Our first IVF. 7 follicles retrieved,... - Fertility Network UK

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Our first IVF. 7 follicles retrieved, got 2 eggs. And both die at day 4, is that end of the world? What should we do?

June79 profile image
20 Replies

I’m 41 and my husband is 38. (Sperms quality tip top). Doctor had figure out one of my Fallopian tube is blocked, so We had our first IVF. Ovary response to stimulation, 7 follicles harvested. And 2 ovums retrieved, both ‘die’ at day 4. Our doctor than decided to call off our next chance of stimulation. And said: YOU MAY TRY, BUT IT WILL BE BIG MIRACLE. Reason: my age is too old, my ovary not producing good quality ovum!

We are disappointed and we are not willing to accept a simple rejection like this without more tryouts. Can anyone explain to us, are we really need to accept that we will not able to have baby anymore, and if yes, any suggested methods? Thanks

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June79 profile image
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20 Replies
Lass41 profile image

Hello- so sorry to hear that. In my 1st IVF cycle I did not have great results. I was 39, had 5 eggs pulled out and 3 made it- I transferred 2 in and the other didn’t make to freeze. But unfortunately I did not get pregnant. After that, I exercised and lost about 15 lbs before my second IVF cycle, I turned 40 and I was working from home (due to covid) so I was less stressed. Second round we had 7eggs retrieved, 5 turned into embryos. We transferred two and were able to freeze the other three. So short answer- if I were you I would switch doctors and get a second opinion.

June79 profile image
June79 in reply to Lass41

Thank you my dear. We took another doctor appointment but only available in a month time. From now until next doctor consultation, I’m everyday down down morality. Worries...

Lass41 profile image
Lass41 in reply to June79

waiting can be difficult but know every day that passes you are getting closer to having your baby!! Here are some things that have helped me through this time: prayer/ meditation, working out, and support groups like this one. I also found a podcast on Apple called Fearlessly Fertile by Rosanne Austin and LML (Let’s make lemonade) by Salina something, on YouTube.

Evi5 profile image
Evi5 in reply to Lass41

I agree, I had the same issue. First try resulted in 2, second attempt 9. I was 42 and it was final chance. Luckily, like you second time round I drank more water, excercised more and tried everything. I was less stressed working from home and it all paid off. I understand some things decrease our chances but they are only likely hood and percentages. It still means you have a chance. Some have a good chance of success and still don't manage . I think we look for all the reasons why we cannot get pregnant to then find a solution, which is fine. Don't let that or others opinions deter you. They are only basing there assumptions on probabilities from what they know.

JoyfulStar profile image

Totally agree with other reply. I am 43 and still trying with my own own eggs. My chances according to the experts may not be great but I believe I have the right to at least try. When I explored several clinics, I looked for honesty as well as positivity.

So if you still have it in you, don’t give up if that is what you truly want. All the best!

Maui2020 profile image

Hi June, as I understand, if you have 7 follicles, you have the potential for more than 2 Eggs. It happened to me in my first ivf too, my protocol wasn’t right and I only got 7 eggs from 30 follicles. The next round I did somewhere else with a slightly different protocol and my egg retrieval matched my follicle number. Get a second opinion from someone realistic, but also positively willing to give you the best chance and not writing you off xx

Franjohn profile image

I am 33 with bad eggs and am not giving up!! It really does only take one. Have a look at some additional supplements, I have been taking DHEA and coq10 both of which are meant to be good for egg quality. Have a look at the book it starts with the egg. You absolutely have options if another round doesn’t work with donor eggs. I know how diss heartening it is but if you aren’t ready to give up definitely don’t! Xxx

Divingdiva1 profile image

Hi June79, I agree with FranJohn & “it starts with an egg” is such a good book. I believe COQ 10 makes a difference for my older eggs. But what the clinic has not told u is that it’s the quality of the egg that gets the embryo to day 3 & it’s the quality of the sperm that takes the embryo further. Your husband needs a DNA fragmentation test to actually see the quality of his sperm.

Secondly leave your clinic, it annoys me so much when clinic follow a set protocol & expect it to work for everyone. Then when it does not work it’s ours bodies fault! I went to a clinic & they put me through both of their protocols & because they did not work, they did not have anything else to try & so advised donor eggs. I am now using a London clinic that actually monitors my body closely & adapts it to me. I do wish I had not wasted time & money at my other clinics 😔

Good luck

noviagrace profile image

Hi June, I’m so sorry to hear that you have been treated that way. Your doctor sounds like a real douche bag!

We are the same ages as you and your husband, and my husband also has excellent sperm quality.

We have completed 8 IUI and 2 IVF rounds

Our IVF rounds both collected 8 eggs, both rounds fertilised- round 1 5 then the whole 8 in round 2 so very exciting .

Unfortunately round 1 only 2 eggs made it to day 3 transfer and BFN

Our second round was a disaster, although all 8 fertilised none made it past day 4.

We were beyond devastated.

