This is going to be my fourth egg transfer next Tuesday just wondering how long you all take off work after having your embryo put back? I do 10hour shifts.
Help? How long? : This is going to be... - Fertility Network UK
Help? How long?

My first transfer over two years ago I went straight back in to work (I have an office job), fell pregnant and have a lovely girl. Second transfer last month was the first day of bank holiday weekend so had three days of r&r and didn’t get pregnant. Just to say... I don’t think r&r is needed per se, unless you have a very stressful or physically demanding job. Good luck!
Just the day of transfer off for me, I'm a teacher so work long days in a very stressful job but I couldn't see the point in staying off, I really think it's mostly down to luck whether an embryo sticks. Good luck lovely x
Last time I had 4 days off, this time just the day of transfer. I would have liked a couple more days but had a lot of meetings booked so it would have meant telling my boss!
Good luck for Tuesday, how long are you planning to take? X
I was thinking of having a week so go back the Tuesday after but I don’t know if it is worst as then I have time to sit and think about it xx
I took my full 2ww off and once I had my BFP I took another 3 weeks off whilst I wait for my scan. Good luck.
That is what I wanted in an ideal world but not sure if I would be worse then as I would be thinking about it all more xx
First transfer I took a week off and drove myself mad with thinking about it and anxiety. The next time I went back day after transfer and appreciated the routine and distraction. That being said, I think everyone feels differently and if you're concerned about long shifts having a possible negative impact then it might put your mind at rest to take some time off 😊 xx
The clinic gave me 2 weeks of medical leave so I was just resting and going crazy at home. Sometimes, work is a good distraction :). Wishing u all the best, dear!
I work long shifts and didn’t take any time off. I actually went back to work after my transfer, I did take it a bit easier.
I’m now 12 weeks. I did rest on my days off. Hope this helps, I wish you all the very best 💕🤞🏼
My first one I took two weeks off and did limited things ie no gym etc. second one I took a week off and began doing walks etc. Third one that stuck I carried on as normal no time off, went gym (just no jumping or anything crazy) and it stuck. So I think it doesn’t matter, just try to stay relaxed as much as possible x
Thank you everyone for your advice it’s made me feel a lot better about not having as long off. I was worried I wasn’t putting the transplant first by going back to work so soon xx
It honestly depends on person to person. Most of the women take a day off on the day of the transfer and they are good to go the next day. However, some have to bed rest for a few days. Therefore, just see how you are feeling that day. I hope things go well for you. Sending baby dust your way. Good luck.
I plan to take the whole two weeks. This is mainly because of the nature of my work though. I work in a psych unit on a dementia ward and although my manager has said I wouldnt be involved with ‘risky patients’ my clinic felt that it was best to take it off. If a patient walked past me and hit out and it didn’t work I’d always wonder if that was the reason.
Think it just depends on person to person and the type of job you do. xx
I took no time off, I drove to egg collection and back myself (total of 5 hours in the car, 1.45 there and rest driving back) and then worked a 14 hour shift the two days afterwards. I just continued with what my body is used too as that's meant to be the best thing for implantation
Are your work aware you are going through ivf? If so, could you ask them for shorter shifts? That way you would be keeping your mind occupied but also taking things a little bit easier x
What is a very good idea I never thought of that. I think I will put that in as a suggestion. Thank you x
Hiya, did you raise the subject with your boss? If so, I hope they have been accommodating xx