I thought i would give an update on my situation because it helps to get it all out. I went to my appointment at the EPU today. They did a scan and couldn’t see an embryo which is what we expected but they did see 2 yolk sacs which was a surprise as that hadn’t come up before on the scans at the IVF clinic. I did have 2 embryos transferred but only have one sac so I think that whatever is/was developing split naturally which makes this even harder to understand. They say I’m measuring around 6+4 and technically I’m supposed to be 9 weeks so we know in our hearts this is not going to go any further and we have accepted that but because I’m starting from scratch with the hospital (and my IVF clinic didn’t take any proper measurements) they have to wait a certain amount of time before they can rule the pregnancy out so I have to wait another 2 weeks for another scan! I still haven’t had any bleeding so I guess this could happen at any time or maybe not which is also stressful. I am exhausted mentally.
And so the wait continues: I thought i... - Fertility Network UK
And so the wait continues

I’m so sorry, the waiting is awful. Just a thought - could your IVF clinic contact your hospital to confirm the date of your transfer as that would give them the correct date of the pregnancy which may allow you to move forward with medical or surgical management if that is an option for you xx
Thank you. X They had the date of my transfer and a brief report from the clinic but it is like I have to start again with the hospital as this is the first time I have seen them. They said they had a process to follow and they have to allow a certain amount of time before they can rule it out officially even though I have had the other scans. The IVF clinic didn't seem to take proper measurements or at least write then down (I called and checked) so the hospital didn’t have anything to compare to. It’s like two different rules. X