I decided to take a break and get myself together, because I’m 41 I decided I need everything on my side so have taken 6 months to get my weight to a good range, taken my vitamins religiously, and seen a acupuncturist.

My specialist recommended NMN supplements- apparently they can assist with reverse ageing eggs, at this stage only papers were available on some mice who showed excellent fertility results- I decided it wouldn’t hurt to try.

We go round 3 in April and I have to say I feel fabulous.

Please find a doctor that’s as committed to the Journey as you, you and your husband deserve positive and kind care, all the best June xx

slinky00 profile image
slinky00 in reply to noviagrace

Hi Novigrace

I would be interested to know what NMN supplement you are taking, dosage and how long you have been taking it, if you don't mind sharing. I have low AMH and have had a number of failed IUI's and 3 failed ICSI cycles. I'm currently taking a little break to reset and get my body and mind into shape to embark on another ICSI cycle. I take a lot of supplements including Ubiquinol at 400mg per day but have done some research into NMN since your post and think it might be something I should also take? I would be grateful for your take on it. Thanks

noviagrace profile image
noviagrace in reply to slinky00

Hi there

My specialist is actually one of the professors in Australia who has studied NMN extensively and speaks very highly of it.

I’m not sure what you’ve read but it really was promising and it seemed like the “less is more” approach, so no need to take maximum doses.

I had to get it from America- he told me that there are a lot on the market that have fillers.

The company I got them through was

Alive by Nature

Sublingual NMNs 240 Tablets

I’ll see if I can send a link

slinky00 profile image
slinky00 in reply to noviagrace

Thank you so much for your quick reply. I am going down the route of mild/moderate IVF as I definitely think it is best for me to concentrate on quality rather than quantity as I never seem to produce many follicles during a cycle and tend to respond better with low stims. So these last few months I have been concentrating on trying to do that and from the papers I have read NMN seems to be doing just that and having a low dosage is attractive. I appreciate you sending me what you can.

I am in Cape Town, SA so I am not sure how easy it will be for me to get an exact brand but will try my best. I read a low dosage is around 250mg per day - do you agree with that?

noviagrace profile image
noviagrace in reply to slinky00


I take 2 tablets a day and they say between 2-4

I sent you a private message with the link, I’m in Australia and got them from America.

I’ll definitely let you know after my next collection how my eggs look.

The professor asked that I take them for 12 weeks before my next collection so I’m hoping for improved results xx

slinky00 profile image
slinky00 in reply to noviagrace

Yes please do stay in touch and let me know how you go that would be great 🙂 wishing you all the luck with your next cycle

noviagrace profile image
noviagrace in reply to slinky00

Thank you, wishing you all the best too!

Danascha profile image

Hi June ,

Sorry to hear that. I was in a similar situation. I am nearing 40 and seem to be a poor responder. After my 3rd round, my consultant was alreadgy giving up. Kept pushing for donor eggs despite us both saying we do not want that for us. I remember his last few words to me was 'Well, we can proceed with another round but it that fails, I suggest you stop ivf.'

I felt so rotten when I left the clinic and rang my acupunturist for comfort.

In short, I went to get a second opinion. Some say, certain clinics run the standard NHS ivf protocols and even if you pay privately, they offer more or less the same thing and then not to deviate the protocols to suit you.

My new clinic is slightly dearer but they were very thorough with me.

So I really encourage you get another opinion. Find a clinic that answers all your questions and one that works with you for you.

Lastly, I wondered if flushing your blocked tube might also help? A friend had this, discovered it after so many failed ivf. She got it flushed and the rest is history, now with 3 children. Maybe worth asking the consultants.

Best wishes xxx

Lilly12255 profile image

What a horrible clinic. My advice is

1/ don’t meet with this doc again and move clinic,

2/ find a clinic who does day 3 transfers

Good luck! Xx

jengi profile image

Hi lovely, i'm so sorry that this round didn't work. What protocol did you use, long or short? I would say it is worth trying a 2nd round, possibly changing protocol. There are lots of things you can do to try improve egg numbers and quality. What have you tried so far? May i ask what your AMH and FSH are? Did the embryologist give you any information on egg quality, it is definitely worth understanding what your egg quality is like and also why they died at day 4. Why didn't they transfer them at d3? If egg quality is poor then a day 3 transfer would be preferable. I ask all these questions because at the age of 40 i had to give up on my own eggs after 5 failed attempts. Feel free to read my profile or private message me if you want.

Zebedee1971 profile image


I had 3 cycles. In July, my last cycle, I got two embryos but they both came back abnormal when pgt-a tested. I got pregnant naturally a month later and am now 24 weeks pregnant. All cycles are different, you might get lucky on a second cycle. I wouldn't give up after one cycle and I'm surprised your consultant was so brutal in his assessment. I hope you give it another shot as you'll regret it if you don't x

joey81 profile image

I second comments above. But make sure you leave that doctor / clinic a bad review so its helpful to others. Also before you go to another clinic, research whether they are experienced in dealing with your age, poor responders, and low amh etc.

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