First Egg Retrieval Tomorrow .. quest... - Fertility Network UK

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First Egg Retrieval Tomorrow .. questions

Sorax profile image
29 Replies

Just got home from work and it’s hit me that it’s happening tomorrow😱 I feel really unprepared😂 what shall I wear? They said to take dressing gown and slipper.. can I wear socks while having the procedure? Once I’m there will I get changed shall I take a book Incase we are waiting around? How long after the procedure will I need to stay there for? Shall I take food to eat after .. Oh god I’m scared 🤦🏽‍♀️💖 I’m having this done under the nhs don’t no if that changes anything xxxx

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Sorax profile image
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29 Replies

Hi Sorax

Congrats on getting this far through the process! My clinic made me wear a hospital gown and I had to take my socks off so it was cold tootsies for me!

I was told to get there for 8am to be ready for an 8.30am collectiom but ended up hanging around till more like 8.45am. So a book might be a good idea to take your mind off things whilst you're waiting.

I wasn't very well afterwards as I had a reaction to the sedatives so I ended being there longer than most and didn't end up leaving till 11.30am till I had come around fully and my stomach had settled. Hopefully you won't get that though and you'll be out quicker than I was!

My clinic had a hot drinks machine so I had a hot chocolate and they also provided biscuits but it might be worth taking something to eat just in case.

I'm sure the nurses will take great care of you and itll be over before you know it. Best of luck! 🤞xx

Sorax profile image
Sorax in reply to

Thankyou think I’m most worried about how I’m going to feel when waking up 🥺

in reply to Sorax

As bad as it sounds, it's a bit like when you've drunk too much. It's all a bit hazy and you don't feel dreadful. Even though I ended up being sick, I didn't feel I'll...I know that doesn't make a lot of sense Haha 🤦‍♀️. Thankfully even though it's like being very drunk there wasn't a hangover hoorah!xx

in reply to Sorax

Egg collection was my favourite part of the process... It was the best sleep ever! Xx you will be fine good luck!

WonderworldXx profile image

Hi Sorax, my egg collection is tomorrow also. Well done for getting this far, nerve wracking isn’t it?! I’m really trying to not be overwhelmed by it all.

This will be my second collection, rule no 1 don’t panic haha 🙈 for me I wore something comfy to the hospital and they changed me in to a gown almost immediately. Just remember what you get changed in to afterwards needs to be comfy as you’ll be swollen. Slippers only you’ll take these off in theatre and put them on when you get back in the room but socks for afterwards will be fine i’d guess 👍🏼 doubt you’ll need the book coz there’s a lot of discussions with embryologist, nurse etc signing last min paperwork before, then afterwards you’ll be high as a kite anyway 🤣 so doubt you’ll be able to read. Prob in for an hour or so afterwards, they’ll give you some biscuits and tea to perk you up. But might be worth taking some supplies in just in case you’re peckish!

Hopefully this helps a little bit! Best of luck for tomorrow, take it step by step you’ll be fine. Let’s hope we both get some good strong eggs 💪🏼 Xxxx

Luna_79 profile image
Luna_79 in reply to WonderworldXx

Good luck to you too wonderworld , seeing lots of baby dust xx

WonderworldXx profile image
WonderworldXx in reply to Luna_79

Ahh thankyou luna_79 fingers crossed! 💫 Xx

Sorax profile image
Sorax in reply to WonderworldXx

Aw wow yours is tomorrow wishing you all the best with yours 🥰🥰🥰

Luna_79 profile image

Ah exciting 😊 it feels like another milestone when you get to this stage , I took slippers and a dressing gown , I just wore a dress with tights something easy and comfortable. I took a book and was looking forward to a read , however hubby hadn’t and think he was more nervous then me and never stopped talking!! 😂 but to be honest i was booked in for 9.45 and had to be there are 7.30 but by the time you change, nurse checks you in, more forms etc the time soon goes. I was glad of slippers as my feet were cold and yeah just took these off in the theatre. The procedure was fine , think the canular in my hand was worse then the egg retrieval , they make you nice and sleepy and I genuinely found it absolutely fine. I was nhs and I got a lovely cup of tea and a sandwich once I’d come around 😊 wishing you lots of baby dust for tomorrow xx

Sorax profile image
Sorax in reply to Luna_79

Thankyou so much can’t wait till it’s all over ha 🙌🏽🙌🏽

Tigr profile image

I had to wait quite a bit after, so something that keeps you busy might be good. Something to eat if you don't want bisquits. Anything you can wear now will be fine tomorrow. I guess your stomach is swollen from bloating and eggs as was mine 🙄. Socks are a good shout, I was really cold in the theatre, but they might not let you keep them on. They will look after you, let them know about any concerns or if you are uncomfortable or need more drugs etc. Bonus tip: they will just let you go after you'd had a wee to make sure everything works as it should, so drinking to fill the bladder afterwards can possibly speed up things. If you are not under general anesthesia, you will be up quite fast afted the procedure. Don't suffer through pain afterwards trying to be brave - take the good pills 😉. Good luck with the egg collection tomorrow and a speedy recovery!

