I had a early stage blastocyst transferred last Monday currently 6 days PT but i have terrible period type cramps on the left side of my stomach. I don’t usually suffer with period cramps. Any good news stories to help me through until my test day on Friday? 😀
2WW: I had a early stage blastocyst... - Fertility Network UK

Hey there, I didn’t want to read and run..., could just be your ovaries settling down from the stimulation, keeping everything crossed for you xx
Could be implantation cramps, I had those in my first pregnancy (ended in mc - but that was a long time after!). It honestly felt just like period cramps, I was SO sure I was starting my period I didn't even think to test. I was stunned! Wishing you the best of luck! xx
Yes, i got them as well ever since the day of the transfer. I heard it is a good sign. Last night it was the right side for me. Everything crossed for us xx
I'm 6dp3dt. had bad cramps and sometimes sharp pain on the right side of the stomach. had twinges as well on the lower abdomen part. I feel like period cramps as well
Thanks everyone I’m wishing you all the best of luck. I know I shouldn’t but I’m tempted to test early 🙃 xx
I had that with both babies so for me a good sign. My friend who is also 6dp5dt also did and tested positive yesterday! So I think it’s a good sign fingers crossed 🤞🏻
Hey I had a 5 day blast transferred back in January and I also had period type cramps , turned out it was a success so try not to worry too much as I think cramps can also be a positive sign My period type cramps lasted at least 2/3 weeks too! Good luck
Hello there, this is my 3rd IVF. I had my transfer one week ago, and since day 2 of the transfer I was having royal period pain, some hot flashes and hard back pain, my doctor says it is irrelevant, today I tried a home pregnancy test and it turned out negative, im so sad, everything happening is not positive,