IVF frozen egg transfer. Fresh transf... - Fertility Network UK

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IVF frozen egg transfer. Fresh transfer cancelled due to high progesterone

Nmhbaxy profile image
15 Replies

Hello everyone! Just wanting some advise and positive stories from frozen egg transfers. I had my egg collection yesterday where they collected 5 eggs. 2 fertilised today...however I’ve been told I can’t have a fresh transfer because my progesterone levels are too high. So I need to wait till Monday and then hopefully they will make it to blastocysts stage and can have a frozen transfer Next month. I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else on here and can share their stories with me. I was feeling a bit devastated this morning but trying to stay positive for Monday.


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15 Replies
HopefulJA profile image


The same thing has happened to me. My Progesterone levels are too high. It was a bit of a

Shock as it’s our first IVF journey and I naively wasn’t aware that this was something I had to worry about.

We were allowed to go ahead with the transfer if we wanted and we decided to go ahead. We are now in the 2ww and it’s very difficult knowing what we know. We were lucky to also get some embryos that we could freeze.

I have heard that the success rate with a frozen transfer is higher than with a fresh.

I was advised that I would need to wait a couple of months before the frozen transfer.

Wishing you good news on Monday.



Nmhbaxy profile image
Nmhbaxy in reply to HopefulJA

HopefulJA i feel the exact same, I didn’t even think about my hormone levels potentially effecting it. My clinic never gave me the option to have a fresh transfer but I suppose every clinic is different. I asked the nurse, why my progesterone levels were high and she said its not my fault it will just be my reaction to the drugs I’ve been on and everybody reacts differently. So we definitely can’t blame ourselves!

I wish you the best of luck that it’s successful and you’re blessed with a positive pregnancy result.. I’m sure it will be!! :) x

HopefulJA profile image
HopefulJA in reply to Nmhbaxy

It was definitely such a shock. There are so many twists and turns and I didn’t even know that a blood result could be so significant I was so focussed on injections and scans and how the eggs were developing. I just got a phone call and suddenly everything had changed.

Yes different clinics will have different rules. Our first attempt is funded and we get one fresh and one frozen chance and so even though it’s unlikely I still wanted to have the fresh chance as well.

Will be thinking of you Monday and wish you the best of luck

Thank you for your kind wishes x

Nmhbaxy profile image
Nmhbaxy in reply to HopefulJA

Isn’t there just! I was the exact same, felt so strong and proud about how well I handled the injections, then was a blubbery mess yesterday when my fresh transfer got cancelled. Today’s a new day though!

Oh I see, yes definitely good idea going for the fresh transfer, I hope it works well for you HopefulJA

How long have you been on this journey for?

HopefulJA profile image
HopefulJA in reply to Nmhbaxy

It’s such a rollercoaster and can feel quite lonely as well. You should feel very proud of how you handled the injections. I have to inject blood thinner as well but at least for now all the IVF injections are done.

It was the first time I cried through all this when they told me that it was highly likely to be unsuccessful. I feel so upset . I really wanted this embryo to have a good chance. I am dreading my test date.

We have been trying for 2 and half years and then we finally got referred. We had tests and got through to the final stages just about to start and then they told us that there was no funding available for me. It was such a blow. We complained and then with covid 7 months later we were able to start our first round of IVF. I have never been pregnant.

How long has your journey been?



Nmhbaxy profile image
Nmhbaxy in reply to HopefulJA

It really is, it’s incredibly hard to talk to friends about it too, if they haven’t been through it they struggle to understand. This forum is great for getting support isn’t it?

It’s so upsetting isn’t it, it feels like it’s one thing after another sometimes. I honestly believe though if we stay positive and focused, we will have our babies soon though!

It’s been so hard with Covid too hasn’t it? I’ve been trying to self isolate so I don’t catch anything but then It makes it feel an even more lonely journey.

We’ve been trying nearly 4 years. I’ve never been pregnant either. The first year I struggled with amenorrhea after being on the injection for 10 years. So I then had to wait another year of having a regular cycle before the doctor would even start any tests. My husband and I were always classed as unexplained infertility until I had an amh test and after finding out it was critically low for my age, I was able to get ivf.


HopefulJA profile image
HopefulJA in reply to Nmhbaxy

None of my friends have been there for me and I have just fallen out with my best friend as I was upset that she hadn’t asked me how my egg retrieval went. She just said she is so busy and that basically I am expecting to much. We have been friends for 15 years!

I am pleased to have found this forum. I tried to join another one but they still haven’t approved my request, that was 2 weeks ago!

I did post on here but didn’t get any replies.

I am not sure what’s wrong with me today I am normally a positive person but feel so low and tearful today. Everything is getting to me .

