Impatiently waiting for viability sca... - Fertility Network UK

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Impatiently waiting for viability scan 🥴🤪 anyone else in same 🚣‍♀️ with low aches?

RhinoCat profile image
32 Replies

Anyone else waiting on scan day and going slowly insane?

I spend 5 minutes of every day searching baby changing tables etc and then the other 23 hours and 55 minutes googling lack of symptoms and worrying that nothing is happening in there ?

Am I ivf 6 weeks+ normal?!? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤔🤔🤔🤔

I keep getting a dull ache down low in my lady pipe 😄 , not cramp but more like a pressure ache? Hard to describe? Anyone else have this or is this a sign I should give up my 5 minutes of hope?

Next Tuesday seems so far away.

I’m trying to do one day at a time and remain positive but I have fear. Meanwhile my husband wants to tell people ??!?! ( I’m like , tell them

What ?!?? an embryo implanted and I had a pregnant test but since then there’s a 50/50 chance it’s not even in there so be happy but not happy just in case????)

I’ve told one sister . She doesn’t get why I won’t tell my parents. I can’t deal with normal people being excited. They don’t get the ivf version of a positive .

No part of this journey is easy .

Hugs to you all!

This journey is a total hope stealer and heart crusher. I can’t even bring myself to say the p word in case it’s not really true .

Hopefully someone out there gets this, feels this and can relate!


Rhinocat 🦏 🐈 x

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RhinoCat profile image
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32 Replies
Italy300618 profile image

I totally feel you. Mine is next Thursday and it cant come soon enough! This is worse than the 2ww and crossing everything that all is ok. I've had some low aches too, and some were quite painful but they eased the next day. I would like to think we are being totally normal for 6 weeks + and ivf warriors. I totally get not telling your parents. We wish we hadnt told so many people as in a way the ones that watch you go through Ivf we cant just say oh we arent sure if it's worked. But now our close friends and families know theres even more added pressure. Will be thinking of you next Tuesday and sending all my love your way xxx 😘😘😘🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply toItaly300618

I needed this message! Thanks pet 😘😘😘 I’m going to tell my parents next Tuesday because they’re bringing me to the clinic as my husband is working away until 24th. My dad took me for lots of my appointments so it’ll not feel too

Bad. It’s a total melt isn’t it! So glad to hear you have low aches too 🤣 not that I wish pain on anyone but hopefully that makes us ivf+ normal 😘😘😘💐💐💐🌻🌻🌻 hugs to you as you wait 🥴🤩🤩🤩🤩💖💖💖💖🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💐💐💐💐🌻🌻🌻🌻

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toRhinoCat

That will be nice to have them for support. Thank you lovely, keep us posted 😘🥰 xxxx

Italy300618 profile image

And I totally cant say the p word yet either, just feels like I'm joking 😂😂🙈

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply toItaly300618

So glad I’m not the only weirdo 🤣

Millbanks profile image

I totally get the “other people being excited” I know it comes from a good place but I find it the hardest emotion to deal with. Don’t be excited for me please. I’m bearing holding it together! Xxx

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply toMillbanks

It’s so painful and must be nice for normal people 🤪🤣 it’s taken my sister a couple of days , and now she gets the whole not sure yet thing. She’s even joining me with the ‘if it’s still in there what size could it be’ stuff. This feels more realistic and manageable. Feels wick to worry when there’s people on this forum who would give their right arm to be at 6 weeks but I guess everyone also gets the ‘nothing certain’ yet thing too. Really thankful for your message 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 hope you have a great day 🌻

Pma2020 profile image

Completely understand what you’re going through! I spent the first 7 weeks in complete fear and just not sleeping! It feels unfair that at no point do you feel you are allowed to get excited about it all. Everyones symptoms are completely different (as the internet and nurse keeps telling me) i did have some strange aches but it wasn’t constant. i have now told a couple of friends and they said they had no symptoms. I wish i knew that sooner as it would have made me relax more. I had minimal symptoms, so please don’t let this worry you! Personally, i didn’t want to tell anyone until later on. Again, i was just in fear that something might happen. It might be helpful to tell your mum? It is nIce to have someone to talk to.

