Waiting for the viability scan... - Fertility Network UK

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Waiting for the viability scan...

CLN1986 profile image
40 Replies

Does anyone else feel waiting for the viability scan is sooooo much worse than the 2WW?

I feel like I’m having no symptoms, apart from bloating and feeling tired but I’m assuming that’s more to do with the pessaires.🤷🏻‍♀️ What symptoms are you all having? Do you feel like you want to test again but scared in case that positive has disappeared?


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CLN1986 profile image
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40 Replies
MissSaoPaulo profile image

I think all of us feel like that at this point. I do. When it has been such a struggle to get here it's difficult for us to rest easy knowing there is still a ways to go.

I don't think symptoms or lack of them mean much at this point so try not to worry. Just like during the 2ww we can't do much except hope for the best, keep busy and wait patiently (ha!)

I'm noticing certain smells are bothering me. Boobs are still sore and I'm pretty tired.

When is your scan? Hope the time flies by for you!!

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to MissSaoPaulo

You’re right. Got to keep them positive pants on and try not to over think everything! How far along are you? Have you had your scan? Mines next Thursday xx

MissSaoPaulo profile image
MissSaoPaulo in reply to CLN1986

My scan's next Thursday too. I'm never sure if we count like a normal pregnancy from the last period? If so I'm just over 6 weeks. Best of luck for your scan next week. I guess we won't see much beyond a blob but I can't wait to see those blobs!!

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to MissSaoPaulo

If you look online, there are calculators that work out from when your embryo was transferred, how far along you are. I would say you are around 6 weeks as I am just over 6 weeks. The blobs are all we need to see right now ☺️

MissSaoPaulo profile image
MissSaoPaulo in reply to CLN1986

5 weeks and 5 days apparently and due July 7 if it's twins as they suspect. That was fun :)

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Why do they suspect twins? We had two embryos put back in so I’m waiting to see at the scan next week what’s going on in there... 🙈

MissSaoPaulo profile image
MissSaoPaulo in reply to CLN1986

The blood test levels last week were 4,300 at 14dpt and when we called our Dr he said it's very likely twins. He said - congratulations you're super-pregnant!!! We transferred 2 but really didn't expect them both to stick!!

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Super pregnant 😂 I like that! Haha! I’m not sure if my clinic does a blood test or it’s just the scan? x

Kcrochet profile image

I'm really struggling at the moment, after the spotting I posted about I had a proper red bleed. I was in floods of tears and so scared it was all over. The bleeding has stopped but I feel too scared to move now 😔 I have had quite a bit of nausea which does reassure me a bit but I think it's very common for that to come later.

All we can do is wait and hope and try to stay positive 🙏🙏🙏

MissSaoPaulo profile image
MissSaoPaulo in reply to Kcrochet

Oh hon, you must be so stressed out!!

won't the clinic give you another blood test or anything to reassure you?

Kcrochet profile image
Kcrochet in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Thanks for understanding. My clinic have offered another blood test if I want but I don't know if it's worth it. With my symptoms especially nausea I feel like my hcg must be high. I think I just need to wait for scan to find out what's going on, which is on 10th Dec. Yes I am stressed out! xx

MissSaoPaulo profile image
MissSaoPaulo in reply to Kcrochet

More waiting!!

I do hope everything's ok for you. Guess there's not much to do except look after yourself and try not to worry (I know, I know, but I had to say it!!)

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to Kcrochet

Hold on to that nausea symptom and like others have said, try not to worry🙈 isn’t that the worse thing to be told during this process!🙈 I know the 10th seems like a long way off but positive thinking girlie xx

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Kcrochet

Oh no!! This must’ve been so scary for you. The fact you’re still nauseous is really reassuring though. I know it must be nearly impossible but try not to stress yourself out too much x

Kcrochet profile image
Kcrochet in reply to Kitcat12

Thanks kitcat. This truly is a roller coaster (complete with nausea!) xx

Sassa1234 profile image

Oh god, it's really stressful lovelies, I had another hpt just to make sure I'm still pregnant and the hcg is still going high (hopefully) .

My scan takes place in the 12/12 14 days to go. I can't wait. 📆

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to Sassa1234

I am tempted to test at home again this weekend 🙈

Dunla profile image

I’ve never got that far before but I can imagine I’d be equally as anxious. Very best of luck to you for your scan xx

Oooh yes. I totally agree. The 2nd 2ww is so much worse than the first once you get there of course. The day after my bfp my symptoms totally disappeared. Obviously I was immediately on panic stations. I then had a gush of implantation discharge one morning. Oh, that was not a good day.

In the end all was well! So far.

Good luck x

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to

Implantation discharge 😳 how far along are you now? Did it feel more real after the first scan? x

in reply to CLN1986

The first scan at just before 6 weeks just showed me (thankfully) that there was a blob in the blob and it was in the right place. I am sure I saw a flickering heartbeat too. It was reassuring totally. And after that I came to realise that life is going to be one long worry from now on so I need to adjust to that otherwise I wasn't going to do any good for me or the baby - or anyone around me. So I resolved to try more mindfulness around the anxiety. That was stretched the very next morning when I awoke to some more discharge. I put that down to the use of the dildocam the day before. So they didn't use at the next one.