I have too, it’s my birthday next week but we are staying in as can’t risk going anywhere with covid around. I think with the isolation before egg retrieval I have been in for 3 weeks now. It can feel very lonely.

It sounds like you have had a long difficult journey but glad that you have finally got IVF.

We have unexplained infertility as well but because of my age we were allowed to have one cycle of IVF

Let me know how things go on Monday.



Nmhbaxy profile image
Nmhbaxy in reply to HopefulJA

Oh HopefulJA im so sorry to hear you’ve fallen out with your best friend. I can completely relate, as I too, have fallen out with a best friend of 15 years ..funnily enough. She hasn’t been there for me either. I really don’t think they understand how stressful IVF is, people seem to think ivf is where you take a magic pill and boom your pregnant.

It’s rubbish isn’t it not being able to do anything, ivf during Covid is definitely extremely hard.

I hope you try make the best of your birthday though!

& it’s ok to have low days, I think we’re allowed...that was me too yesterday and I just let myself have a good cry, watched lots of feel good films and ate my weight in snacks :)

If you ever need to chat IVF(I know you don’t really know me, but think it’s important to have people who understand) you can message me anytime


HopefulJA profile image
HopefulJA in reply to Nmhbaxy

I am so glad that we have found support in each other on here, we seem to have a few things in common.

It’s really upset me and she seems to want to be very argumentative as well. I am not speaking to her for the time being as I am so angry and hurt and really don’t need the stress at the moment which she is also failing to understand.

I agree, people seem to think it’s a guarantee and not that it’s so physically and emotionally demanding.

I think I will put on Netflix and grab some snacks too!

Hope today is a better day for you.

Thank you! That’s very kind, you can do the same too.

Your support today has meant a lot, thanks 😊



Hi hun, I am currently in the same boat. I'm having IVF abroad and was supposed to be back home 2 wks ago, but prog too high, so had to wait for period to start a frozen transfer cycle. P came 12 days after egg collection), had baseline scan and started Estrogen tablets on day 1, followed by Cetrotide from day 5. Today (day 7) had 1st scan and endometrium is 6.8mm. Doctor seems ok with progress. Had my estrogen dose increased and will be back on Monday(day 10) for another scan. If all is well, bloods will be taken to check Progesterone on Monday and transfer of 2 embryos will go ahead on Saturday (so day 15 of cycle). Apparently cetrotide is supposed to keep progesterone levels under control. Anyone please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that one, as the dr was speaking super fast today and I may have misunderstood-my Turkish isn't the best!lol.

Nmhbaxy profile image
Nmhbaxy in reply to

Hi Hidden

Oh my gosh, I can’t imagine going through this and then being abroad too. Are you staying in accommodation over there? Thank you so much for explaining the procedure to me, as I was unsure how it would pan out. The nurse explained I would be on estrogen tablets once I got my P, but that was about it.

It’s such a rollercoaster isn’t it, I really didn’t even think about hormone levels throughout all this! I was too concentrated on egg collection and just thought all would go well...

I’m still waiting to hear if my two eggs make it to day 5, for a frozen transfer otherwise I’ll be starting again from scratch .

Let me know how the rest of cycle goes! Wishing you well for Saturday Too!


in reply to Nmhbaxy

My parents live in Cyprus, so I'm staying with them. However, there are clinics here which do provide accommodation, should you need it. Hubby had his little soldiers frozen and stored here last year, so I'm missing him loads...Most doctors don't tell you the ins and outs of it all, but I just like to give them a headache with my 101 questions lol...Will let you how Monday goes.

Also, your P is likely to come earlier than usual as a result of all the drugs.

Keep me posted on the embryos 🤞x

Nmhbaxy profile image
Nmhbaxy in reply to

Ohh that’s good! At least you can stay with your parents and get some much needed vitamin D over there 🌞

I’ve never even thought about ivf abroad!

I hope everything goes well for you so you can get back to your hubby ASAP

Thanks for letting my know my P will come early, I’m hoping it’s not gonna be too bad, preparing for the worse!

I will do lovely ! X

Ivfgotadream profile image

I’m surprised to be honest as high progesterone is a good thing? I had mine checked on transfer day and it was 159 - the highest the clinic had ever had and I’m now 24 weeks with twins. I’m convinced the high progesterone helped both stick

Nmhbaxy profile image
Nmhbaxy in reply to Ivfgotadream

Nooway that’s amazing!

Huge congratulations, Twins! How exciting!

I suppose every clinic is different and we’re all different in the way we react to stuff.

I trust my clinic has my best interest at heart though

Best wishes to you and your pregnancy xx

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