Who has had a healthy rainbow baby? S... - Fertility Network UK

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Who has had a healthy rainbow baby? Success stories please!

pursuitofhappiness1 profile image

Hi everyone,

I’m 6+3 today and have my first scan at 6+5. Hubby and I have been trying for over 3 years and have had 3 rounds of IVF. I’ve been pregnant twice before but the first time didn’t hear a heartbeat at my 7 week dating scan and second time miscarried before I got to My first scan.

My betas have been good so far with my last beta at 5+6 at 36,713 and progesterone at 147. I’m just so nervous about my scan in two days. I know there are loads of lovely ladies who’ve had rainbow babies so I’d love to hear from you for some reassurance that just because I’ve had some bad luck it doesn’t mean I won’t get to take this baby home ❤️❤️❤️

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pursuitofhappiness1 profile image
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31 Replies
Nat246 profile image

I don’t have my rainbow baby yet but very close, due in two weeks. I have also lost two pregnancies before so I understand how anxious you are. I wish I could tell you it gets easier but personally I’ve had a lot of anxiety about something going wrong the entire pregnancy. Once you’ve experienced pregnancy loss, I think it is very hard not to have more worry than someone who hasn’t experienced that. Coping with the anxiety ... the thing that helped me most was regular scans to see the baby and have an expert say everything looks fine. Wishing you all the best x

pursuitofhappiness1 profile image
pursuitofhappiness1 in reply to Nat246

Oh wow! Congratulations!!! I’m sending you all the good vibes possible for a healthy baby and happy delivery x

Thanks for the reply. You’re right, I feel like maybe I’d relax after hearing a heartbeat but then there’re a million other hurdles to get through before getting that sweet babe in our arms So I need to figure out something more sustainable. I’m so glad you’re so close.

Cinderella5 profile image

Congratulations on your pregnancy. I'm sorry to hear about your losses. I'm not quite there yet but I'm 30wks pregnant with twins! We had 2 previous pregnancies, one was a chemical and the other was a spontaneous miscarriage along with a heap of BFNs. It makes you super nervous going forward but hopefully this is your time!! Good luck for your scan.xx

pursuitofhappiness1 profile image
pursuitofhappiness1 in reply to Cinderella5

Ommgggg twinnssss!! How blessed! So many good wishes your way!

Yeah, sigh, I need to find a way to cope with the anxiety I think. For example, every time I feel a slightly “wet” sensation down there, I sprint to the bathroom and wipe to see if there’s blood 🤦🏾‍♀️.

I also don’t want to tell ANYONE that I’m preg and just emerge with a child lol. Would that be weird?

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to pursuitofhappiness1

Thank you! The anxiety is awful, I dont have a magic recipe to get rid of that. Try to live in the moment, "today is a good day and I am pregnant"! I'd love to say it goes away but it doesnt really. Your confidence does grow with each scan (we had a few privates) and our NHS ones however I'm still on knicker watch....that one definitley doesnt go away. I was scared to say it out load and probably didnt till much later.....I was like you, just wanted to wake up and see the babies here safe! Wishing you all the best, good things do happen sometimes!xxx

pursuitofhappiness1 profile image
pursuitofhappiness1 in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks lady! Wishing you a peaceful and uneventful 10 weeks!!! Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to pursuitofhappiness1

Thank you!!xx

ancde profile image
ancde in reply to pursuitofhappiness1

I didn't tell my Facebook friends I was pregnant and got asked whether my daughter was mine. :-) Nothing wrong with it at all. :-) she's a rainbow baby lost her brother due to prematurity 2019.

