Non viable pregnancy : Hi everyone... - Fertility Network UK

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Non viable pregnancy

Lauren85 profile image
22 Replies

Hi everyone,

Just an update to anyone who followed our pregnancy journey and took time to give us advice and well wishes.

Unfortunately we went to the hospital for a 2nd scan and the outcome was non viable pregnancy. There was a small sac in my partners uterus but the sac was empty. At 6 weeks they should have seen something inside but on our occasion there is nothing inside.

We really thought we had an ectopic pregnancy so I’m kind of relived it isn’t that as I hear they can cause fertility problems with some cases and can be dangerous.

Such a sad day but we have each other.

I wish you all good luck in your journeys for a healthy pregnancy.

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Lauren85 profile image
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22 Replies
Cmc2020 profile image

That’s such a shame :( yous now know it’s not an ectopic and yous can now focus on healing each other with out worrying it’s so hard tho having a miscarriage also really hope yous are ok and hopefully can move forward to another cycle soon 🤞x

Lauren85 profile image
Lauren85 in reply to Cmc2020

Thanks hun. The thing is we havnt really been diagnosed with non viable pregnancy. Because we went through iui privately. But because we got a second opinion scan today thru the nhs they can’t continue with the scans as there is 11 week wait due to COVID-19. So I’m sure our fertility clinic will keep monitoring us just to make sure hcg levels are changing or the sac might develop an embryo as we maybe ovulated late? Who knows soooo confused. My partner isn’t in any pain and has no bleeding etc

Cmc2020 profile image
Cmc2020 in reply to Lauren85

Aw really well hopefully that is the case and it’s a little miracle 🙏🤞so annoying you have to keep waiting for answers it’s a good sign she hasn’t got pain or bleeding or anything wish yous the best of luck xx

Lovemylion profile image

Sorry to hear this Lauren 😔 I hope you both have a good support network around u and get through this together. Sending love 💕 xxx

Sarah83ap profile image

Sorry to read this. Glad it was as the eptopic. Look after each other. 🧡 I hope all your wishes come true xx

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to Sarah83ap


Very sorry for your loss Lauren. Take a good care of eachother

Lauren85 profile image

We got the scan today from the hospital. The hospital can’t continue to scan us to see if there is any difference in the next 2 weeks. So the nurse sent a email back to our private fertility clinic. So maybe they might scan us again in 2 weeks time as we are still technically pregnant. I’m not getting our hopes up but Iv read some stories where woman have just ovulated late.

So sorry Lauren but also a little bit phew it wasn’t ectopic / no good news though - sending you both hugs x

Orla9298 profile image

I’m so sorry. I think I’m the same. We had hcg of 2870 on Wednesday and a small sac with nothing else visible and I think I was around 6 weeks or a bit more. I have a re-scan on Monday. I’m also having to be monitored for ectopic but not sure why really other than slow rising hcg - we haven’t seen anything in a tube and can see the small sac 😢

Lots of love to you x

Lauren85 profile image
Lauren85 in reply to Orla9298

Hi orla, I’m so sorry that you are going through this aswel. It’s so hard and it really messes with your head. We got told today we are 6 weeks 2 days. Empty sac hcg levels are 2132.

I think we will get another scan it’s not been discussed yet as the hospital have wrote an email to our fertility clinic. So I’m hoping we get another scan soon as I have read that ovulation dates can be wrong. I wish you good luck and hope everything is ok. 😔

Orla9298 profile image
Orla9298 in reply to Lauren85

I’ll let you know how we get on, I’m truly not hopeful as we only had intercourse on cycle day 7... our consultant seemed not even a tiny bit hopeful, so we shall see, fingers crossed for us both!

Seems my hcg is still rising as I just had the most blazing positive home test I’ve ever had but I think with a blighted ovum that’s can happen. Just hope we both have answers soon. Lots of love and luck to you x

Rainbowbaby92 profile image

Really sorry to read this Lauren 😟 it’s so hard going through a miscarriage. I hope you are both ok as you can be and looking after each other. Take time to grieve, thinking of you xx

Andrea1521 profile image

I am sorry to hear your news, I had a missed miscarriage last year following ICSI has a sac and fetus but no heartbeat. Painful round of scan after scan to then be referred to the NHS for miscarriage management which resulted in more rounds of scans. Apparently the private Clincs don’t deal with miscarriage so I found myself going round in circles before they could sort me out. It was the most horrific 6 weeks for my husband and I as I didn’t miscarry naturally. So I was pregnant but knew it wasn’t viable, I eventually had surgery and I healed. But the mental scars are now there and we chose not to try again. My husband is very supportive and I know he would if I wanted to but the whole experience made him fearful for my health and mental wellbeing. We have each other and our health which is the main thing some things are just not meant to be. Take care of each other it’s a very hard road that people don’t like to talk about. She needs you right now and will do going forward in whatever your next move ends up being.

Shelleybean profile image

So sorry to hear this Lauren, completely understand you feeling relieved it’s not ectopic, but still desperately sad at your loss. Take good care of each other ❤️ xx

Purpledoggy profile image

Really sorry to hear this - I was following your updates this week and hoping for the best. It's good that you can find the positives. It's a particularly hard time right now going through this kind of thing when you can't just go and hang out with friends and family and get all the hugs you need, so do whatever you need to do to make yourselves feel human again and gear up for next time xx

HopeOfYou profile image

Hi Lauren, it's definitely like a punch in the stomach when a pregnancy is defined as "non viable". But the fact that it's not an ectopic is good news.

Give a hug to your partner and to yourself from me. Keep strong and good luck for the next time!

Ayesha1601 profile image

Aww Lauren I'm so sorry. Be kind to each other take time to recover and then you can hopefully try again. Sending you both love xx

sunset212 profile image

Really sad to read this Lauren, i sympothise the sadness. i had a MMC on my 3rd IUI a very small fetus was in the sac but so small and didn't correlate with the number of weeks ( should have been 7.5 weeks but measured 6 weeks) and no heartbeat! It feels as if the world stops for that moment when your told doesn't it. It will happen for you, stay strong, look forward. I eventually moved away from IUI. I have a 14month old Son now with IVF first FET transfer. Wishing you well in your future cycles. Hugs x

Blanca6539 profile image

I was pregnant with triplets and at 6 weeks one of the sacs was “empty”. Well I’m looking at him right now he’s a month old. I think you should rescan at 8 weeks and see if something comes up. Good luck.

J3nna profile image

So sorry you are going thru this. I had a similar thing happen to me, after failed ivf I had a natural pregnancy in March but at my 12 week scan found a sac but no baby, no bleeding or anything. It’s called a blighted ovum. I had to have medical management to induce miscarriage to remove sac.

Big hugs to u both x

Peanutchips profile image

Hi Lauren, I’m so sorry to hear this, it’s so sad and heartbreaking. I went through the same thing, an empty sac (sometimes referred to as a blighted ovum) quite recently. If you have any questions at all, my inbox is always open xxx

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