Feeling a little anxious and need some reassurance... I am in my 2WW and I went for a walk. As I was walking I stopped and bought some cereal, rice, some biscuits and a bag of flour. It probably came to 2kg in weight. I walked home with that weight for about 20 mins. I am now completely paranoid I could have affected the embryo. Are you all being very careful carrying weights? xx
carrying weights in the 2ww - Fertility Network UK
carrying weights in the 2ww

I think this should be absolutely fine 🤗 I have read no more than 10lbs, especially if you are used to carrying things so this is about 5lbs yeah? Xx
Thank you for the reassurance Twiglet! Yes I just checked and it’s no more than 5 lbs. Feeling silly for getting myself all worked up. I think I’m just tired and this heat (!!) is making me a bit delirious - I live in a flat in London. Thank you ❤️❤️
Hello feminist, mine is a question, am due for fet in sept, now I also live in a flat and we don't have lift. Were you allowed to use stairs after transfer?... Am confused and don't know if I should book a guest house or just go home after transfer😔
Hi Dattie,
Absolutely fine for you to take the stairs. A bit of gentle exercise, walking (including stairs) is meant to be good for you post transfer. So please don't worry about moving! Best of luck with it all. x
Hey lovely, I was paranoid about this when I first started IVF but the nurse said to me it was all relative, so if you normally carry shopping thats heavy that actually isnt a heavy weight - so for example I used to commute with laptop etc and often bought shopping on way home and panicked and she said my body was used to that weight so it wasn't a drama.. it was more unusual heavy weights like suddenly trying to move a mattress or something thats when you shouldn't be doing it.. I am 100% sure you are absolutely fine! x

Thank you SO much. That makes total sense. I am always carrying tonnes of shopping, laptop, etc... so hopefully its all fine. I don't know why I got myself into such a panic yesterday. Thank you for taking the time to write. xxxx