Pennylaneylady profile image

Hey 👋 I don't have a rainbow baby story but just wanted to reach out as I'm currently in the same position as you. I've got my scan tomorrow morning at 6+4 days and I'm so scared about it! But have to take it as it comes and one foot in front of the other. I try and remind myself that the majority of people have successful pregnancies so surely that's on our side? It's hard after having miscarriages I've had 2 and taken a while to get pregnant again (15 months!). Good luck with your scan xx

pursuitofhappiness1 profile image
pursuitofhappiness1 in reply to Pennylaneylady

omg i relate to you so much. Yes, that's my thinking too - we were in the minority to have experienced our tragic losses so the odds are in our favour. I have everything crossed for your scan tmrw! xx

F_J_762301 profile image

Hey, I am also in a similar position. 6+4 today, my scan is a week tomorrow. The anxiety is real! No blood test for me so just a few pregnancy tests to go on (and now some nausea and tiredness). The only other time I have been pregnant (also through ivf) I had a mmc. I am fully aware if i have this scan and it is ok, the anxiety may not go away. I can see myself booking some private scans if this pregnancy progresses. Sending best wishes to you xx

pursuitofhappiness1 profile image
pursuitofhappiness1 in reply to F_J_762301

Heya! Yep, totally agree with you re this scan being ok and the anxiety still lingering. My husband is always trying to tell me that we have a long road ahead of us (read: pregnancy, delivery, baby milestones, school woes, drugs, cars, bad influences etc etc) - fairly sure he's trying to make me feel better but it just stresses me out even more hahaha...

All the very very best for your scan and pregnancy. I hope we have sweet little babes in our arms in October xxx

I had my beautiful little boy after 2 mmc Hun. My anxiety was horrendous until the minute he was born. I know you can't help how you feel & it's probably the scariest thing to go through but I hope you find ways to enjoy your pregnancy. I have so much sadness that I just wanted mine to be over quickly as I probably won't get to experience it again. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy. xx

pursuitofhappiness1 profile image
pursuitofhappiness1 in reply to

Hey Chasingrainbows2020! thank you for sharing that with me. I'm so so so glad you have your rainbow and I'm sorry that you had to endure 2 mmc, I was broken after just 1...

Thank you for the wishes. Its stories like yours that I will hold onto in times of heightened anxiety so thank you :-) xx

Weareback2 profile image

Hi i am sat feeding my rainbow baby. We had a miscarriage then had one embroy left from our cycle. This was transferred just before lockdown. I am so thankful for the nhs and the wondful work they do. I had absolutley no syptoms until 14 weeks when i think i felt her moving. Although i had a very easy pregnancy i was so worried all the way until about 20 weeks. My husband couldnt come to the scans with me due to covid. However she was born in November and has without the doubt been worth the wait! Good luck xx

pursuitofhappiness1 profile image
pursuitofhappiness1 in reply to Weareback2


Ahh beautiful ❤️. This was our 3rd round and the only round where we had no frosties so there is just so much riding on this tiny thing!

My goodness having to do all the scans alone would have been tough, go you Mama!! Im so glad you have your rainbow baby. Thanks for sharing xx

KTL80 profile image

Hi there,

I’ve had 3 miscarriages, the first at 23 weeks with our IVF baby girl, second miscarriage was a surprise natural pregnancy, the third was following our 4th transfer (2 other embryo transfers didn’t take).

It took us all by surprise when we found out I was pregnant naturally again. I was utterly convinced it wouldn’t work & even booked a skiing holiday in an attempt to cheer myself up after what I assumed would be my inevitable miscarriage. Needless to say we fortunately cancelled skiing & I’m currently shovelling weetabix into my 8 month old son. The pregnancy was pretty routine but I was anxious the whole time!

Your beta looks really good! I know it’s difficult after everything you’ve been through but try and be positive, take it hour by hour & day by day. I hope all goes well at the scan in a couple of days & you get to see your amazing little one 😍


pursuitofhappiness1 profile image
pursuitofhappiness1 in reply to KTL80

Hey girl, wow, I’ve hardly been through anything compared to you. I’m so so sorry for your losses.

