8 weeks and symptoms are going. - Fertility Network UK

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8 weeks and symptoms are going.

Nessie3 profile image
33 Replies

Me again, sorry i always come here when I am stressing out!

I’m 8 weeks and 3 days. Yesterday I woke up and my boobs didn’t feel as sore.

I’ve not had any morning sickness but felt a little nausea - which I still feel but think that could be to do with the pessaries also.

Sorry TMI - I had been mega constipated but last two days I’ve had normal bowel movements - which again is freaking me out.

I saw baby in scan on Friday (7w6days) and nurse said everything looked ok - was measuring a day early (7w5dsys) but she said not too worry about that and that heart looked good etc.

I can get a private scan on Saturday (when I will be 9 weeks) but I don’t know if I’m just being paranoid.

I wanted to tell our sets of parents over Christmas holiday but worried to do so in case anything is wrong?

I never realised this would all be so stressful xxx

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33 Replies

My clinic advised hormones start to level out at 8 weeks and not to worry. Doesn’t stop you worrying though x

Nessie3 profile image
Nessie3 in reply to

Thank you. It’s all just so worrying. I appreciate your reply. I may phone the EPA centre to make myself feel better tomorrow xx

kathgibson22 profile image

Hi lovely. I know it's hard but its totally normal! I was a nightmare! I only got a couple of days nausea each week the rest of the days convinced I wasn't pregnant anymore! Never really had sore boobs or tiredness. I've only ever had constipation a couple of times. I'm currently 14 weeks . It's so hard not to panic and I'm possibly the worst example really but just know not many symptoms aren't always a bad sign!

I did get an extra private scan the day before telling family for my own peace of mind.

Wishing you a healthy rest of pregnancy lovely xxx

Nessie3 profile image
Nessie3 in reply to kathgibson22

Thank you. I’m just worrying all the time! I actually never thought I’d be like this but I’m turning into a crazy lady 😂I think I’ll book scan for 9 weeks just to make me feel better but I’m worried as it’s abdominal they may not see much.

Congratulations on your 14 weeks ... have a healthy happy pregnancy xx

Cmc2020 profile image

I’m now over 10 weeks and my symptoms seemed to have eased off too I never had many constipation sore boobs but now I don’t really have any I am bloated and look like I’m showing a little and sometimes tired I have had 3 scans so far and everything is fine I have a private scan on Sunday at 11 weeks just for piece of mind I don’t get my next scan till 13 weeks off the nhs your not alone I have really bad anxiety about symptoms too and so many people have reassured me it happens xx

Nessie3 profile image
Nessie3 in reply to Cmc2020

Thank you :) ... nausea has come back tonight and boobs sore again so maybe I was just panicking - I just tried to look at scans and everywhere is booked out til after Christmas. Congratulations on your pregnancy.

If I can find a scan before Christmas I’ll def get one.

I e tree ally appreciate your reply xx

Cmc2020 profile image
Cmc2020 in reply to Nessie3

No probs mine was coming and going at first but they have settled down now completely for a week or two I am extremely tired tho the past two days good luck keep checking u may get a cancellation xx

Nessie3 profile image
Nessie3 in reply to Cmc2020

Thank you. Yup I’m on the website constantly :) ... take care xx

London_Lady1 profile image

Symptoms come and go. They really do. All us IVF warriors want is to feel really pregnant all the time. My boob tenderness came and went like a light switch. I never actually had morning sickness so obviously I panicked about that. My main and constant symptom from weeks 5 - 14 was stomach cramps as if AF was on the way. I literally called the clinic and midwife sooo many times.

When its been such a battle just to get to the start of the journey we can't help but worry about everything.

I'm 25 weeks and baby boy is healthy and very wrigglely.

Get a private scan as it will ease your mind and that is priceless! I've already had 2 private scans and will defo book a 4D one next year. TBH hubby is the one that's booked them all. He is just as keen as me to check all is OK.

Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy xxx

Lapinblanc88 profile image
Lapinblanc88 in reply to London_Lady1

London lady I also have daily period cramps (I'm 7w) for the past 2 weeks.It wakes me up sometimes.

