2WW zero symptoms 😬: I’m 8dp5dt today... - Fertility Network UK

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2WW zero symptoms 😬

Solly-44 profile image
37 Replies

I’m 8dp5dt today with no symptoms whatsoever, apart from some pretty bad cramping a couple of days ago.

Previous cycles have been negative but I at least had some side effects from the drugs that made it feel something (anything!) was going on in there.

I know it’s technically possible to have none, so I guess this is a shameless attempt at seeking reassurance! 🙈 Hit me with your no symptom good news stories! Xx

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Solly-44 profile image
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37 Replies
Millbanks profile image

Aww hun, you know as well as anyone here that you don’t have to have symptoms to have good news!! Cramping is often one of the best signs it seems.... Keep positive and enjoy not feeling like crap! 💖💖💖 🍀🍀🍀 xxx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Millbanks

I know, I can’t believe I’m complaining about not feeling sick! 😂😂 Thank you lovely, think I’ve just hit that midway hump! Xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Solly-44

I can’t imagine how tough the waiting is!! But you’ve got this... keep yourself busy and distracted! Fingers crossed for you. Do you have things planned this week? Xxx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Millbanks

Work work work until Friday. I’ve booked next week off so will be kept busy tying up loose ends. Hopefully something more fun on the weekend. Your cycle is starting soon isn’t it? 🤞🤞🤞 xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Solly-44

I think work and being busy is the way forwards! Maybe try and go for a nice walk or a long lunch in a cosy pub. That would be my ideal... yep am on the progynova and got my first scan on the 13th to check the thickness of the lining. 🍀💖🙏🏼 xx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Millbanks

Yeah that sounds perfect! Ooh very exciting, all go for you now then. Good luck for the scan xxx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Solly-44

Yep! Eeeeeek! Thank you 💖

Minnie92 profile image

No symptoms whatsoever so I tested at 7dp5dt as was convinced it hadn’t worked and wanted go just get on with the next round...currently 34 weeks pregnant! (Not advocating testing early just want to give a bit of hope) good luck 🍀 x

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Minnie92

Ah congratulations! Amazing, not long to go now 😊 This is exactly what I needed to hear this morning! Xx

KW83 profile image

Absolutely zero symptoms for me and I'm 33 weeks today. I was maybe a bit tired the week after BFP but was really just at work so may just have been life making me sleepy. Good luck x

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to KW83

Thank you and huge congratulations! Xx

Hopefulholly profile image

I had absolutely no symptoms and I’m currently 29weeks pregnant! Good luck, fingers crossed for a BFP xXx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Hopefulholly

I am loving these success stories! Thanks & congratulations lovely xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Well I can't share a success story although I can't remember thinking that it had worked in my previous cycles either. However, you are not alone..... I have defo joined the crazy lady 2ww with a bang!!🤯🙈😂xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Cinderella5

How are you getting on hun? Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Millbanks

Ok I suppose! I'm no good at this waiting malarkey!!😂🙈xx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Cinderella5

😂 I know, I’m like clockwork. Days 1-2 very positive, 3-7 weirdly zen, 8-14 absolutely lose the plot! 😂😂 Is your test day next Wednesday? Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Solly-44

My test day for hpt is 12th Nov. However I can go for bloods before that....in some ways I dont want to know!!😂🤣 How about you?xx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Cinderella5

I’m exactly the same, not even vaguely tempted to test early this time! My hpt is the 11th and in for bloods on the 12th. Time will tell! Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Solly-44

Oh crikey, I know as soon as I get back home then I wont be able to resist! I cant bear the anxiety of not knowing....you're so good!!👏🏻 Yes time will tell indeed! Good luck.xx

Jessy1280 profile image

Cramping can be good from all I've seen. I'm 9dp5dt. I had af pains day 5 and nothing since. Sore boobs have practically now gone. In the beginning they were much bigger I'm sure. I'm not even getting bruises from lubion anymore.

2ww is major headf****. Sadly there is no sure fire way to know Til OTD. I've seen so many women in here get symptoms and then loads also saying they had none. We're all unique I suppose. Best of luck xx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Jessy1280

It really is its own special form of torture isn’t it?? Good luck to you too lovely, when’s your test day? Xx

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to Solly-44

Total torture. Sadly I think I'm completely out again. OTD Sunday although technically I could test today being 9dp5dt. Not going to though.

Can't help but feel I have implantation problem or something. This will be my second failure.

I really hope you get your bfp Mrs! 🤗 Xx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Jessy1280

Oh love, it’s not over until it’s over, but I know how difficult it is once doubt sets in.

I really hope you’re proved wrong and get a lovely surprise xx

haileyp85 profile image

I had no symptoms during my 2ww . Then I tested positive. I was utterly shocked with the results. I’m now 15 weeks and 3 days . X

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to haileyp85

That's awesome. Congratulations! X

haileyp85 profile image
haileyp85 in reply to Jessy1280

Thank you 😊 x

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to haileyp85

Ah that’s lovely news, congratulations! Xx

haileyp85 profile image
haileyp85 in reply to Solly-44

Thank you 😊 x

Picalilli99 profile image

Can’t offer any success stories but just wanted to say I feel you! I hate the ‘symptoms versus no symptoms’ worry that seems to come with every 2WW! So many women on here without any symptoms who got their BFP so hold on in there lovely. Got everything crossed for you for your OTD 🤞🤞 xxxx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Picalilli99

Aww thank you love, hope you’re doing ok xx

Lozzagriffiths profile image

I didn't have any symptoms at all. Not one cramp, my boobs weren't sensitive, no blood, no headaches, not tired. Just felt normal.

Now 34 weeks and 5 days pregnant with my baby girl.

My first two transfers i had alot of symptoms from headaches, backaches, cramping etc and they failed. Not all woman get symptoms.

After i found out i was pregnant and 2 weeks later i got all the symptoms!!!

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Lozzagriffiths

Amazing, congratulations! Hopefully following in your footsteps, my first 2 transfers had a lot of symptoms too xx

Ttcbabymcg profile image

Hey lovely how did you get on? I’m

Currently 6dp5dt and not having many symptoms at all. I am

Having a few af cramps but I’m in a v high dose of meds. Hope all is well xx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Ttcbabymcg

Hi lovely

The no symptoms round was the one for me! I’m 14+4 today. For me it was a good sign so hopefully for you too xx

Ttcbabymcg profile image
Ttcbabymcg in reply to Solly-44

Gosh I can’t deal with the anxiety! Testing to early was so stupid! I don’t see it changing (I know it’s theee days on, but I feel so negative).

The first 5-6’days I had mild period cramps. Slightly sore boobs but I am on a high dose of meds.

Sorry for tmi.... but I am getting SO much discharge. It is clear white/eatery. Do you know if this is the meds? It could it possibly be a good sign xx

Congratulations btw! Bet you are elated xxx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to Ttcbabymcg

Oh love it’s such an anxious time, I feel for you! I didn’t get that but who knows, could be meds or could be a symptom?? Hopefully the latter! Good luck & thanks x

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