Hi all, I am currently 5w4d and have my viability scan with my private clinic next week. I called my GP today thinking they would book me in for whatever I need via nhs services and they were basically useless and told me to self refer to my local maternity hospital services. What did everyone else do? What scans and appointments do I need to arrange via nhs? Or do I just do as the GP practice said and self refer to my local maternity services and they will sort everything else out? Feeling slightly apprehensive and a bit clueless! x
Sensitive post: scans post positive FET - Fertility Network UK
Sensitive post: scans post positive FET

Hey poppy, so happy that you are now getting into pregnancy mode. My GP receptionist referred me to the midwife who should book you in for an appointment around 8 weeks. All scans prior to this are done privately or your clinic should sort these out for you. If your GP do not sort out anything on their side I would self refer although that is pretty pants. Good luck and hope all goes well with your next scan. Xx
Hi Purplerain, thank you so much. I have my private scan next week with my clinic and assume if they need me to have another they will organise it. Is the nhs midwife appointment at 8 weeks for a scan or just a general appointment? My gp practice were useless - I think I will call them back tomorrow otherwise ei will just self refer. So frustrating! xx
Mine is exactly the same! My gps just said oh ring this number of the midwives. Literally they just said until you have your scan and we know your dating better then you can call back. I called my clinic OTD and the year referred me to my local hospital And I got my appointment for two and bit weeks.
I’m NHS for both, I’ve got a private scan booked in a week. My clinic and local hospital are amazing. But midwives weren’t very helpful until I know how far I am to book me in for a 12 week scan, I explained I was ivf and I’d had a miscarriage before but I ring again after my first scan! So you’re not alone lol. X x x
Hi Crisps, thanks so much for your reply. Im private for IVF so they have booked me in for next week for my first scan, I think they generally only do one then I'm meant to be under my gp/nhs. So for your IVF you are having an scan via nhs - at how many weeks is this? Then you will have another via midwife at 12 weeks? I'm still confused. If I have my scan next week which would be 6w4d (I think) would my next one be 12 weeks via nhs? Maybe I'll call the gp again tomorrow and explain I've had IVF, I didnt go into detail today. I hope your scan goes well next week xx
Ok so I’m only 3 weeks Wednesday according to EC and ET dates, my fertility clinic was great and they gave me the date they wanted me to come in - 21st but I had booked one for next week private just as a precautionary. But then I go under the care of the GP midwives and that’s 12 week scan which is just set normal for pregnancy-I have explained my situation and how we conceived but they don’t take into account it was ivf nor MC before which is disappointing but I’ll just keep getting private scans every few weeks.
So firstly is your viability scan around 6-7 weeks which is under your fertility specialists (whether nhs or private) then your 12 week scan is nhs and under your midwives. I hope this makes sense but just let me know if not.
For example when I had a natural pregnancy quite a good few years ago, I only was booked a scan at12 weeks but MC at 11 so didn’t have any of this. X x x
Thank you so much, this is really helpful - I understand it all now! This is my first BFP ever - never had to think beyond ttc before! I completely understand why you've booked an early reassurance scan, I would do the same. I hope that it all goes well xx
Hi Poppy,
Congratulations 😊
I didn’t see my GP for my midwife referral, I had to fill in a form and the midwife gave me a call with my booking appointment, that is just the process at my surgery though.
I did the paperwork after my viability scan with my clinic. My booking appointment was at 10 weeks I think, this is the first appointment with the midwife and they take blood and a urine sample, ask lots of health related questions.
My 12 week scan, which will be my first official scan with the NHS is this week and I am now nearer 13 weeks.
Good luck!
Hi Suzannah
Thank you so much for your reply, really really helpful. I think I will just go ahead and do the self referral to my local maternity services and wait for the appointments. Not got too long to wait for my private clinic scan. Congratulations to on your pregnancy, hope your scan goes well this week and that you have a smooth pregnancy journey x
Hi Poppy
In my case, my GP did the midwife referral. Your first midwife appointment should be at around 10 weeks, this appointment should last around an hour, you will go through your health history etc...your midwife will the refer you with the hospital of your choice for your first scan at 12 Weeks, at this appointment you will be given the next date for you 20 Week Scan - you only get 2 scans with the NHS (unless there are complications etc...)
Hope this helps.
Hi Poppy.. my GP office was terrible.. I live in London so researched where I wanted to go and self referred. They have been excellent!! The Midwifes are fantastic and plan everything. Also being at the hospital always makes me feel a bit more secure being in the right place..
As part of the standard Antentatal plan the hospital gave me I had 2 routine GP appointments and even then my GP reception advised that the doctors don’t see pregnant women for standard antenatal check ups. Instead the hospital midwife team just gave me a couple extra.
I also got assigned to a consultant and they all work in with the Midwife team..
It’s been great so would recommend xx
Hi Pippeon, sounds like your gp practice are a bit like mine, but glad your hospital team have been amazing, I think that makes such a difference and would definitely make me feel a bit more secure about things too. Would you be able to PM which hospital you chose as they sound really amazing? I'm on the outskirts of london and my local nhs trusts are not that great. I'm considering a london trust but at the same time dont want to have to travel too far for appts. It's so difficult! Hope you are enjoying your pregnancy and all is going well xx
You ring the midwife yourself, the GP doesn’t deal with that now it’s a self referral number it’s fairly straight forward x

Thank you so much x
I was told my GP that I should book to see the midwife when I was 8 weeks pregnant. If I had any concerns before then it would’ve been Gp then early pregnancy assessment unit. The maternity department usually deals with pregnancy related issues & scans after 12 weeks. Funny how differently different areas do things! I’m guessing you would need to be discharged after your viability scan before you can book to see your midwife.it does seem standard you can’t book before you’re 8 weeks ( I was asked how far gone I was when I booked)
Best of luck with your scan & wishing you the best with your pregnancy xoxo congratulations on your pregnancy too xoxo

Hi Jess thank you so much for your reply. This is really helpful. It's so funny how lots of areas seem to do different things. I will have a look at my local self referral form today and see what that says about when I can refer. My gp practice weren't overly helpful, just said refer myself and only see the gp if you are unwell! Thank you so much, still hasnt quite sunk in yet! Hoping my scan goes well next week, I'm a little anxious about it xx
Not so many positive posts can e found on the forums and thank you for sharing this. We have a chance to be happy at least for somebody if not for ourselves. I am really glad for you and I wish you all the best during your scan next week! Warmest vibes to you.
Aww thank you so much for your really thoughtful message and warm wishes, really lovely of you. This journey is so difficult isn't it, I think we all take joy from all those positive messages from all the lovely ladies on this forum (and equally support those through the more difficult parts of this journey when needed too) x