Hi everyone, I'm In two weeks wait, after my embryo transfer, they transfer to me 3 embryos, is it have a chance to be success my ivf?
Is it will be sucess my ivf - Fertility Network UK
Is it will be sucess my ivf

Hi Sara. Wishing you all the best for the 2ww! Really hoping this is a successful round for you! xxxx
Its difficult to say either way but just eanted to say good luck. Wow not many clinics transfer that many.
Thank you.. yes they put for me 3 embryos
Hi Sara212,
I had 3 embryos transferred and am now 26 weeks pregnant with 1 baby girl. Good luck and best wishes... I guess it gives you more chances of one surviving or twins xxx
Congrats... I really hope i will have also. What did you do during the 2 weeks wait? And what the symptoms for pregnant that you feel.. and did you make any pregnancy test before the 2 weeks come?
The 2weeks wait, I kept myself occupied with work as my job is not demanding rather is like am at home whereas at work. I texted on day 12 and got positive and after the 2weeks i started bleeding which i presume was implantation. Rushed to hospital at 6weeks and seen one heart beat. I never had any symptom at all not sure why but I had the faith that out of 3 embryos am definitely sure one will implant. Luckily for me, my baby girl will be due in june. So keep your faith strong and believe in yourself that hence it worked for others, it will surely work for you. Good luck xx
Thank you so much .. I always feel tenderness of my breast, and I always make pee, then I feel like it became big my stomach, that if I eat a little I feel too much full,and on the day 4 i feel mild cramping.