After 2 rounds of IVF we found out last week we are pregnant!! I’m currently 5 weeks + 2, and I have ZERO symptoms. No tender boobs, no nausea, nothing!! I had a nap today, but who doesn’t fancy a mid day nap 😂. I know I’ll probably be back here in a couple of weeks gutted I wished for morning sickness, but I just want some reassurance somethings brewing in there!! Is there anyone else feeling the same?
Am I crazy??? : After 2 rounds of IVF... - Fertility Network UK
Am I crazy???

Fantastic news! Congratulations 🎉 Try not to worry, I’m over 9 weeks now and still barely any symptoms, but had a successful scan so trying not to panic (was actually shocked there really was something in there! 😂). My boobs did get sore at one point a couple of weeks in, but that’s pretty much gone now. No morning sickness, just a bit off my food in the eves and tired that’s all. One of my friends went right the way through her pregnancy and said she barely felt anything at all. It’s awful to wish we felt more unwell, but I do understand what you mean! It’s not very reassuring, but I guess we’re just lucky! Hope you continue to feel good and get the reassurance you need at your scan xx
Congratulations!! What test did you do to know that you are pregnant? I am getting a negative test result using clear blue but I feel pregnant.
I did it at first on a pound cheapy one, because I felt absolutely nothing. So then I bought clear blue when that was positive. My OTD was ten days ago now and I still test everyday, I’ve never seen a positive one before and still don’t believe it. Are you testing too early?
It usually kicks in soon after 6 weeks, give it time it wl come or perhaps you may be lucky and not get it
Awww congratulations..... I actually didnt get any symptoms until i was around 8 weeks and then it was just bloating, then the sore boobs etc came a couple weeks later. Honestly the only sign you need is that cross or double line on a test, you'll have your viability scan soon that will put your mind at rest.... so sit back and enjoy for now, you'll soon be missing the normal feeling trust me xx
Hi, I never got one symptom, except feeling rage, which is not a symptom 😂😂!!! No morning sickness, no sore boobs, nada, not a thing. What was even harder is he barely moved throughout my pregnancy, unless I got in the bath, I thought I was imagining being pregnant, but he is here and it was real!! I did get SPD at around 5/6 months, that was crap, wouldn’t wish that on anyone!! In my case not having a symptom didn’t mean anything. Good luck!!
Hey I didn't get anything until I was around 6-7 weeks and then it was just off food and feeling super sicky and different times of day. Then I was worried when the sickness went but a scan showed all is well. Make the most of your good days! And a super huge congratulations!!! xxx
My nausea kicked in at 6 weeks on the dot and I wish every day it would go away. I have no other symptoms including no bigger or sensitive boobs...x
Some people never get any symptoms, mine started to kick in around 7 weeks, prior to that I just had food aversions and heightened smell. Nausea lasted till around 16 weeks and I could of slept all day lol.
Congratulations! The only way I knew I was pregnant in those first few weeks was that I had period type pains, which were very light. After a few weeks my boobs were sore when I pushed down on them (something I did on an hourly basis, to check I was still pregnant). I was sick twice at around 10 weeks. It wasn't until my stomach started showing that I felt pregnant and even then I had no symptoms.
Good luck with your pregnancy, I hope you get to enjoy it symptom free 🙂🙂
Congratulations. I was the same had no symptoma at this point and it was worrying me, they soon came. I hope that you don't get any and wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy. I'm 21 weeks today and finally symptom free for a while. Do you have a six week scan booked?x
Hi BOOLtrying
Great news. Were there any critical changes to the cycle plan for the second time? I am thinking about doing a second cycle.
We had a natural cycle, no meds at all. I had to call the clinic when I ovulated and had the transfer 6 days later. I also took this one really casual, I didn’t take a week off work, I came home after transfer and loaded the washing machine. I just tried not to dwell on it. I’ve had absolutely no symptoms, therefore was completely expecting a negative. I tested 7dp5dt and the line was as strong as the control line. To say I washed shocked was an understatement.
I would recommend the natural cycle, my clinic said they are having amazing results from them, and I felt great not full to the brim of drugs xx
Good luck with your next cycle x