I tested this morning after my telling off from the clinic yesterday... thought I had screwed up the clinics test and cursed them for giving me a duff test...
By the time I had dug out another pregnancy test (everything pregnancy related went in a sealed box and was dumped at the bottom of our spare room months ago) i realised i hadn't dunked it enough and thought i had then screwed the test up... so did another one and another and another...
I ended up with 4 positive pregnancy tests...!
It's all very surreal, my bloods have been done and the clinic are happy with the results, its somewhere up in the 280's which they've said is fine as their aim is over 100 so we've been booked a scan in about 3 weeks and sent on our merry way with some congratulations and a phone number if it goes tits up.
Not sunk in yet and I dont think it will for a while... thank you to everyone for all their support and putting up with my moany rants. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed this little cluster of cells knows how much is riding on it and it stays put and comfy.
Good luck to you all on your journeys ❤