Woke up this morning with strong cramping on & off, I got these symptoms on my last transfer. Just hoping it’s a positive sign and not the signs of a chemical... 😖
3DP5DT: Woke up this morning with... - Fertility Network UK

Sounds promising 😀 fingers crossed! I had my transfer on weds and have had nothing so far 😔 I’d welcome strong cramping pains! Xx
Oh bless you did you have fresh or frozen? Xxxx
I had a frozen transfer 🙂 this is our 3rd attempt, first one was BFP but sadly ended in miscarriage, 2nd one didn’t stick xx
Oh bless you! I was the same with my last one it ended in a chemical but we’ve gone straight in with this one with out waiting a full month for another transfer they let me come straight back after the bleed xxx
Sounds like a good sign to me! My first round I had no cramps at all and it didn't stick. My second round I had strong cramps about a week after my 3DT. I think it may have been the embryo implanting. When is OTD? Good luck! xx
OTD is 25th for beta done xxxx
I'll be keeping everything crossed for you! The waiting it so hard. I hope you can distract yourself a bit this weekend x
Hi Ladies,
Currently 4dp5dt, barely feel anything. Maybe some slight cramps here and there. I have got bad night sweats though the last 2 nights, probably the progesterone! Best of luck, every day feels like a year 😭
Night sweats are definitely a good sign! Good luck when is your test date xxxx
OTD is 1st March but I think I will do a home test next Wednesday or Friday if I can hold out, I'm dying to know but also terrified at the same time xx
Oh wow! You having to wait the full 2 weeks then? My clinic only requires 9 days xxx
I know it's torture, usually would be 12 days but that falls on a Saturday so have to wait until the Monday! Will you test early? Your beta would Thursday then is that right? Sometimes I can completely forget about it but the evenings are the worst, will definitely be keeping myself busy this weekend Xx