivingblee profile image
Conceivingblee in reply to LiveandLetLive42

If you are having you eggs frozen pre fertilisation they should use icsi to fertilise due to the outer shell of the egg. Have a fabulous holiday.

Chiefy profile image

I've just tried to post a picture of a book but I'm not sure it worked!

"Get a Life: His & Hers Survival Guide to IVF" by Richard Mackney & Rosie Bray

This book is brilliant, they went through 3 rounds and all chapters are written from both the female and male points of view.

Also the podcast BFN, well worth a listen.

Best of luck x

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to Chiefy

Wow thank you!!

McQueeny profile image

I think most of us have here! I’ve done two fresh IVF cycles and two frozen, have a gorgeous little boy and trying for a sibling - post any questions you have and we’ll answer , and good luck 🤗 x

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to McQueeny

Awww I’m so happy for you! Best of luck with your second one 💕 I’m so thankful for all these responses. I’m sure I’ll have more questions. I’m just trying to learn everything.

McQueeny profile image
McQueeny in reply to LiveandLetLive42

Thank you 🙏 it takes a bit of getting your head around.... and I've found there are two broad styles of approaching it - those who want to learn loads and research loads and know every detail, vs those who just want to know what they need to do and don’t want to over-obsess.... 😋 we’re here whenever you need x

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to McQueeny

LOL I definitely over obsess but I also hate learning!! I just want the doctor to tell me what to do and I'll do it lol

McQueeny profile image
McQueeny in reply to LiveandLetLive42

Yeah it’s virtually impossible not to obsess at some points... 🙃

Hi hun you commented on my post. Looks like we will be roughly at the same stages. Hun good luck with it all. Fingers crossed for us both - message anytime Xx

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to

Hiii yes I did ☺️ I’ll inbox you later!

pinkmeow profile image

Hi lovely I'm currently experiencing the same feeling with you. I was overwhelmed with the information of IVF, and feeling scared mainly with the side effects of it because we live very far from our family (20hrs flight away)... I'm currently in the end of my PhD, and can see the baby journey is far harder than doing a PhD. No one except my husband here in UK that I can share about my journey.

Has the doctor set any date for you to start the IVF? I'm currently waiting for my first IVF consultation with NHS, they told me it's gonna be in 2 months time (I've been waiting for a yr now).

I have a big hope that your experience with IVF is going to be an easy journey. Much love xxxxx

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to pinkmeow

They want to start right away. But I don’t know if I have to get my period first or do they just start my meds. It’s confusing!!

pinkmeow profile image
pinkmeow in reply to LiveandLetLive42

Maybe you can address that question on the next meeting hun. Hope things clear up soon xxx

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to pinkmeow

Definitely! I’m going to call on Monday and find out more answers. Thanks! Xo

Manooo profile image
Manooo in reply to LiveandLetLive42

Hi Hun, they will contact your nearer to the the 2 months to check when your cycle starts.You will start your medication on the 2-5th day of your period as you will go and see the nurse and they will explain how to take your medication when they call you for a scan between the 2-5th day of yo period. I hope that’s clear xx

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to Manooo

Thank you! My doctor told me yesterday to call her on day one and than they’ll start the meds on day three. We had our genetic counseling appointment tonight. It went really well. So now I’m just waiting for my period. Xo

Misskittie profile image

Hi, I recommend listening to the podcast Big Fat Negative bigfatnegative.com/

Honestly the best thing I stumbled across while waiting to start IVF.

All the best x

Blu15 profile image

It is overwhelming. Do some research but I literally took it a stage at a time. I just concentrated on what the next step we had to do was. Lots of great advice on here. good luck 🤞❤️

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to Blu15

Thanks! I’m definitely listening to the doctor and following her advice. It’s so nice to have this group on here. I’m so grateful for all these responses!

Booikin profile image

I have had IVF twice. First time I hyperstimulated which resulted in 2 frozen attempts. The second, where everything that could go wrong did, was successful and my daughter is now 22. I remember the physical and emotional rollercoaster well. Feel free to chat and ask anything ☺️

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to Booikin

Congratulations! That’s awesome! And thank you! I’m anxious to get started!

KittyMum2BabyMum profile image

Just wanted to say - thank you for posting this question. I’m in the same boat, I’ve got no clue what to expect and after having a laparoscopy, IVF is our next step. Thanks again

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to KittyMum2BabyMum

It’s overwhelming right?? When do you start?

KittyMum2BabyMum profile image
KittyMum2BabyMum in reply to LiveandLetLive42

My situation is actually really annoying - We have had to change doctors recently and we now have to start from the beginning again. So we are doing all the blood tests and waiting for an appointment with the fertility team -Again. So we can’t even get a start date for the IVF until we have done all the waiting again. The doctors haven’t given us much info either, so I’m turning to this forum. I hate the waiting.

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to KittyMum2BabyMum

Ugh that is definitely annoying. Everything happens for a reason though. We’re having our genetic counseling appointment tonight, than waiting for my period so I can start the meds. I’m so anxious too. I just want to get started! We’re in this together girl! We got this! Xo

SR90 profile image

I can’t really help anymore than the ladies above have but feel free to ask anything as you think of it. The books and podcast are definitely a good way to get all the info.