Im now 11.5 weeks pregnant and still can’t believe it. A massive congratulations to you- i think i was following you earlier in the year. Deep breaths- you can do this xx

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply toPma2020

Thanks so much for this 😘😘😘💐💐💐💐💐 congratulations on surviving to week 11.5 😘💐 it was easier when my husband was here. My aches aren’t constant , mostly come in the evening . But eventually pass. It’s hard to describe , like a heavy ache hum 😘🤪 hoping it’s normal. Not a flicker of sickness either, just sore boobs . Hopefully all will be ok but bracing just in case. Have a great day 😘💐

I had that the dull ache! If anything it’s the only thing I look for in the tww to know I’m pregnant it was a massive positive for me xxx

Hope76 profile image

Awwww we just go from one worry to the next don’t we. Having been through 2 x BFP’s well I remember thinking the 2ww was bad until the wait for the 7 week scan 🙈. As cliche as it sounds stay positive, you have got this far it’s only one more hurdle🤞🏼🙏🏻

Regarding telling family I totally understand. However as my parents & mother-in-law been a huge support and know every step we are going through with IVF. They are the only ones in the family who know we are doing a cycle right now. I see them often so I prefer they know why am anxious or/and moody 🥴. We then tell our siblings & close friends after the 7 week scan. However this time if we get as far as that (am currently in 2ww) we are considering waiting till 12 weeks. Reason being not long after having our 7 week scan 2 years ago unfortunately I miscarried. It has made us more cautious as we had by that time shared with a number of people. I do feel though at end of day we simply need our nearest & dearest’s love and support. So think we just have to do what feels right for us.

Good luck for next Tuesday I truly hope all is well and I promise you after that you will begin to relax and enjoy your pregnancy 😘

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply toHope76

Thanks for this, I’m defo not telling the mother in law as she’s ridiculous and stresses me out with her questions she thinks she has a right to know all of our private stuff and my husband is learning slowly that she’s not in our marriage. This time he decided not to tell her as I’m stressed enough without her demanding visits so she can look at me and ask 45 inappropriate questions a minute. My parents are great and don’t ask anything . I’ve had friends who’ve lost at 6,7,8 and 12 weeks so I think if we make it to next Tuesday I’ll tell my parents . Not sure the in-laws need to know yet but I’d tell if we lost it before 12. Think as my husband works away a lot my parents need to know so I have help and support . I only told my sister as she is home from Malaysia and I didn’t want her to feel left out. My other siblings don’t know yet . I guess ya just need to do what ya just need to do .

Ps I had my in-laws over for dinner last week and I drank zero zero wine so that has stopped my mother in law torturing my husband about ivf and when is the next cycle etc I have a feeling she’s told all

Her friends and neighbours and she’s just dying to update them! She just doesn’t get it.

He gets so angry at her, she just doesn’t know when to stop 😫🤪 it’s nice though that it’s not just me seeing this as my husband comments on it every time she’s near us.

jengi profile image

Hey lovely, I so relate to what you’ve written. Lots of strange twinges in my belly, cramping has eased but was really freaking me out last week. I will have my scan two days after yours and slowly going mad especially as my last hCG levels came back at over 17,000! It’s likely the two embryos implanted but could there be more? Could one have split? Could both have split! Eek! I’m trying not to google incase it freaks me out. Slightly terrified to be honest! Hope the next week goes fast for you my lovely Xx

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply tojengi

You are so lucky to have a clinic that does these tests to reassure. I only had one test which in isolation was dumb because I’ve no idea if it’s doubled .

