3 sleeps till OTD and I don’t know if I can wait! 🤦🏽♀️ I think the only reason I haven’t caved is because I’m too out of it in the morning to remember to POAS. I just want a BFP!!
TWW: 3 sleeps till OTD and I don’t know... - Fertility Network UK

3 sleeps omg it is getting so close.
Have you had any symptoms ?
Have you had any bleeding ?
Am keeping everything crossed for you. x
Nothing that couldn’t be just the Progesterone. Lots of little cramps and twinges but I think I’m supposed to expect that after the egg collection etc. No bleeding at all. It’s weird I swing between being really optimistic and then being pretty sure it’s not worked! It’s going to be a loooonnngggg weekend! I moved the tests into the bathroom so I’m 100% going to cave, I have 5 so enough to keep testing till Monday if I want to start down that route! 🤦🏽♀️ x
I know it is a total head f**k. I don’t blame you for wanting to test early. I have only tested a day early in past but once when I couldn’t bear it any longer I did ovulation strip test as didn’t feel so guilty. It was positive ( they say it also picks up hcg although obvs not 100% reliable).
I think it is a great sign you haven’t had any bleeding. Especially if a fresh transfer? Implantation bleeding is rare .... so don’t worry if you haven’t had any.
I didn’t bleed and got my very first BFP (live birth). I did bleed with my second BFP (double transfer but Singleton so they reckoned was second one dispelling). I bled a lot though and didn’t end well.
Will be looking out for your updates and don’t beat yourself up if you test early.... whats 3 days x
Yeah we had a fresh transfer there was the tiniest little spot the evening of the transfer I forgot about it but figured that was to be expected with all their poking around!
I think I’m just scared to test early really. Technically I’m 5dp5dt right now but OTD is only 9dp5dt so our clinic test earlier than some it seems. I can’t even say it’s a tww only been waiting since Saturday! 🙈 x
Stay strong x x
You've done well to wait this long.. Not long to go now.. You've got this.. Very very best of luck xo
I did one and then broke the test apart as I read someone did that and we both agree there’s the faintest of faint lines but definitely not getting our hopes up it’s still so early and it could just be an evaporation line or the trigger or something. I’ve become a crazy person this afternoon couldn’t help it! 🤦🏽♀️ So now I’ve started testing I’m probably going to keep going cos how do I stop now? 🤷🏻♀️ x
Wishing you lots of luck. 🍀🤞🍀xxx
I’ve got my fingers crossed too 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 xx
4 sleeps for me! I’ve not tested either & won’t be until blood test at the clinic on Monday! Ignorance is bliss 😂💕Wishing you lots of luck for OTD💜xxx