It gives me so much happiness to know you have your rainbow baby and I hope you’re really proud of all the mental and physical work you did during your pregnancy to keep it all together. Power to you, Mama! X

Egilbertpatt profile image

Lovely to hear your positive news, like some of the other ladies on here I don't have a rainbow baby yet but currently 29 weeks so hope to be cuddling my rainbow baby in the coming weeks! I totally get where you're coming from on the anxiety, we had two miscarriages one that never made it to the early scan like you, and one that we lost at 61/2 weeks, this time round I was so nervous before the early scan I thought I'd have a cardiac arrest, I seriously couldn't even hear what the nurse was saying as I was in such as state convinced we get more bad news. Like others have said I've been super anxious throughout convinced something will go wrong and similar to you find it really hard to share the news, which has been weirder with covid as I haven't seen many people so can kind of not tell them! No social media announcements or anything like that from me, still too nervous! The nurse at the scan said to me you won't be reassured until you've got your little baby in your arms and I think she's right, it feels unreal after all thse years of hope and disappointment, would be nice to enjoy it more but I think that's the way with us IVF ladies, so much worry and overthinking all part of this crazy story! 😘 Wishing you so much luck and sending you all my good vibes for your scan lovely xx

pursuitofhappiness1 profile image
pursuitofhappiness1 in reply to Egilbertpatt

Heyyy! Omg 29 weeks what an incredible milestone!! Im totally with you re cardiac arrest before scans. It must be good now that you can feel baby move and get that instant feedback that they’re ok.

I live in Australia where (thankfully) the covid sitch is pretty under control now so I don’t have the benefit of hiding out. However, I fully plan to haha and I think I feel that way because of the years of infertility + miscarriages. You’re so right - us IVF ladies are kinda robbed of feeling comfortable enough to celebrate our pregnancies. Ah well, it’ll all be worth it one day!!

Thank you for your wishes, right back at you for a peaceful and uneventful 11 weeks xx

Jess1981 profile image

Hi congratulations on this pregnancy. And really sorry for your previous loss.

I had my first daughter Francesca in June 2019 after a 7 year struggle 3 surgeries to treat endo and after a chemical pregnancy we had after my first surgery.

I'm 4 weeks 3 days pregnant after a chemical pregnancy last month and losing our daughter Amelia at 20 weeks pregnant in November last year. I'm really hoping this is my rainbow baby too, my anxiety is awful but really trying to take it one day at a time is the only way. Worrying won't prevent a miscarriage and won't prepare you any better for it so just as well be hopeful of a happy outcome that's my view anyways.

Every pregnancy is different and most ladies who have a miscarriage will go on to have a healthy baby 👶 recurrent pregnancy loss is incredibly rare.

I wish I could say there is a point where you can relax but I never managed it with my Francesca. Every scan and heartbeat check I was worried sick.

Wishing you the best with your pregnancy Xx

pursuitofhappiness1 profile image
pursuitofhappiness1 in reply to Jess1981

Hi there!

Thank you for sharing your story with me and I'm deeply sorry for your losses.

Congrats on your pregnancy!! I truly hope that you bring home a sibling for little Francesca later this year. You're completely right about the anxiety - I need to develop the practice of letting the universe take hold and just holding on for the ride.

Sending you all the positive vibes in the world for a peaceful 9 months xox

Hi I’m 27w with my 3rd child, before this pregnancy I had 3mmc @12w & 2 chemicals (all natural pregnancies).

I went for a scan at 6w my blood pressure was through the roof with anxiety all was good but later that night I had a panic attack out of no where. I had scans at 10/13/16/19w private& nhs the more time goes on the more and more I feel reassured, now he’s kicking me all the time again more reassurance. It’s really tough I think before 20w just to feel actually this time it’s going to be ok & hard to be excited and positive especially if you’ve had prev pregnancies end further on it like if we get past that many weeks etc

Zebedee1971 profile image

Same as a lot of the other ladies on here- baby isn't here YET but hopefully soon. I'm 23 weeks pregnant after 2 early miscarriages, 3 failed ivf rounds (including a round where I didn't get to transfer because my two embies were abnormal) and 3 years of tears and heartbreak. This little one has been strong from the beginning and seems to be doing well- he certainly kicks a lot! I've even been brave enough to buy baby clothes and decorate the nursery. I kbow he's not here yet but it is starting to feel real. And I never thought I'd ever get to this point. I'd pretty much given up when I found out I was pregnant with him. Good luck x