More than one ! Wow 😮 sounds so positive 🤩 glad to ya some support heading into next week 😘😘💐💐💐 thanks for your reply 😘💐🌻

vansoire profile image

I’m in the same boat - got my viability scan on Monday and have been doing the ‘how many weeks’ Clear blue tests to check it was going up. Finally got to 3+ weeks but the fear is real! I had a tiny amount of brownish tinged discharge this morning and am fearing the worst even though it was barely noticeable and probably pessary irritation... This is my 2nd positive IVF experience (my little boy turned 2 yesterday) and with him I had sickness from 6 to 22 weeks 🤢 but this time I’ve had no symptoms other than very tender boobs and feeling exhausted. I might have to start booking siesta time into my work diary! 😴 Sending all you ladies positive vibes!! 🥰

cmbxm profile image

I had that ache with a bit of a strange cramp nonstop for the first 7 weeks, and it’s calmed down in the last 3, but I still occasionally get it, but my EPAU midwife and GP both said it’s a good sign everything is stretching down there and accommodating the little one, I’m still paranoid though, got a private scan for later today just to help reassure myself, but crossing everything I’ve got that next week goes well for you 🥰 xx

I just want to say how you are feeling is perfectly normal- people who haven’t struggled to conceive will never fully understand the fear..

Twinges are normal as it’s things stretching about to accommodate the growing baby it’s a good thing.

Think we are at the same pregnant point- 6 weeks 3 days? I’m struggling with it & the 12 week scan feels forever away it cannot come quick enough. I’ve had spotting with this pregnancy ( it’s something I have every pregnancy but still unsettling ) & not sure my symptoms are strong enough. 😳Early weeks are bloody rubbish! Complete head mash you are definitely not alone xxx

RhinoCat profile image

Not really twinges more aches. Hopefully it’s ok. No spotting fir me but I’m still taking progesterone so that’s probs why. I’m technically 6 weeks today so you’re a bit ahead . My scan is Tuesday so will be 6 weeks and 6 days. I’m not even thinking about 12 weeks. I’m at the days stage 🤣🤩 such fun 🤣🤣🤣🤣

in reply toRhinoCat

😂Good luck with your scan, hope it can offer reassurance. Keep us posted. Be lovely to see the baby 😍xxx

Corchi profile image

I think this one is the lucky one @rhino I truly believe it for you!!! Try to relax as much as you can. All we can do is hope for the best and keep busy as much as we can!! I drifted through OMG THIS COULD BE HAPPENING to I’m in denial and if I pretend I don’t care and it’s not then I won’t be so disappointed. Your at the most difficult part. Imagine I had heavy bleeding at 8 weeks and at 10 weeks with clots an everything after 6 miscarriages was so sure it was another one but here I am at 24 weeks half way there. I’m still a nervous wreck I just feel more relaxed coz I can feel him! Until I gave birth to my first baby and held him I was afraid because I needed the control to protect him myself. Everything before that is up to the man up there or whatever is up there 😁 sending you so much love and baby dust your way. You CAN do this!!!!

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply toCorchi

Love this Corchi 😘😘😘😘💐💐💐💐👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻💖💖💖💖 thank you 😊

London_Lady1 profile image

I had my scan on Monday. All good and instantly saw a strong heartbeat and just broke down. Crying while having a dildocam in is not fun for anyone!

I totally know the stress you're going through. I had literally worked out everything that could go wrong and noted down the symptoms or lack there of. I spent a lot of time looking at scans online so I knew what to look out for. I'm not sure if that was a good thing or not?

I kept telling myself that waiting was good. As it meant they could see more. I was 7 weeks 2 days at my scan, whereas if I had had it as just gone 6 weeks and there was no heartbeat (even if everything had been ok) I would have been a train wreck.

I had dull aches down there and sore boobs (but not that sore) and had convinced myself it was just the pessaries. I'm now starting to feel a bit sick. It's not what I expected. I just wake up feeling a bit hungover (like I had 1 too many rather than a super heavy night if you know what I mean) but that's only started happening in the last few days.

I know you know, but no symptoms can be totally fine and apparently we should count ourselves lucky (I'd take all the symptoms just so I felt more p word).

We have only told 2 people as they were helping us out during our cycle (as we decided to isolate to avoid the risk of a cancelled cycle due to getting covid) and they are both people I would tell if I had a miscarriage so no point in waiting.

Whereas family are just tooo much to deal with! They won't find out till our 12 week scan. But they don't even know we've been having problems or that we are going through IVF so there was no anticipation or expectations from them. My parents don't ask questions and would never dream of making comments about us having kids and my hubby's had a strong word with the mother in law about not pestering us about kids. He took the nicer approach of 'let us have the joy and excitement of telling you when the time comes!'