My follicles are also a little older than they should be for my age but I reacted well to the medication so they were happy.

I’m about to start my second round of ICSI, first cycle went perfectly to plan and got 13 eggs at collection, next day, nothing fertilised. I’m changing medication on my next round to focus on quality over quantity

So my only advice would be... give yourself the best healthy chance as possible (relax, eat well, don’t drink alcohol, take supplements etc, although I think you’re quite close to collection so this may not make too much difference in a small time frame), think positively, but just teach yourself all the things that vary throughout a cycle so you are prepared for any hurdles.

Have a great holiday!

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to SR90

That’s great!! I’m just overwhelmed but also excited! Thank you!

Cdlasnier profile image

I have done 4 total rounds of IVF. One at age 33 but only got one frozen embryo but that embryo became my daughter who is now almost 3! At age 38 I did 3 more rounds to get her a sibling and am 15 weeks pregnant. You can tell by my age it took more rounds to find that good egg and I never have made many eggs each round of IVF. After this if this pregnancy is a success we are done LOL. IVF is exhausting but worth it! Just know that many times it's a marathon and not a sprint. I also highly recommend Liquid coq10 to help egg quality especially if you are like me with few eggs.

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to Cdlasnier

Wow congratulations and thank you for sharing your story! I have more Hope now. Xo

JOSANDY40 profile image

Hi there,YES I found it a bit werid. I was the oldest 39yrs, with Stage 4 Endo. Everyone else were 30 to 36yrs. I felt like I had a illness cos the regular trips and scans etc. It wasn't fun, a bit stressful. I didn't do well with the injections, towards the end the of the process before egg collection I felt hormonal, feeling the ceiling was pressuring me. A bit short tempered which wasn't like my normal self, tearful. Was bloated. The day of egg collection was odd having several people in a room, facing me with their scientific light boxes and equipment. there were two Tv moniters, 1 I could view inside myself as the eggs were removed. Legs in the air, exposed. the egg collection was painful. Putting the eggs back fertilised on a different day was as difficult or as long.

Several women in my group, some had little issues with drugs or any of it. Out of the 11 of us me and 1 other weren't that well. 1 woman produced eggs but none were over ripe, under ripe or reproduced cells wrongly before putting them back. a few had extra eggs which they froze for a 2nd go. I had 4 eggs out of my 21 I produced that were good but 2 were fertilised but only 1 was behaving right to put back. 2 I froze but after being so ill it was found a few months later that my womb was poor so I gave my eggs away. 1 woman out of our 11 finally gave birth to a little girl. 1 woman in our group had done IVF 6 time but failed to stay pregnant more than 3 wks was told she had run out of eggs.

I am glad I tried, yes I was upset, that was also werid, I came to terms with made pregnant which was a odd feeling only to be no longer pregnant which was difficult to except after all the effects, treatments 6 wks later. but I was glad it was over. The specialist did say after that I would not have been able to carry the pregnancy to 9mths, it would have been difficult cos of my serious scars, adhesions, pain but no painkillers, with a C Section delivery. Since the years have past, I realise since my relationship split and I still get pretty ill with Endo that I couldn't have managed a child. I have managed great career which never would have happened, though now I can't work now cos of Endo.

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to JOSANDY40

You have been through so much. I can’t even imagine. I am just so new with all this. It’s a huge learning process. The doctor told me my ovaries are older than they should be and I only have 7 follicles. I guess the medicine is supposed to help them. Do you know when I’ll start? Is it when I get my next period? Of course my cycle is off too. I did get pregnant though last July and miscarried at 7 weeks. We’ve been trying for a few years now. I’m just really hoping this works. Thanks for sharing more. I absolutely appreciate it xo

Donita33 profile image

Hi Dear Yes I have done it first one become ectopic pregnancy second one was failed third time now by God grace the embryo stick on. Be prepared to be patient and believe in your doctors and remember to pray . Am now 38 pregnant feel free to inbox if you need help. Hugs and love 💗

Rosey2020 profile image

Hiya, you’ve come to the right place - I’ve done one ivf cycle now and have posted a few times and been so grateful of the replies from ladies on here. It’s a very supportive space and is so nice to know you’re not alone in all this as otherwise I think it can feel quite isolating and yes, definitely overwhelming!

Just to echo recommendations for the duff website and also the Get a life book as I found them both very useful at breaking down each stage simply. I’ve just bought a book called mind, body, baby which I’ve started to read as to be honest I wanted to get my mind in a better space ready for having another ivf cycle. I can’t recommend yet as haven’t started but I’m hoping mindfulness practice will help with the emotional side of it all. I’d also recommend getting a hypnotherapy/guided meditation to listen to for the different stages of ivf as I found that help me to relax and think positively.

I hope you have a lovely holiday and quality time with your partner and wish you the best for your first ivf cycle! X

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to Rosey2020

Awww thank you so much! I’m so grateful for all these responses on here. It’s so helpful. Once I get started with treatment I’ll have more questions for sure! X

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