Hi ladies, my third cycle just got cancelled because I have a cyst that is active and releases Ostrogen. Apparently cysts can stay for months. I am heartbroken because given my age (43) time is of the essence. Has anyone hot a cyst from the IVF meds? Does anyone knows which meds give cysts? Do I can avoid those next time. Xx
Cyst after 2 cycles: Hi ladies, my... - Fertility Network UK
Cyst after 2 cycles

Sorry to hear that Lilly. I got one after our last (2nd) round (FET) which resulted in a BFP but a MMC. They said it likely developed during pregnancy and possibly due to the meds too (they didn't know what meds I was on though when saying that).
Have they said what next steps are for you? Are they looking to remove it?I've heard some people have been put on the pill to try and get rid of it? With ours,it developed within 3 weeks (8cm), 3/4 weeks later it had gone to 5cm, 3 weeks later it had gone (2 periods in that time). I'd been going to acupuncture once a fortnight and also tried caster oil packs to get rid.
I've heard they're quite common and can go within a month or two so hopefully this is the case for you too
Mine is too small to be aspirated they said but very active and due to ostrogen I cannot do IVF until it has gone. They told me to take progestone in the form on noristerone but I already took it for 20 days just before yesterday and it apparently did not help. Or did not help enough. Which pill did they advise for you? The meds i have been taking so far are clomid and meriofert. Did you take any of those?
Not sure if it relates but I was told I had 2 cyst on my ovaries, which delayed my ivf treatment. 1 cyst was called a chocolate cyst. Thankfully they both went away when my period came. So it is possible for them to go when you get yours.
Wishing you the best ❤️
Hi Lilly, sorry to hear that. Could you get the cyst removal procedure done? I had a polp developed during my first ivf cycle and didn't know which drugs caused it. I had a polp removal procedure done which was straightforward. Hope you could get yours removed and start your new cycle soon!

They claim that it is too small. How bug was yours?
Mine was 5mm.

My clinic claims mine is too small at 16.5mm. How did they remove yours?
They just used polp forceps to remove it. Hope yours can disappear on its own. Where is yours located?

Inside the ovary next to the antra follicles. They saw it on my day 2 scan. Is polp forceps a tablet?

Is a polp the same as a cyst?
I am in a similar situation, I had my baseline scan prior to 2nd round of ivf the week before last. They found a cyst on my right ovary and we decided to cancel / not start this month. They said to me to check again when my period starts. It might possibly go away during my bext period cycle. However, my period tgat was due on day of baseline scan is late and has still not arrived. My cervical mucous after my baseline scan was very much like mucous prior to ovulation and has now changed to more normal mucous again. After speaking to my clinic they think it might be possible that I had a delayed/ prolonged cycle and what they saw was an active follicle rather than a cyst and I wS prior to ovulation. I'll have another scan end of this week - fingers crossed.
As you, Lily12255, I am 41 with low Amh and feel time us running out!!
Fingers crossed your cyst will be gone soon and hopefully you'll be able to start with your next cycle soon x
Did they test your oestradiol when discovering the cyst and now?