You probably gonna have a few sleepless nights and continue to worry for 99% of the day everyday, but fingers crossed all will be great and you'll get to see a little flicker of a heartbeat on something that looks like a prawn.


Itsalongjourney26 profile image
Itsalongjourney26 in reply toLondon_Lady1

😂😂😂😂 ‘Dildocam’

London_Lady1 profile image
London_Lady1 in reply toItsalongjourney26

I know I read it on an IVF blog so had to steal it!

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply toLondon_Lady1

You made me laugh! So happy you had good news 😘💐👌🏻 the dildo cam situation should be in a movie 🤪 I’ll be 6 weeks and 6 days so hopefully will be able to get reassurance . My husband is well distracted at work as I go slowly insane. But I’m at the seaside for the rest of the week so that’ll hopefully distract me. 🤩 thanks for your support

Twiglet2 profile image

Oh goodness me it really is like going from one worry to the next. I completely get where you are coming from and think I would be the same! Fingers crossed for Tuesday, hopefully you Can distract yourself a bit Until then lovely 🤗 Xx

Luna_79 profile image

Oh rhinocat - you did make me giggle lady pipe I love it, but you have got the nail so on the head - I havnt gotten a BFP yet but I guess then it’s just more worry after worry until that little bundle is in your arms. you’re so right, about it been a hope Stealer, we haven’t told anyone this time about our transfer - we only told a few very close friends and mums that we were going through IVF and last cycle so hard when the transfer failed - so this transfer we have literally told no one, a friend was asking me to night about when wed start treatment ads I felt awful lying and saying we’re waiting but can’t bring myself to say anything. Bless friend do try to understand but they just don’t get how hard it is - how can they I never did I thought IVF = baby!!! How wrong was I!!! 🙈

So so pleased you have your BFP and I can’t wait to see your viability scan, not long to go now - is the 2ww is torture I can only imagine what torture waiting for the 6w scan is!! Xxx

Cswanlake36 profile image

Just keep it to yourselves and tell people when your ready. You have all of us on here, your husband and your sister. It's great you've told your sister. Nice to have someone you know and trust to share it all with. If you did tell your parents they will only have your best interest. You could tell them not to say to anyone and keep it private. All the best for Tuesday. Your nearly there. Keep yourself busy until then. Treat yourself this weekend or everyday until Tuesday😂 😊🤗🤗x

Hope76 profile image

😂😂😂😂😂. Your mother-in-law sounds like a nightmare 🙈. Fortunately I get on fine with mine but I can see why you haven’t told yours. You just don’t need any added stress ! Sometimes it’s tricky as I go out walking with my mum every evening and she asks how am feeling and makes some comments when we are shopping about baby clothes etc. But she means well and most of the time she gets it. The one time I never told my mum was going for an FET and it never worked I wanted her straight away and felt awful as she was so surprised and upset.... so well I just feel since I need her support no matter what outcome is then I confide in her and my dad. It’s so hard on them especially as my sister is also going through IVF. They do have 3 grandchildren already so no pressure at all from them just lots of support. Everyone is different though so totally understand.

Anyway you will be absolutely fine & then you will be counting the days until your 12 week scan 😘

Picalilli99 profile image

Just wanted to say best of luck for your scan on Tuesday Rhinocat xxx

Cinderella5 profile image

Hang in there! You're doing all that you can, keep focusing on the fact that each day is another day down....its only natural to have the fear! BFP's bring on a whole new level of anxiety! Good

Lw1311 profile image

I could of written this myself! 5w4 days today and I feel like I have no symptoms! Our scan isn’t until the 26th August and it feels a life time away. The only thing I’ve noticed is almost like a lower dull tummy ache and that’s enough to make me worry! I too spend all my time googling ‘5 weeks, no symptoms’ and although it gives me the same answers everyday I can’t help myself. Terrified for the 7 week scan and adamant something will happen! I don’t think I’ve accepted my hpt or hcg test were positive because of it either. We will be fine though I’m sure! We’ve told a few people but only because I think I would tell them either way... all the best 💜

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