Does anyone know what a cycle is classed as in nhs ivf? I’m a bit unsure what will happen for instance if i didn’t produce eggs or there not fertilised would this be our one chance gone?
Thank you
Does anyone know what a cycle is classed as in nhs ivf? I’m a bit unsure what will happen for instance if i didn’t produce eggs or there not fertilised would this be our one chance gone?
Thank you
I’m pretty sure if you don’t produce any eggs the cycle gets cancelled and they do further investigations on you and your partner,
Cycle is classed once embryo transfer is taken place I believe but I could be wrong x
It depends on the rules of your particular ccg/region. You can write to them to request a copy of their guidelines or you may be able to find them online.
I think it depends on your individual CCG. I think once last egg collection most would count as a cycle but not sure about if no eggs are produced. I do know some CCGs allow you to transfer any Frosties you have as part of a cycle whilst others don’t. There’s a website called Fertility Fairness which has some details on of what each CCG will offer but I’m not sure it goes into the detail pre egg collection. Worth a look though.
Hi there, during my cycle (my only funded fresh nhs cycle) I was told that once egg collection had been done, you’d no longer qualify for another nhs funded round. So if you weren’t producing many eggs, if they cancelled prior to egg collection then you’d be funded for another round... x
I confirm it depends on the CCG and they publish the data so it should be visible. At mine it’s a fresh and frozen. Given my situation we had 2 to fertilise and were recommended to implant both. None left to freeze. The cycle was unsuccessful so no more NHS option and it’s now the private route.
Do ask where their parameters are. I had been told at West London CCG if none had fertilised we could have another collection.
Good luck!
I had one cycle where I ovulated before egg collection. My clinic had to write an appeal report to the local NHS board - took a few months to get the decision back but I was granted another cycle. Another postcode lottery I'm afraid - follow the advice above x
At my ccg starting the process counted as a cycle. They said if my ovary didn't produce we could pay for the drugs and scans up to that point and then keep the nhs funded cycle in tact for the next go
Thank you all xx