Hi All,
Hope all is as well as can be. Like I always say. Such a tough journey!
I just wanted to share my news that my little ivf rainbow miracle baby is a little boy!!!!💙💙
He is very healthy and all revealed well on the scan. Little buggar was being hard work as he was lead on his tummy but they managed to confirm he’s definitely a boy!
I am on cloud 9! I have not slept all night and just keep thinking how lucky I feel. I keep imagining what he will be like and how his little personality will be. I’m so excited that it doesn’t seem real.
As a stage 4 endometriosis sufferer I feel well and truly blessed! I just wanted to send some hope out to people struggling and thinking they will never get their miracle. Please don’t give up keep going! I promise you it’s all worth it in the end!
Sending lots of love and dust to everyone single brave soul on this website xxxx ❤️❤️❤️😘