Sorax profile image
Sorax in reply to Tigr

Aw thankyou yeah I get cold so easily 🤦🏽‍♀️ my stomach is huge all I want to live in is pjs haha 😇

Tigr profile image
Tigr in reply to Sorax

I was a bit scared of egg collection but I really wanted to get them out because I was so swollen 😂. Amazing how fast the body goes back to normal (ish) afterwards. I think if you really wanted to go in pjs, that is totally ok. Go for it! If there were others having the eggs collected that day, they might look at you but that would just be pure jealousy for said pjs!

Sorax profile image
Sorax in reply to Tigr

😂 love this, don’t no if I’m brave enough plus I don’t really have any nice pjs haha I can’t wait for my tummy to go down 🙌🏽

KiboXX profile image

Hi Sorax,

Totally normal to be nervous!

Normally they give you a snack afterwards, you might be a bit groggy so you probably won’t want much more until you leave. They don’t tend you keep you for very long after as long as you’re feeling fine. I always throw a book in my bag but I’ve never once opened it!

I always take fluffy socks instead of slippers as they normally let you keep them on. You get changed there, wear something comfy, joggers or leggings. The dressing gown is just to protect your modesty as the hospital gowns have an open back 😳😂

Good luck, you’ll be fine I promise! ♥️🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚 xx

Sorax profile image
Sorax in reply to KiboXX

Aw thankyou I’m normally not a big eater but lately I’ve been eating so much I no I’m going to wake up starving tomorrow haha I’ve packed a book with me just incase and headphones. Yeah I’m hoping they let me keep socks on I brought a really cute pair to wear to jazz up my hospital gown 🤣

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to Sorax

Oh that will be those stims injections, always give me a monster appetite and a terrible sweet tooth! 🙈

How could they say no to jazzy socks! 😂 xx

Twiglet2 profile image

Hi Sorax, good luck for tomorrow. I had this done on NHS too. I was 2nd in that day so didn’t have time to read and by the time I woke up it was just time to eat a wee biscuit and then go so pretty quick actually. I think they gave me those blue sterile things for my feet and a gown so doesn’t really matter what you wear going as you are naked for the procedure. Something easy to put back on and comfy in case you are sore would probably be best. I wasn't too sore until later on that night and it honestly the actual procedure was basically the best sleep I’ve had in years 🤣 probably because I didn’t sleep a wink the night before because I so (unnecessarily) worried. Hope all goes well and lots of eggs for you xx

Sorax profile image
Sorax in reply to Twiglet2

Aw brilliant I swear the lady said I was second. I’ve just got into bed I’m sooo tired I never have problems sleeping most of the time ... il probably dream that I’ve missed the appointment and wake up panicking tomorrow haha

Twiglet2 profile image

Quite right get your rest! Hope all goes well tomorrow the nurses will take great cafe of you, wishing you lots of luck 🤗 xx

ttcemmie profile image

All the regular advice - get there early. Wear joggers, comfy clothes, and who doesn't like a dressing gown? 😊 I think we were only there less than an hour afterwards and they had little biscuits for us, but with no breakfast I will be hungry at lunch time! I've been allowed socks each time (thankfully! as I get cold easy).


Sorax profile image
Sorax in reply to ttcemmie

Thanks my dear is yours today too?

AmyR15 profile image

I had mine Monday they gave me hospital gown and d i took slippers and dressing gown. The nurses were awsome they gave me toast and cup of tea and was allowed to go home once id been for a wee. Its weird when ya come round but u will be fine. Good luck for today hope everything goes well xx

Sorax profile image
Sorax in reply to AmyR15

Thankyou we are here waiting 🥰

Sorax profile image

All done everything went well 🥚 I got 29 eggs can’t wait to go home and sleep 😂 obviously they are abit concerned I’m going to develop ohss so just been given some more drugs 🤦🏽‍♀️

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply to Sorax

They got eggs 🥚 🙌 celebrate each stage! Get home and rest and drink water like it’s going out of fashion . Wishing you the best 💖💐

Well done for surviving this part 😘💖💐

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Sorax

29! Gosh. Take care of yourself and rest and recover! xxx

Sorax profile image
Sorax in reply to ttcemmie

Thankyou hope you got on okay 🥰

Hartley1 profile image

Wjdn j had it dond on the NHS they gave compression stockings and hospital gown...I took my slippers but was just for going to loo...all you need is yourself...they'll give you hot drink and biscuit and if you're lucky a sandwich. Don't need food unless on your return its a long journey between hospital and home. Take a book in case you feel like reading but my guess is you'll sleep after and beforehand if you're like me on first round so anxious that what you're reading won't even sink in. Just the clothes you're wearing. They also gave me a locker so begore you go in you lock it all away. They give disposable pants pre procedure. Take a panty liner and that's it. Good luck you'll be fine :)

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