As part of a research project, I am looking into the availability and uptake of 'add ons' in fertility clinics around the UK. My own clinic doesn't offer many of these, or only does in certain clinical situations and I have been told that certain add ons won't work or aren't necessary and with newer ideas such as intralipid use, I have been told I would need to seek another clinic. In those horrible moments, having faced multiple failures, I have definitely clung to the chance that these add ons will help me but studies about their impact are all still small-scale or haven't been completed at all.
Just as a straw pole, could you tell me if your (UK only please) clinic offered any of the following:
- Assisted hatching
- Artificial egg activation calcium ionophore
- Elective freeze all
- Embryo glue
- Endometrial scratching
- Intrauterine culture
- Pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS)
- Reproductive immunology tests (and any treatments - please list)
- Intracytoplasmic morphologic sperm injection
Could you also tell me if these were:
- accepted by you/your partner and you underwent treatment
- if they came with additional costs
- if you requested these treatments and underwent them, though they were not explicitly offered to you
If you would like more information about these, please read the information provided by the HFEA here: and be aware that your clinic may not be in a position to offer you any of them.
The results of my little survey will be posted up on my blog: The Trek to Mama Mountain:
You can also find other articles and information there which may be of help/interest. Any thoughts on the blog are entirely my own but I would appreciate yours