Thinking of you all yesterday. - Fertility Network UK

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Thinking of you all yesterday.

FandF2020 profile image
5 Replies

Is it too late to say Merry Christmas on Boxing Day? I’m not sure but I hope that all of you who are still yet to hold a baby in your arms had a bearable day. My husband and I made the most of our tier 4 life and had a nice relaxing day.

Although would it be Christmas without seeing 4 pregnancy announcements on social media 😩. We had a video call with my in laws and sil. Which was fine to start with until 5 mins in when all they spoke about was my sil daughter and how she found the day (she’s 2 months old I doubt she noticed). Then my friends who has also had 2 miscarriages decided to message me and tell me they found out that they’re having a boy yesterday and they’re so thrilled they can’t wait to start buying baby boy stuff. She knew how difficult I would find yesterday we literally spoke about it 2 days before. I felt like everyone had to twist the knife yesterday. However after my husband gave me a squeeze and had I cry I felt better.

Onwards and upwards so they say. And all I know is how fortunate I am to have all of you who know how it feels (which is so rubbish that you do). I wish you all the luck for the year ahead.


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FandF2020 profile image
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5 Replies
Maisie234 profile image

Merry Christmas to you too. I'm glad it's over for another year. I had to spend it with my in laws and their children. Yet again. I remember when the sister in law first got pregnant, now the children are so grown up and I'm sitting there with nothing to show. I feel like a fat failure and it hurts so much. Add to that all the posts on social media of happy families.

You must have wanted to scream yesterday when you're friend is telling you how excited she is. Why the f*@k do people do that when she knew how difficult it is for you. It's so selfish. I'm sure deep down they have no clue and think we are happy to hear about any baby news. Argh, rant away! I'm glad you're husband is looking after you. I'm having a better day with mine. Here's to 2021! It will be our year!! 🤞 Xx

Onwards and upwards❤️❤️

Ayesha1601 profile image

My daughter shared a post on fb which had me sobbing. It described the sheer pain every Christmas brings, it talked about exactly what you described, the pain of a stiff upper lip. Every year has bought more pain and dread. This year finally we have a miricle She is expecting in May.

She still had a tiny struggle. This time with pregnancy guilt. My love and thoughts goes out to each one of you. I can't promise what the future holds but I can tell you that you are all loved, be that by partners, parents, friends, Other family.

Take each day and be kind to yourselves. Xxx

Misskittie profile image

My friend decided to tell me on Christmas Day she was expecting her 2nd baby. She hadn’t told me sooner because she didn’t know how to tell me but thought it best to tell me on Christmas Day instead! Not only that but it was also the first Christmas without my mother in law who pass away this time last year and my husband was already struggling with the loss. I understand people are excited about being pregnant and want to share their happiness but they can do that with other people especially knowing we had 3 failed rounds of IVF and been trying for 4yrs.

AmbieLondoner profile image

I don't think your friend who had also had two miscarriages was twisting the knife. I think she was thinking telling you about her pregnancy would give you hope. That's how I would have received it. I know this is hard for all of us but I don't believe people are doing things with the intention of deliberately upsetting us. I embrace their happiness and will wait for my turn. I know it will come.

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