I did a first response test on monday FMU and another today thinking the line would be a lot darker but it doesn’t appear to be. Am I worrying over nothing? I’m so scared that this is all over before it’s begun. My OTD was yesterday and a clearblue ditigal confirmed pregnant 1-2 weeks. I’m worrying thinking my hcg levels should be increasing and they are not. I’ve not had any bleeding but didn’t last time when I had a missed miscarriage in December. Has anyone else had this and gone on to have s successful pregency? X
Really scared, feel like I’m heading ... - Fertility Network UK
Really scared, feel like I’m heading for a miscarriage ☹️

Huge congratulations on your pregnancy 💞 and I’m really sorry to hear of your miscarriage 💔
I think early weeks are nerve wrecking for any mum to be- let alone any ladies who have bravely fought infertility and won 🙌🏻 And as you had a miscarriage you’re bound to feel even more worried.
I don’t really know what to suggest- I had an early miscarriage last year and i know if I’m lucky enough to fall again I’ll be a terrible state worrying like you are. I guess it’s a day at a time. Easier said than done.
Do you have a good GP? They might be able to support through this maybe even offer you counselling?
Just because you lost the last pregnancy doesn’t mean you’ll lose this one. Many women go on to have healthy babies after a loss. Recurring miscarriage is pretty rare.
I wish you the very best with your pregnancy hope it’s smooth sailing. I’m sure other ladies on this site will be able to give you hopeful stories 💞🌈 xoxo
Congratulations hun 💗
Different concentrates of urine could affect your levels of hcg. At this early stage their not that reliable. If you want definate answers I'd suggest doing hcg if your gp would do that (mine don't) if not get them privately done to settle your mind.
I know how you feel and tbh the worrying doesn't stop when your pregnant you just have to try take each day as it comes hun, remember just because you miscarried last time doesn't mean it will happen again every pregnancy is different, I'm one of the rare ones that suffer with reoccurring loss. Keep your chin up hun. 💗
I don’t think the tests are very reliable I would ask your clinic to take hcg blood tests this way would give you a definitive answer. Don’t panic, stay positive xxxxx
Congratulations! So happy for you!😊 I don’t know what to suggest But hope every thing goes well. If you got BFP with clear blue test then it’s true for sure. Stay positive xx
Congratulations. I took so many tests it was ridiculous some days they’d be dark some days not as much. Try to keep calm and not stress yourself out. As lianm8 said ask your clinic for a blood test if it’ll help put your mind at ease.