So got my positive and I’m now 4 weeks 6 days but I’m itchy from head to toe? Has anyone ever had this? I’ve been like it since 5 yesterday morning and the doctors are being so useless I ruled out anything I thought it could have been and still can’t get an appointment! Just looking for any advice or if anyone’s had anything similar, just worried it could be linked 😩
Help: So got my positive and I’m now... - Fertility Network UK

I was incredibly itchy too, maybe not head to toe but certainly across my middle, tummy etc! Im not sure if its the meds or hCG but it does settle down......eventually.xx
I had this too for a day/night it was so annoying my scalp and boobs and everything where itchy it went away though a day or two later I said to the midwife she said it sounds like a reaction to something she wasn’t very helpful x
No one seems to be much help! I’ve had to have blood tests because they think it could be my liver 😩 but it took talking to 6 doctors and a midwife to decide to get bloods? Xx
This usually happens at the end of pregnancy or further on that’s what the midwife told me so u should be fine xx
See I already have liver problems so it’s looking like it could be my liver having a hissy fit to the changes in my body right now but hopefully not! 🤞🏻cx
Yeah, I was super itchy, a few days before egg collection, and about 2 weeks afterwards. Did you have ivf??? My itchiness I'm 100% convinced was caused by too many ivf drugs (I was borderline ohss as they pushed my egg collection so they could so pgs). I had liver function test and my levels were super high. Itchy skin is usually an indication theres a problem with the liver. I'd get a liver function test. Nothing you can do if it comes back elevated, just need to monitor it until levels return to normal. Mine returned to normal about a month or two later. It was super annoying though, I itched literally everywhere!
Ahh I hope it’s not my liver! I’ve already had liver function tests after talking to 6 doctors and a midwife! Did they help by giving you anything whilst you was itchey? Xx
Nope, just had 2+ weeks of itching like a maniac 24/7. Worst bit was base of my feet, I never even knew that part of my body could itch 😂 it does go away though, and I got pregnant a month later, so possibly a good omen 🤞