What did your clinic tell you? Mine says it's just my womb stretching but it feels like my last 2 chemical pregnancies ( early losses before 5weeks)

I so anxious...

Do you have endo?

London_Lady1 profile image
London_Lady1 in reply to Lapinblanc88

Clinic told me that it's totally normal and some women get it some don't (not helpful to people that worry!) It's weird when I had my miscarriage (6 weeks) it never felt right, but can't put it into words. I think I just knew.

My cramps during this pregnancy just left like first day of period. The time when I would normally survive on painkillers and chocolate. I had to keep on reminding myself that I was pregnant and not to reach for my period prosecco.

I know it's impossible not to worry, but I kept telling myself - ok this is 1 week more than last time, 2 more weeks more etc. Frist trimester is so slow!

I don't have endometrioses but have been tested quite a few times as I have most of the symptoms. I've just got super low AMH, hardly any eggs left, and some lazy ovaries.

Have you had your viability scan? Hopefully that will ease your mind (for a few days).

Wishing you lots of luck and hopefully the cramps ease off so you can relax into the pregnancy a bit. xxx

Lapinblanc88 profile image
Lapinblanc88 in reply to London_Lady1

Thanks a lot!! Yes I had my viability scan last week ( but I've booked another for sat!) and actually I was scared bc most of my symptoms disappeared last week in response to your questions ( nausea, exhaustion and irritation) some are back this week but not all of them

Btw you could still have endometriosis but no diagnostic. It took me 20 years to get a diagnosis!!

Nessie3 profile image
Nessie3 in reply to London_Lady1

Thank you so much and congratulations on your wriggly healthy boy. All the scans within an hour drive are now booked til 27th! I’m going to keep looking just for me. Some symptoms came back tonight so that made me feel better ... never thought I’d wish to feel a bit queesy :/

Take care and a happy healthy pregnancy to you tooxxx

London_Lady1 profile image
London_Lady1 in reply to Nessie3

We had to hunt around for scans. Maybe you could get in on a cancellation?

Niki_B profile image

I dont want to scare you at all, just want to tell you my experience. Same thing happened to me..everyone was saying dont worry it's normal etc symptoms come and go etc...it wasnt normal for me. I started noticing my symptoms disappearing early in my 9th week, maybe end of the 8th. Jumped on here and everyone saying dont worry totally normal placenta taking over etc. After having my scan at 7+1 seeing babys heartbeat and everything looking great, my hcg numbers from the beginning were great...I started bleeding at 11 weeks and well ended up a miscarriage. I think baby passed early in the 9th week as when hospital took my bloods when I first went to hospital hcg was only 270 when it was in the thousands at my last bloods. I'm sure most of the time loss of symptoms is normal..I guess I was just one of the unlucky ones. Go for that scan for peace of mind. Hopefully everything is fine, and like I said I was just one of the unlucky ones xx

Nessie3 profile image
Nessie3 in reply to Niki_B

Hi Niki, I am so sorry you went through that. How awful. I really appreciate you messaging and sharing your story. I’m going to try and get a scan for my own reassurance. Take care xxx

Nessie3 profile image

Thank you everyone - the private clinic 2 minutes from my work put up some more scans tomorrow so I’m booked in for an ultrasound tomorrow - I’ll be 8 weeks 5 days by then - hoping at that early stage with abdominals ultrasound (what they do) I’ll be able to see heartbeat xxx

ToughCOOKIE78 profile image
ToughCOOKIE78 in reply to Nessie3

Good luck hun xxx ps:I think it’s too early for an abdominal scan- those are done from 11 weeks onwards, better to ask for a vaginal one Xx 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Nessie3 profile image
Nessie3 in reply to ToughCOOKIE78

Thank you, they said they don’t do those and abdominal scan will show me date and heartbeat. So hoping it’s ok xx

Hope everything went ok with the scan 🤞🏼

Nessie3 profile image
Nessie3 in reply to

Thank you, it’s this afternoon - just about to do a walk past of clinic to check exactly where it is as I have 5 minutes to get to work afterwards 🙈Xx

in reply to Nessie3

Well i am thinking of you...i’m sure it will all be ok. I’m about a week behind you 7weeks 6 days today...my anxiety is so bad...constantly thinking about the pregnancy and if it is going ok...some days i feel pregnant and other days my symptoms disappear. I had a scan at 7 weeks but didnt want an internal so they couldnt see the hearbeat but measurements were ok...i’m dur to go back for another scan on the 30th Dec but it just feels so long away. X

Nessie3 profile image
Nessie3 in reply to

Thank you. The scan went well. Sorry I went straight work after it so never replied. It’s such an anxious time. My partner keeps telling me to relax and have confidence in myself but it’s hard.

