Hi all, 2 days ago I was thrilled to see a pretty strong BFP on an CB early test. It was 9dp5dt and the day my clinic told me to test. I tested again this morn (11dp5dt) using the same test and it doesn’t seem to have gotten any stronger. I also used a less sensitive test today which shows a clear line too. I’ve just read so much about the lines not progressively getting darker being a bad sign that now I’m stressing out that I should have seen progress between 9d and 11d test?? Our last transfer ended in chemical so super obsessing. Bloods not til Monday.
Obsessing about line progression on t... - Fertility Network UK
Obsessing about line progression on tests!

Bless you I know what a stress it is, but clear blue's aren't great for line progression so I would try not to panic too much. The First Response are heaps better but each test is different and has a different amount of dye in it, and it depends on things like how diluted your urine is etc., so even if you used First Response I think testing progression just adds to the stress rather than reassures.. even when its progressing well you constantly think it might not tomorrow or its not enough!! I am a serial tester so I REALLY know what it's like but I also know how easy it is for me to say don't do it! But all I would say is I don't think you should panic with just 2 CB tests. Its early days, HCG is low, and doubles every 48-72 hrs so you wouldn't expect huge amounts of difference on a CB quite yet. Deep breaths, cautious congrats and good luck! x

Thanks Daisy for your reply, much appreciated!! I just spend far too long on google comparing my tests to other people and wondering if we’re having the same issues as last time. 🤦🏼♀️ x
Unfortunately clear blue tests are not very good at checking line progression reliable ones are first response and even cheap strip. If your line is strong on your official day than don't think about chemical pregnancy. I know is very difficult to not stress (I been there) but you don't have a real reason to worry about, isn't it?!! Take care and congratulations 👏💞
thanks Ranchu I didn’t realise that about CB tests. Thank you so much for your reassurance. I need to step away from the tests and wait and be hopeful x
You will have to step away from testing anyway after your official day as you will have die stealer tests going forward and after that hook effect that can scare you to death 😁😂 so careful with that. I know is very difficult to relax but at some point you will start to enjoy your pregnancy ♥️
hi, could you tell me what die stealing means and the hook effect. Thank you
Die stealer it is when control line is getting lighter than test line and hook effect It happens when the woman has very high levels of pregnancy hormones in her urine. The antibodies that pregnancy tests use become overwhelmed and fail to bind to the hormone. Due to this, the result comes back negative.
echo what others have said these tests aren’t really good for that purpose so I wouldn’t worry too much about that 🤗 of you have a strong line on test day then that’s a really good start 💕
in saying that I know that I do need the reassurance of multiple tests so if you are going to do it first responses at same time of day is the best way (however defo still not fully accurate so take with a pinch of salt!) fingers and toes crossed for you that all progresses well and you can relax a little very soon ✨ xx
I’m going to be controversial here and say to stop testing! I’ve been there I know how hard it is. I’ve had a MMC and the last two chemicals, this last time I tried to alleviate some stress just thinking if I start bleeding, that’s it or if I didn’t, we’d got a little a further and just took it day by day. I know some people can’t think like that but I’ve now got to the point where tests don’t mean anything to me! I hate the bloomin things in fact, they cause more torture. If you can, just let time tell. You’ve had the strong positive and I have all my fingers and toes crossed that this is the one! I’m sorry if it’s that’s more negative but it helped me xxx
Katiee1 I think you’re right you know, the best thing for me would be not to test and just let my body do its thing. In every aspect of my life though I always want to know the answer to something hence the testing obsession here!! I also think it’s prepping myself for the worst because it’s always the hope that kills you isn’t it. Xx
I’ve had mega strong tests before which didn’t end well so it’s all swings and roundabouts, honestly they are the devil! It’s bloody hard not to test, don’t get me wrong but it will just bring you more pain when you unfortunately can’t change the outcome. Just one day at a time and every day is hopefully a step closer 💗 xxx
I’m 11dp5dt today and can’t stop looking at line progression. Takes over your life doesn’t it! Think advice above is the best to stop testing. I’m going to try and do that! When is your beta? X
just wanted to update those of you that have been so supportive. Had beta this morning and it’s 954 which is apparently great! So I’m stepping away from the tests and getting on with it. You have no idea how reassuring you’ve all been in my dark moments xxx
Amazing news! Thats a super beta result! Congrats again x