So backk from clinic resting at hotel, but feeling restless. Had some period type pain this morning, but nurse said it's the progesterone, and some blood. Is that where doctor could have nipped cervix? , not overly worried, but felt much more positive etc last time
Transfer today : So backk from clinic... - Fertility Network UK
Transfer today

Well done lovely!
I think a little bit of blood is completely normal. I was told to expect some, I think it’s just the catheter poking around in there.
I think it’s completely normal to feel differently each time. I went to my first transfer alone as my other half was out of the country and think I saw your post saying similar? I thought it would be fine but actually felt a little bit weird after. You’ll be fine, it’s just a bit of an emotionally draining experience.
When do you fly home? Sending you all the luck and hugs! Xx
Thanks for getting back to me. Bleeding stopped ,nurse thinks it was cervical. Fly back weds morning,so will just pootle around tomorrow,as the nurse said too much heat is bad. Got books,and tablet but just feel bit isolated. People from home keepimg intouch,but sometimes not much to say
Congratulations on being pupo good luck with the 2ww everything crossed for you xx
Good luck my dear xxxx🤞🤞🤞
Wising you lots of luck! The blood could just be from the speculum so try not to worry! Rest up and take it easy and enjoy the sun!xx
Thanks appreciate that. I feel so clueless in all of this. Sorry to hear your recent bad news. How are you holding up x
Im ok thanks! We have a plan forward for our 3 frostie, turns out my progesterone levels are a bit low so going to up my meds for next time. Just waiting to hear back from the clinic as to how long they want me to wait to try again. My nurse rold me drink lots of water so keep the fluids up as I know how toastie it is out there.....make the most of it!xx