KiboXX profile image

Hey lovely,

Congratulations on your pregnancy 🥰

I had an early miscarriage after my first round of IVF and it took me another three full cycles but I finally got another BFP and she stuck! She came into the world in September and has been keeping us busy ever since ♥️

I completely understand how you’re feeling, the fear, the anxiety, but please tell yourself that you are pregnant! And that is amazing and beautiful, you wholeheartedly deserve this and you deserve to be able to enjoy it. Sending you big hugs and positive vibes for you scan xxx

GIRLS!!! Scan was great!!!!

Thank you for all your messages of hope ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Baby measuring one day ahead at 6w6d with a heartbeat of 141!!

Loads of milestones to go but today, I am happy


Suzannah1985 profile image

Hi 👋🏻

I have my beautiful rainbow baby after multiple failed rounds and also an early miscarriage. I’ll be honest, the anxiety was there for the whole of my pregnancy, but it did get easier once I reached 26 or so weeks.

I’m pleased to see your scan went well, take it all a day at a time and be kind to yourself. All the best for your pregnancy xxx

Afrohair profile image

Hi love I had a misscarrige almost 2 years ago now at 13.5 week it was my first misscarrige as had children in the past so I never thought it would happen to me.i was then diagnosed with a condition called endometriosis so thought it was my final calling and I won't have kids again I then went on to have my rainbow baby soon after the misscarrige my pregnancy was filled with anxiety I had early scans privately and more scans as my baby was small all the way through I then gave birth early and was crying with happiness when they lifted her to me and said she had made it into my arms I wasn't convinced until she was actually here I know my story may be a little different to yours considering your ivf journey but I just wanted to say that those who have had children still have these terrible moments I took asprin which I swear helped keep my baby alive and my baby is here now 5 weeks old and I still panic that someone might take her away from me the panicking hasent stopped I still double check on her at night and feel like it's all a dream and she will be taken away soon I'm trying to endure every moment I have because children are a gift they really are and I named her angel because she is my rainbow baby and is my angel xx

Hopeful28 profile image

Hi. I’m glad to see your scan went well. I miscarried at 13+5 and went on to have my rainbow baby, who is now a sassy 2.5 year old.

My daughter was born from such bad quality embryos that they were fragmented and couldn’t even grade. We only transferred as it was the last stage so no point in not. Never expected to become a family of three from that cycle. So never give up hope. 💞

Thanks so much for sharing your stories with me ladies. Your courage gives me strength.

It’s strange, it’s like the positivity of the scan only lasts a few days. Now it’s been 4 days since I’ve seen our baby And I’m starting to edge back into a scared and anxious headspace.

Anyway, I have my first appointment with my OB this Friday where I’ll be 8 weeks and he’ll do another scan but I think after that it’ll only be every 4 weeks until 24 weeks. How did you girls cope? I know some of you mention private scans but I’m not sure what that means as I live in Australia.

Thank you in advance ❤️❤️

Liana1989 profile image

Try your hardest to keep positive and don’t overthink things( I know it’s easier said than done). I had a missed misscarriage, then ectopic and couldn’t fall pregnant so did IVF and my little boy from the us currently sat on me watching TV. I really didn’t think it was going to work and after all the negative thinking really thought I wasn’t meant to have another child. I remember crying my eyes out, questioning my marriage, obsessing about every single thing I drank and ate, obsessing about ovulation tests, pregnancy tests. Even when my transfer worked I always thought about the worst scenario, I went for scans weekly in the beginning and probably drove my husband crazy. Anyways 3 months after my IVF baby was born I fell pregnant and had a healthy boy. And now I’m 23 weeks pregnant again with a baby girl. A bit of bad luck means absolutely nothing and just because you’ve experienced a loss or hard times really doesn’t mean it will happen again. Good luck xxxxxx

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