I’m blaming the hormones and medication.

Let us know how the scan goes on the 30th - not too long now. Take care xxx

Nessie3 profile image

UPDATE - Scan was all good. Main thing was I saw the heartbeat and that made me feel a lot better.

It was a new machine and the nurse was just getting used to it

She firstly said baby measured 8w and 3 days and I was like - I’m 8w5d and last week I was a day behind, now 2 - is this bad??

She reassured me it was all ok and not too worry - said at this stage they’re not mega accurate?- she then measured again and was like 9 weeks - and I was like - how can it change?

She was like 8w6d / 9 weeks - honestly don’t worry they can differ at this stage, all is good.

So she said 8w3d then 8w6days, then 9 weeks??

It stressed me out a bit but I was running so late for work that I was needing to leave.

She reassured me that everything looked good, so not to worry ...

Had some more spotting last night, so I’ll phone epa if it continues today. (Had it weeks 6-8 but all checked out ok at hospital)

Sorry for long reply xxx

ToughCOOKIE78 profile image
ToughCOOKIE78 in reply to Nessie3

So pleased to hear your good news Nessie 😃❤️Yes she’s right don’t worry about measurements, in early pregnancy it’s very difficult to get the measurements and it really depends from the skills of the person scanning too...I’ve been told that up to 3-4 days difference doesn’t mean anything....also because if you think about it...we know the day we transferred the embryo, but not the day it implanted...so that could differ depending what stage the embryo was when transferred (hatching or not for example), day more day less....xxxx sending lots of love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Nessie3 profile image
Nessie3 in reply to ToughCOOKIE78

Thank you! I just saw your update too! Congratulations. Let’s all try and relax and enjoy Christmas now ... no more stressing :) ... I’ll see how long my positive attitude last 😂 ... thanks again for your reply!

Have the best Christmas and new year! Xxx

ToughCOOKIE78 profile image
ToughCOOKIE78 in reply to Nessie3

Thank you hun ❤️Yes....no more stressing 😳😂😂😂Xx wishing you a great stress-free Christmas ❤️💪🏻

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Nessie3

I missed your post Nessie, so glad that all is ok!! I had random spotting and not many symptoms either with completely messes with your head. All the best for the rest of your pregnancy.xx

Nessie3 profile image
Nessie3 in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you. I hope you have a lovely Christmas time with your family :) I spoke to EPA just to let them know about spotting and to introduce myself as I’m now finished with fertility clinic.

I also mentioned symptoms etc. The nurse was so lovely and said they’d scan me on Christmas Eve, just a wee reassurance scan.

I was worried moving from fertility clinic to normal clinic but they have been fantastic xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Nessie3

Thank you! That's great that they have offered you an extra scan, you must have gotten a nice nurse...its not always easy getting in for a scan! Take it easy and enjoy your Christmas too!!🤗xx

ToughCOOKIE78 profile image

These past couple of days my symptoms (sore boobs and nausea) have eased and I’m going crazy 😞thinking something is wrong. I had my viability scan last Thursday and all was good, good heartbeat too...and now I’m such in a bad mood 😞😞😞😞xxx

Nessie3 profile image
Nessie3 in reply to ToughCOOKIE78

Oh no. It’s a horrible feeling. I’d ring your clinic or local epa if you are now registered - even to make yourself feel reassured. They’ll advise you and make you feel better.

Take care and message of you need to vent xxx

ToughCOOKIE78 profile image
ToughCOOKIE78 in reply to Nessie3

Thanks hun xxx I’ve booked another scan on the 31st, nausea has come back now so I feel slightly better...I’m so knackered. I wish there was a way to cope with this anxiety 😥 xx

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