The title says it all really, after our third fresh cycle finished in a BFN last Nov I’ve been doing LOTS of thinking and over the last month I decided that that’s it for us, I just can’t face a fourth round, I can’t face another “not pregnant” after coming up 6 years of TTC and never once seeing those 2 lines, I need to move on with my life!
I know it’s the right decision but I also know the baby announcements will always feel like a kick in the guts, I know that it will never feel like its ok because it’s not ok and it’s not fair but it is something I accept and I think that’s half the battle!
But as well as saying goodbye, this post really was a thank you, thank you for all the help and unbelievable support I’ve received on here, over the years of being on here I’ve seen people come and go, some really happy endings and some sad, but through it all what’s always shone out of this site is the wonderful support and for that I will always be truly grateful, so thank you and good luck to you all 😘😘😘 x x x