NHS funded IVF: Hello friends. I was... - Fertility Network UK

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NHS funded IVF

Pools profile image
56 Replies

Hello friends. I was wondering if anyone has actually been successful in IVF funded by NHS

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Pools profile image
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56 Replies
HollyT7 profile image

Yep I was then lost it but another lady I know who went through it at the same time is carrying her little bean 😊❤️

Charleexn2 profile image

Hi lovely, I’m on my 2ww at the moment but my friend was successful on her second funded attempt. Keeping everything crossed for you xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Two of the girls that I cycled with were successful in their NHS cycles.xx

Em2405 profile image

Yes I am currently 32 weeks and was successful with our first NHS ICSI attempt. We had one private failed attempt prior.

Just luck of the draw I think lovely. Good luck! Xx

Pools profile image
Pools in reply to Em2405

Good luck dear x

Sarah_37 profile image

We were successful with our first IVF nhs attempt and we were lucky enough to get Frosties too which made it a lot cheaper for our second go xx

Yes I got a BFP on first go but had a miscarriage but now have a 16 month old on my second go xx

Reb990 profile image

Yeah our first nhs cycle was successful and I have my gorgeous baby girl in front of me now. We did do a private cycle first that was unsuccessful though x

Hopefulholly profile image

My son was nhs funded ! Struggled with their communication but it worked so you definitely have a chance xXx

I was lucky enough to be successful with my first go, NHS funded (IVF/ICSI). I was able to have my funded cycle done at a private clinic that had a better success rate. As someone said though, I think it's luck of the draw ultimately, but we all want to give ourselves the best chance of success. Good luck to you xx

Leannefb profile image

Yes my son was NHS funded. He was our 2nd and last embryo from our first round, we were eligible for 2 rounds on the NHS. It does mean that he won't have a sibling as I couldn't afford to go private for any future rounds and once you have a live birth you aren't eligible for any further NHS funding in our area xx

JulieOcean2 profile image

Yes my baby girl is 10 weeks old. 1 cycle but 3rd transfer

Kempton profile image

Yes. First transfer failed but the transfer of our only other embryo by FET resulted in my baby boy :)

Bluelady-sing profile image

We're you all refered by your Gp initially?

EmGLA profile image
EmGLA in reply to Bluelady-sing

I believe you always have to be initially referred by your GP for NHS funded treatment. I don’t think you can refer yourself and the fertility clinic will have referral criteria and base line bloods etc to accept a patient. Well that’s how it works with me at least. Is that not your experience?

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Bluelady-sing

My gp referred us to our local sub fertility clinic at the hospital and the hospital sub fertility consultant had to sign off the referral for ivf after various tests had been done. Like some other ladies on here I had the choice to take my nhs funding at a private clinic.

mandi908 profile image

Yes my baby boy is 5 months old. 1 cycle and first transfer 😊

Minnie92 profile image

Yes, I’m currently 15 weeks after my first successful cycle of ivf with icsi x

Pools profile image
Pools in reply to Minnie92

Best of luck x

Simba17 profile image

Yes, I’m currently 22 weeks after our first round of IVF/ICSI. We also have 4 frozen embryos x

L400ynd profile image

My sister was successful on her second attempt and my friend was also successful, not sure the attempts for her tho.

Jen_jen profile image

Good Morning,

I’m also just going on 14 weeks with my first NHS attempt 😊💕

Good luck xx

Pools profile image
Pools in reply to Jen_jen

Great good luck xx

Mae1 profile image

Hello lovely , I was successful on my second try on the NHS but I did pay a small fee to see a private consultant to go through my notes ready for the second time and she was brilliant, put me on higher doses of the medication and I paid for extra (lubion) injections and a scratch .... I don’t know if any of these things made a difference but it worked , currently 18+4 weeks 💙x x

Ajl46 profile image
Ajl46 in reply to Mae1

That is very interesting to me as I’d like to do something similar but if I pay for any private treatment I lose my NHS funding altogether - it’s a condition my CCG insists on unfortunately.

Mae1 profile image
Mae1 in reply to Ajl46

Hey hun , speak to your CCG about the lubion injections as all you need is a prescription and you can buy them from ASDA for less than the NHS (crazy I know!) as these are injections they might allow it but the scratch is a procedure done privately , there are only some medical professionals that can do this procedure but I would recommend the lubion injections over this , I have a friend that had these too and it worked for her. But then it’s your first try, it could work without all of this x

Canadawaterchick profile image
Canadawaterchick in reply to Mae1

Can I ask ladies what you did specially to prepare for IVF? Any ideas or help appreciated xx

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Canadawaterchick

Probably suggest you do a separate post for this my lovely and you’ll get more replies x

Canadawaterchick profile image
Canadawaterchick in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Thanks girl, I actually did a little while ago, thank you xx

