It’s crazy how quickly time flies between egg collection and transfer! Not to mention the rollercoaster.
We had an amazing 21 eggs collected and a good sperm sample, but becuase previous sperm samples were boarder line we were recommended a mixture of ICSI and traditional IVF.
Of the 12 traditional IVF none fertilised
Of the 9 ICSI 7 fertilised
(Can’t help but feel like the 12 in traditional IVF is a year wasted and we should have gone all ICSI)
On day 3 they called to say 4 are looking strong so transfer on day 5, today.
In the meantime I’ve been really suffering with recovering from OHSS symptoms. I can barely eat, I’m exhausted and bloated and my ovaries hurt. Has anyone else suffered post egg collection with this?
I imagined all the hardest bits would be the drugs pre op!