Frozen Embryo Transfer, Day 5 Embryo, my only symptoms were feeling a little feverish for 2 days really
Hi all! I just had my FET. It’s been ... - Fertility Network UK
Hi all! I just had my FET. It’s been 9 days, I tested this AM & it was negative. Did anyone get a negative 9 DPT and still end up pregnant?

Hi I think everyone is different some people do go on the big fat positive , and some don’t I think your best bet is to retest in a few days xxxx
Hello Becky, my only symptom was feeling slight feverish and when I tested 8 DPT it’s was negative. I decided to retest 10 DPT and it was positive with digital clear blue and very faint line with the manual clear blue, and on my OTD it was positive as well. Please try to retest again maybe ur HCG levels are not yet high enough to be detected in the urine. And please use the first morning urine. I wish you the very best. 🤗
Hi Aisosa!Thank you so much for responding, you are giving me much needed hope! I’ve been feeling so down the last few days after a few negatives. I’ve seen so many women say they got positives 4DPT, 5DPT, 6DPT. So getting negatives on day 8 and 9 has had me feeling hopeless. I haven’t felt any cramping or sore boobs, I did feel feverish for like 2-3 days a few days after transfer but I didn’t know if it was related or not. So hearing you say this makes me keep some hope alive! We have no kids, lost 2 pregnancies (one ruptured ectopic and one miscarriage) and been TTC for almost 4 years now so I just want this to work! Thank you so much for restoring my faith wishing you nothing but the best!!
It’s not over until it’s over. Please keep the hope alive. I wish you the very best in ur journey 🤗
Still negative this morning on day 10:(Beta is tomorrow, it’s gonna be a long 24 hours wait!
I’m sorry to hear this. I can’t even begin to imagine how u must be feeling, but pls stay calm and fingers crossed till tmr. 24 hours wait can feel like forever but Pls In the mean time find an activity to help distract you so the day can go by fast. I’m praying for you. 🙏🏽🤗
Blood test today confirmed it’s negative😢 Really praying next time is different. Thank you for being there the last few days though.
I am really sorry to hear this. This is really sad and heartbreaking. I pray you find the strength and courage to try again. All hope isn’t lost when we have life. I pray you will have your BFP next time and deliver your healthy baby. Pls stay strong. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending hugs your way.
Hi BeckyI feel you nerves I just tested there about an hour ago I'm 4 well near 5 day fresh transfer and I got negative on all 4 tests. I'm hoping and praying I tested too early too
Hey I’m on day 9 too .... I decided not to test till day 14. From what I’ve read on here I think it’s hard to interpret what an early test actually means ? As people say - could be a false negative at this stage so please don’t worry about it yet ! ! My best friend had a negative preg test a week after her missed period and she was pregnant so I’m taking all this with a pinch of salt 😂 stay strong and stay away from the test kits ...... 😘
Hi Gatarra! I know they say that it’s too early to test before your beta test! But, I personally know 3 women who all tested on days 4, 5 and 6 and all got positives that early. So it makes me feel like on day 10 today I should be getting a positive if I am pregnant. So since it’s still negative of course it makes me feel like I’m just not.Tomorrow is my beta and it’s gonna be a long 24 hours!! Thank you for your support💜 sending you baby dust!
Hi Becky, just following this post -sending lots of hugs. It seems we both got the negatives at a similar time I was 11dp5dt last Friday and was told to test again this morning - still negative - time to give up the drugs. What are your next steps?