Pools profile image
Pools in reply to Mae1

Great !! Lovely to hear x

Apples2665 profile image

I was very lucky and successful in first attempt. Currently 20 weeks with my first after 3 years of trying unsuccessfully. Never had a pregnancy previously xx

staaa88 profile image

Yes I’m currently 14 weeks. We were referred to a private clinic, we were lucky enough to go to the clinic where to worlds first ivf baby was born! There shouldn’t be a difference really xx

Lynnr54 profile image

Yes, my first son was born from my NHS fresh round. Like one of the other ladies I was also lucky enough to have some Frosties left over. It took all my Frosties to get my second son and I had to pay for those frozen rounds but it was cheaper than having to pay for fresh rounds. My sister was also lucky enough to get her son from her NHS cycle. Her fresh round was unsuccessful but she got one frostie and was able to have that transferred on the NHS too and that one worked.

sarahanddan1987 profile image

Yes we had our first cycle NHS funded, I had to lose 4 stone in 8 months to qualify because in my area you have to be under 32 with a bmi under 30!! Was hard work but worth it as we now have a beautiful 4 month old little girl! Also 4 frosties which im due to start paying for storage this month. Better get losing this weight again for round 2! Good luck x

Cuppa profile image

Following this post with interest - where do you start with applying for funding? I thought we didn’t stand a chance as we self funded our first fresh cycle & FET (both unsuccessful) - obvs can’t afford to self fund again. Sorry for adding this to your post, but thought it was relevant & you ladies would have some useful info x

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Cuppa

Depends on your ccg rules as to whether you’re eligible for funding after a private round, you’ll have to check your local rules x

Cuppa profile image
Cuppa in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Where do I found out the local rules?

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Cuppa

I googled and found mine online. You could try doing a post saying where you live to see if anyone on here knows?

Cuppa profile image
Cuppa in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Thank you x

crisps88 profile image

Yes, we have two cycles funded by NHS. Out first one was failed and just on our second cycle baseline scan tomorrow. It may be my eggs that are the issue but we will find out for sure on this round. But yes 2xNHS funded cycles. X

chickp profile image

I don’t know anyone personally but our nhs clinic seem to be putting up new notice boards covered in baby photos every time we go in there! Obviously I can’t bare to look at them 🙄 but I’m glad they are there to give us hope x


Do you know if this is applicable for internationals also? Thanks 🙂

Dreamama profile image

I was successful on my first round (I’m only 6 weeks pregnant and fingers crossed it will be successful until the end 🤞🏻) and my friend got pregnant the second time then lost it but was successful on the third time (lucky her she had three rounds funded) and now she is 7 months pregnant.

God luck!!! X

AndRelax profile image

Yes, we were successful on first NHS go. I only had one egg make the grade to be used and now have an almost 6 month old. We were referred through our GP, underwent months of fertility testing and were given the forms to fill out for funding in the hospital once it was confirmed that we both had fertility issues. Our hospital had no waiting list so we started as soon as the funding was approved xx


If you have funding available then definitely take it x

Bluelady-sing profile image

I can not afford at moment.my ccg criteria was 40 years I am 42. I do not if this means no treatment at all

Eltel81 profile image

We have had an IVF cycle funded by the nhs, it was a chemical pregnancy that sadly didn’t thrive, so we are awaiting a donor egg cycle funded by the nhs at the moment

Staceyxxx profile image

Yes, we were very lucky to get funding in our area (their not keen on giving it) and we’re successful on our first (and only funded) attempt. We had our baby boy in February of this year.

Yip. I did IUI on NHS and was blessed with my first born 😃😃😃 x x x

PurpleLove19 profile image

I’m still waiting for our funded cycles to be approved. I’d love to get started. Been waiting since Nov 😔

rachherlihy profile image

I also have been successful on my second round of NHS funded IVF. I also have a friend who was successful on her first attempt. I’m currently 31 weeks pregnant 😊.xx

KJLee profile image

Currently 38+6 weeks pregnant on a NHS FET round 🙂 xx

Triciadavis profile image

Hi ladies, can the NHS find someone who is 44 years old. I have children. I have tried a private and no luck.

Anya80 profile image

Yes, 5yrs ago on second attempt of fresh ivf I were successful and gave birth to healthy son! From that cycle we managed to get 6nice blastocysts and currently pregnant again after third attempt with FET.

Good luck to you xxx

Novice_knitter profile image

I have been on my second cycle, am now at 26 weeks and things going well so far 🙏😊 Hope it goes well for you - it’s a hard going process but so worth trying xxx

I have my review with NHS tomorrow if we can be eligible for wish us luck🤞🏻 we went private for our fist cycle it was unsuccessful after having 15 eggs used with icsi 10 fertilised with no transfer. I felt I needed to change to nhs hopefully it works out this time ❤️

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