Today is cycle day 21, meaning that I am starting my Suprecur (Buserelin) nasal spray today, and I have my first baseline scan in 3 weeks 🤗. This is my very first NHS funded IVF (ICSI) cycle. My husband and I have been trying naturally without any success for 4.5yrs now so really excited to be a step further in our journey towards parenthood. 🤞🏼I’d really appreciate any advice that you may have for me. Please share the ups and downs that I should prepare myself for.
And so it begins…….🍍: Today is cycle... - Fertility Network UK
And so it begins…….🍍

Welcome to the IVF family! My advice would be to not set yourself any expectations. When I started I gave myself completely arbitrary goals - like "I'd be happy with 20 eggs collected" or "I'd like 4 blastocysts" - with no real basis as to why. Then you learn that there can be so many bumps along the way and you find yourself disappointed at your results when they are actually good. Try not to compare yourself to others - what is good for one person isn't necessarily good for another and vice versa - we're all very different!!
I would also say try to take it one day at a time. Don't jump ahead to "when I'm pregnant".... just see how each step goes and stay positive. Wishing you lots of luck xx
Thank you so much for your message. I’m terrible when it comes to worrying about things that are out with my control and usually google surf the slightest little thing. I’m really going to try and just enjoy the process and take each day as it comes and not let the stress get to me. Thank you for the advice about not comparing myself to others. I’ll keep that in mind 🥰
I think the hardest part of IVF is the lack of control - there are highs and lows for sure but you have to just roll with them. My mantra tends to be "set the bar low" then you'll be pleasantly surprised!! Here if you have any questions or worries my lovely - my inbox is always open xx
I think that could possibly be the hardest part for me. I’m already struggling with not knowing exactly when I’ll have scans etc. I’m a scheduler and I like to know all the details of how and when things will happen. I didn’t sleep well last night knowing I was starting my nasal spray this morning, which seems silly now but it’s just my mind I guess. I’ll just really need to try and relax. If only I could have a glass of wine 🙄. Thanks so much for your advice. Wishing you all the best ✨
So it's a bit more lasse-faire with the NHS, but what I did was to get them to tell me exactly when everything would be happening - then I got myself a diary (just for IVF) and wrote every single thing down in there. Of course dates change but it was good to have it outlined. I got them to tell me what drugs, how, where, when etc - they say that they will tell you nearer the time etc - but I told them I needed to plan and they sat me down and went through everything xx
That sounds like a good idea. I’ve got a book (not necessarily a diary) that I’ve been noting everything down in so far. More as something to look back at if we are lucky and mange to conceive. I’ll maybe just pick up a diary and try to get specific dates from them like you did. Thanks for sharing that with me. I definitely think that would help settle my mind a bit 🙂.
Hi DG. I’m starting my nasal spray on the 3rd and then injections on the 10th so we will be close in timing. Do you know when your injections start ?Good luck with it all 😀
This is my second cycle so I would agree with Millbanks said and just take it one step at a time and don’t compare to anyone else.
Try to remain as relaxed and positive as possible (although easier said than done ) as stressing is not going to change to outcome.
I really hope it all goes well for you 💕
Hi Beclp. Thanks for your message. I’m on the long protocol, so I’m on the nasal spray for 3 weeks before I get a baseline scan. From what I’m led to believe, if all looks well at that scan which is on a Wednesday, then I’ll start STIMS on the Friday of that week. I’ve read and re-read the paperwork but I know you can’t really plan ahead as there are so many things that can go off piste 🥴. I wish you all the best for your cycle too 🤞🏼✨
Thank you 😊 I’m sure it will all go well for u x My first cycle I just googled so much about how many eggs people had collected and then how many of them went to day 5. I was obsessed!This time I’m just going to try and pretend nothing is happening and go about life as normal. Haha let’s see how that goes 😆
All the very best for your journey…ensure you take the medicines on time and as healthy food, get good sleep, step out for walks since that’s the safest way to keep fit..Take one day at a time..often people in this journey start to overthink (it is very natural) and that doesn’t do any good..
Thank you very much for your message and advice. I’m glad you mentioned walking, I have been out walking loads recently and was planning to continue, more so to try and take my mind off of all that’s going on in this crazy journey. A walk along the beach is a lovely form of therapy 🥰. I do have a tendency to be an over thinker so really going to try my best to stay relaxed and healthy.
For me the best piece of advice was not to compare yourself to others. When I had my scan to look at the size of my follicles for EC 5hey delayed the EC by a couple of days so I could have longer on the meds for the follicles to grow. I had no idea this was a 'thing' and worried about the delay. Collection all turned out well, just a couple of days later than planned! Looking back it's reassuring the hospital are looking at my scans to plan dates, rather than just following a timetable. But at the time it's another thing to worry about