This sounds stupid but how do you know when the bottle is finished? I can't really see how much is left in the bottle and don't know whether to just go with the fact I've had 60 sniffs so start a new bottle. I'm not entirely happy that I can't see if I'm sniffing the right dose each time as it is but I'm putting my faith in this bottle! Haha x
Synarel sniffers, question... - Fertility Network UK
Synarel sniffers, question...

Hi Starsandsunbeams, my clinic advised me to start a new bottle every two weeks. Just to ensure that I was getting the correct dose.
Hiya. It's not stupid at all! I had the same situation last week! Worked out I'd had 56 sniffs over 2 weeks so started the second bottle, which will now see me through as my sniffs will be reduced when I start stims (hopefully 🤞🏻) next week. I think there's a few extra sniffs that 60 in the bottle though 😊 x
They make the bottles not to use up all the liquid!!! so stupid. I had an issue and I had to try and open up the bottle and sniff it off a spoon (don't ask!!!). I would go with how many sniffs you've had and then start a new one - no point in taking any chances. If if tastes a little bit yucky then you're probably getting the dose x
Hi, im worried because i am supposed to use synarel twice a day but because i dont know if the med really works. I spray it again. Do you guys think it is bad? Thank you
Hello, did you use synarel before and after embryo transfer? Thank you
Thank you again