Has anyone had heavily fragmented embryos before and done anything to change it? We’ve had 2 rounds now (one IVF, one ICSI) and all embryos have ended up heavily fragmented by day 3 and then have all stopped growing by day 5
Fragmented embryos : Has anyone had... - Fertility Network UK
Fragmented embryos

Me, mine were never great! But on high drug doses they were terribly fragmented then I switched to low dose (natural modified ivf at a clinic that specialises in it) and our embryos were much less fragmented.
Do you mind me asking if you’ve had any success? The clinic rang me yesterday and have said it’s down to my eggs and they recommend that we give up. Apparently it’s unusual for someone of my age (34) x
Sad to say no! I took ubiquinol and inositol and dhea, wheatgrass, multivitamins and fish oils, and after being consistent with all of those I did conceived a few times but always failed by 6 weeks. But the lower doses made a massive difference and we got transferable blasts. What dosage and meds were you on? Also I was better on bemfola (fsh only) than meriofert (fsh and LH).
What’s your amh and what was your protocol?
I’m now using my sisters eggs and a surrogate but I did improve things greatly and I think it was worth trying it all xx
Oh I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m wishing you all the luck for this next chapter. We’ve been advised to go down the donor egg route.
My AMH is 12.76 - so not great, but still not horrendous? I didn’t seem to have a problem producing eggs - got 8 first round and 14 second round. First round I was on 250iu of gonal f and we used standard IVF. Second round I was on 375iu of menopur and they tried ICSI just to see if it made any difference (which it didn’t).
Thank you so much for answering my questions xx
It really may be worth thinking about trying lower, doing 3 rounds of lower dose got my the best eggs, and even with low amh my round with only 150iu got me the best embryos - 6 blasts. Just have a look at Creates website - obviously lots of clinics do low dose ivf but they specialise in it so they explain it well! It really may be worth a try before moving on to donor eggs. Xx