It did feel more real for sure. Also, symptoms come and go as our bodies adjust to the hormones at different times. And apparently it is quite normal to have hormone induced discharge up to around 12 weeks. It's lovely isn't it. All these things to make us worry more.

Good luck lovely xxx

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to

You have a point, we are now going to worry for the rest of our lives but we need to not focus on that. It will drive us and the people around us mad! 🙈 Dildocam makes me chuckle everytime hehe but yes, I normally get a bit of spotting/discharges once that’s been use so if it happens after the scan, I won’t panic.

What’s next in this process for you? xx

in reply to CLN1986

12 week scan on 24th. Xxx

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to

How amazing, just before Christmas ☺️

in reply to CLN1986

I know. But now I am nearly 9 weeks I am not sure if I can wait another 3.... Having had a scan every 2 weeks so far I may have to have a 10 week too. Arrrggghhh, so hard isn't it. He he. How are you holding up? X

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to

You’ve got use to having that scan as a safety blanket. Try and hold out till the 12 week scan if you can (I know that’s easy to say!!). How lovely, Christmas Eve and you’ll have a proper baby scan. ☺️ Amazing! I’m not too bad. I still don’t feel pregnant yet, and I feel like the main symptom I’m getting is severe bloat in the evening once I eat🙈 huff! x

in reply to CLN1986

I can't stop eating. Sometimes I feel quite sick after he he. But if I don't eat I get a bit floppy and flu like. So little often as the saying goes I guess xx

Kitcat12 profile image

I have this to look forward to! Really hoping they can squeeze our scan in before Christmas. How long do you have to wait for yours? x

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to Kitcat12

Oh I hope they can! Would be lovely to have before Christmas. So I tested on 16th Nov (14 days after a 3dt) and my scan is 6th Dec. If that helps you work yours out? xx

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to CLN1986

The clinic have given us a scan date on 20th December, 3 weeks away 😬😬 exciting but it feels very far away x

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to Kitcat12

It does feel like ages away but the madness of preparing for Christmas will make that go quick!! xx

Tugsgirl profile image

It is worse. It’s horrendous. I did keep testing but I found that testing isn’t an indication that all is well, though I understand the need to do it, don’t get too hung up on it. Good luck for your scan. I hope you’re not waiting too much longer xx

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to Tugsgirl

You have a very good point there. Just because the positive is on the test doesn’t mean all is well and I think that’s what’s worrying me more 🙈

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to CLN1986

Not that I mean to worry you more of course! Just don’t like seeing ladies spend lots of money on tests for reassurance xx

CLN1986 profile image
CLN1986 in reply to Tugsgirl

Of course, and I appreciate that. Thank you x

Congrats on the pregnancy. The early weeks are so tough going. You focus so much on getting the positive test & don’t consider what follows that! My nerves were much worse than any 2WW. The best advice I can offer is to take it one day at a time, remember most pregnancies will have a healthy baby at the end! There is no point thinking the worst, if the worst should happen it won’t make it feel any better & hopefully you won’t have to face the worst & might worry yourself over something that might not happen ( I hope that doesn’t sound preachy as I wasn’t good at not worrying due to lots spotting throughout weeks 6-12 , but worried myself over nothing baby was fine & could’ve enjoyed the first trimester )

Personally I did regularly test, it helped reassure me I was still pregnant! I was very nervous as I had a chemical pregnancy last year. I had an early scan at 10 weeks due to spotting & although the scan was nerve racking ( I couldn’t help but think the worst) but was super amazing to see all was well with my baby I cried!!!

I tested until I had my 12 week scan which went well & I now believe we are having a baby & this is our time! It helps having the scan pictures to look at & I think every women wants to get to 12 weeks to feel more relaxed!

If it helps you feel calmer test. Do what feels right to you.

Wishing you the best with the scan & hope that gives you some reassurance 😍✨ xozo

CLN1986 profile image

Thank you for sharing your experience. You’re right, it’s that 12 week scan we hold out for and then I think we settle a bit more into the pregnancy... How many weeks are you now? xx

in reply to CLN1986

Thank you. I’m 14 weeks. It’s flying by now! 😆Hope your scan can help reassure you a bit ❤️❤️❤️xoxo

I think this wait is definitely worse so I share your pain!! I’ve had to ban myself from google!!! Lol! Scan on Wednesday so waiting in nervous anticipation. Definitely have sore boobs and a bit of nausea in the past couple of days so fingers crossed that’s a good sign. Good luck for your scan. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🤞🏻🤞🏻 x

AJJ123 profile image

I think the second tww is the worst tww. I wouldn’t bother testing again it will only cause unnecessary stress. ‘Is the line dark enough?’ ‘Should I be 2-3 weeks now or 3+’ etc. Good luck xx

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