2DP5DT - and so it begins: Its not even... - Fertility Network UK

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2DP5DT - and so it begins

Sunshine92 profile image
16 Replies

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Its not even 8am yet and I am fully in the throws of 2WW obsession.

I have woken up with watery discharge - what does this mean? Good? Bad? Ive looked at every forum since the dawn of internet to find out. Result? Inconclusive. However i do normally get a gush of watery discharge in the few days before my period so i dont see it as good news.

Still constipated, little - no cramping, boobs still sore a tiny bit, nothing outrageous. So i basically have no symptoms.

Ive also looked through every post on here under the heading ‘2DP5DT’ trying to compare my symptoms to that of others.

In summary i’ve officially lost the plot! 🤦🏻‍♀️ roll on OTD! ⏳

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Sunshine92 profile image
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16 Replies
Mara84 profile image

Hi Sunshine! I know exactly how you feel, two weeks wait are the worst!! You know during each step of IVF journey we get an update or we have to do something to get there, but two weeks wait feels like we can not do much about the outcome....

my only advice is try not test early and spend time with love ones, actually another advice 😛 don’t Google each symptoms, I know it’s hard but it just make it harder for you to pass these two weeks. Look after yourself.

Sending you lots of love xx

Hi Sunshine92,

I have lost the plot too 5 days in🤦‍♀️



Sunshine92 profile image
Sunshine92 in reply to

I feel i may be going insane!

I’ve also signed myself off work so maybe i’m bored - will try and get myself out to stop googling today 🙈

How’re you feeling? xx

in reply to Sunshine92

I had some pains last night in my womb area,sore boobies and some cramping but already feel like it wouldn't work as I have just gone 42.Our first round failed too although we transfered good quality blasts each time.



Sunshine92 profile image
Sunshine92 in reply to

Well that sounds positive! I was crampy yesterday morning but feel really light today if that makes sense? Not full or crampy at all. I still havent properly opened my bowels for about a week 🤦🏻‍♀️ so would hope i’d at least feel crampy from that but not really. I just want a sign 😫 xx

in reply to Sunshine92

I know it is a killer.I am off work today so need to try keep busy.Keep toilet watching too and scared to see any change of colour down there as not sure when a period would show.🤦‍♀️

This is our self funded round had 1 on NHS so that is it for us now.



Sunshine92 profile image
Sunshine92 in reply to

We’re self funded too, i paid for 2 rounds no refund access fertility to do have another fresh go but i just dont want to use it 🙈

Going to have a shower & get myself out the house for an hour.

I’ll send you a message tomorrow to see how you’re getting on xx

in reply to Sunshine92

I am going to get up and do the same.🙂

I will speak to you then.😘



Morning! I am 4dp3det so the same in terms of dpo but just had this hell for an extra two days. Its my fourth cycle you would have thought I would be a pro by now but nope! No chance! With you on this crazy ride! xx

Sunshine92 profile image
Sunshine92 in reply to

My hubby bless him said to me last night ‘every pregnant woman ive known (he hasnt known that many), said they just knew they were pregnant, they had a feeling. I wish you felt like that.’

Truth is i feel less pregnant each day that goes by 🤦🏻‍♀️

Hate the waiting xx

in reply to Sunshine92

I stocked up on new supplements for next round yesterday I am so convinced it hasn't worked! Oh dear lord re hubby. My OH keeps telling me not to be impatient, and 'days are flying by' and starts every morning with 'do you feel pregnant yet' and all sorts of other TOTALLY RIDICULOUS statements that make me want to scream!😂

I am testing out my trigger and its nearly gone so am going to wait for a week or so now (she says...!) and then maybe test a bit early xx

Sunshine92 profile image
Sunshine92 in reply to

Bless them! They mean well 🤦🏻‍♀️ hubbs cant see why i just cant relax 😶 their naïvety is so interesting.

You are very brave!

Keeping everything crossed for you! Keep in touch! It does help speaking to you all knowing where you’re all at xx

Ranchu90 profile image

Do not lose your hope it is too early.

Sending you lots of love and baby dust 💗💞

Hey ☀️ (sunshine) 😃aaaaaah the 2ww! I know well how you feel....so now I’m going to tell you the best (not) sentence ever: symptoms or no symptoms doesn’t mean anything!!!!!

When reading this you think ‘f that’....but you know, it’s true.....I had cycles where analysed EVERYTHING every little change and got bfns..... then cycles when I had no symptoms whatsoever (uterus like, dead) and...one of those turned into a bfp!!! (And I was in total shock! I only had my pre AF headache)

So, in short: try to stop googling, relax and watch Netflix....or go for a walk (it’s sunny in London today!)

I promise days will go quicker if you keep yourself busy 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

Sending you a bucket of luck and love ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunshine92 profile image
Sunshine92 in reply to

What a lovely reply! ☺️ thank you so much!

Talking to you all definitely helps.

Ive never ever seen those 2 lines .. you feel so much hope when you’re actively doing something to try and see them but now you’re just leaving it to your body its pretty stressful 🙈 xx

in reply to Sunshine92

You’re so welcome! This community of lovely ladies is saving me 💗everyone is so nice and supportive here, feels like having sooooo many friends that really GET what you feel and talk about. It’s brilliant!

Oh gosh, I have lost count of the times I’ve seen that bloody single line......before seeing the double one! 😉I thought I was having visions ahahaha

It’s really hard when you haven’t got control over things, even more on what your body is doing (really hard for me as I’m a bit of a control freak ahahah), but we really need to trust our body.

It knows what to do and how to do it, and there’s a reason for everything that happens (as hard as it is to understand).

We’re IVF warriors and we’ll get our babies, we just need to be persistent and never ever give up 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

Here to root for you! Mwah! 💋🤞🏻🍀✨

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