After a beautiful BFP and amazingly high beta, I woke up with blood on my knickers (about 2weeks) ago. I went to the loo and passed 2 big clots (tmi) and I woke up hubby and we believed I had miscarried.
The next day we went for a scan which showed an empty sac and kind of confirmed the worst.. our GP was adamant to refer us for D&C and asked that we wait 2 more weeks, we did but it was a hell of a two weeks. I didn't want to share any negative stories that's why I didn't post. Today we went for a scan and I was sure Monday I'll go for D&C but alas!!! we saw our miracle, in a healthy looking uterus, closed cervix and developing placenta. I'm still in disbelief.
The HEARTBEAT of the foetus made me miss my own heart beat.
I'm sharing the story now cause I know and hope it'll help someone.
Baby dust to you all