Anyone who also has this, what treatment did you go down? I’ve been advised either IUI or IVF, I’m swinging more to IVF but would love to know what others think? Thank you xxx
PCOS: Anyone who also has this, what... - Fertility Network UK

Hi pancakexox ... sorry dat ur going through dis...wanted to tell u dat I have a frnd of mine who pcos and after TTC for 5 yrs with no success.then the only she Didi was clean diet dat is Diet should be clean.. no maida , no white sugar , no packed r ready to go food , no junks , only home cooked food for several months until u do it with regular walking.bring ur bmi in a normal range This was d key to her naturally successful she has a 2 yr old boy and 8 months pregnant again!! don't worry ...and are ur menses regular??
If no.. until u get it regular u need to do dis diet and after 3 months of regular menses the fourth mnth will be ur dream come true month... HOPEFULLY!!....don't worry......dear
Hope did was helpful....😊
Thank you so much for this! I think I do need to have a little jiggle of my diet. It’s not poor but I don’t think I’m getting enough protein, I’m a veggie so find it hard. My BMi is 18.2 so think I need to put some weight on. That is amazing for your friend! How something like changing diet can have such an affect! Xx
Hi, I also have pcos. My first ivf failed. We are now going to try icsi next month as my consultant has advised. Is this your 1st attempt?
As I've spoken to a few people since my failed ivf and they has definitely advised icsi.
Hi, thanks for this. Yes it will be our first round! We have been advised Icsi as well because my partner has low mobility and not a very high volume of sperm but the sperm that is there is good quality. I’ve read the leaflet she gave us and only thing that makes me worry with icsi is that is can cause abnormalities in the sex chromosome, I don’t know how high the percentage is as it didn’t say in the leaflet. Do you know much about that? X
Hi i had laprascopic ovarian drilling followed by ivf. While you're waiting for appointments try to eat a low carb diet, lots of protein and green veg. It's the fluctuation in blood sugar that affects hormones and stops pcos ladies from ovulating properly. You can ask your drs to try metformin if your bmi is high. If you've been offered iui i guess you'll be taking clomid or something to help you ovulate.
On a positive note pcos means your egg reserves should be good for your age and hopefully you will respond well to ivf treatment, if you decide to do that. Be warned it's a long, tough journey but there's loads of support here. Xx
Oh really? She didn’t say much about the ovarian drilling, is this something that should really be done or only done when it is needed? I eat pretty well and have a bmi for 18.2 so she has advised me not to loose any weight (not trying to) but I am a veggie, which I think I am finding it hard to get enough protein in my body so maybe I should a little jiggle around with my meals to try and get more in. I’m only 25 so I’m hoping that that is a good age to try IVF and how a successful result but one can only hope for that.
Thank you so much for the support, my friends and family are good but not gone through any of this so it is so lovely to speak to ladies who are going through the same thing! Xx
I thought ovarian drilling was to trigger ovulation? Do you ovulate?
Hi I’m a PCOS sufferer age 38 - I made the decision to try iVF straight away. I have good egg reserves and came away with 2 grade A embryo’s but unfortunately my first round failed. There’s no simple or guaranteed path with infertility 😑
Now I’m on a long course of Metformin until I have my next round in a couple of months.
Have you tried Inofolic? This may help towards whatever treatment you decide on.
I went straight to ivf because of my age and went private for quickness.
Good luck with everything xx
I have pcos an was advised to do iui but I didn't because my husband has infertility issue also, so we decided to do ivf.
That's the same issue my husband had low mobility and my clinic automatically did ICSI because of the mobility issue. And a little heads up when it's time for egg retrieval you may have produce more egg than a average woman beacuse of the PCOS. Good luck on making you'd decision and starting your IVF journey.
Hi, I would see what the doctors suggest. If your partner has low mobility and they even suggest isci, I'd go with that. Iui is not ideal for low mobility, the sperm is just placed closer, it still needs to find the egg on its own. Even with good sperm chances are just 10-20% per round dependent on your age and with pcos you are always in danger of overstimulation as there are so many follicles sitting around. It is more likely that too many are activated and they will cancel your cycle if you have too many happy eggs to avoid multiple pregnancies (kept on happening to me).
Hi Pancake - did you have any meds before discussing IUI/IVF?
Hey, nope I’m not on any meds or anything. I have no symptoms of PCOS only reason she checked is because I have scars on my face from acne so she wanted to double check and good job she did because she believe that this could be the main cause of our unsuccessful journey so far! Another step closer to hopefully having a bundle of joy!
Interesting! I did have symptoms of PCOS but never put two and two together until I started having fertility issues. It took 3 years of trying before I was referred to consultant who then confirmed PCOS. Currently on Femara - 6 months and then recommended IVF. Have you decided what you are going to do?
So we have just received our pack in the post from our fertility clinic. Got to have some more blood tests for HIV and hepatitis etc once all of those have been completely they have said that it will be about 2-3 months and then we can start the process of IVF. I think we are going down the ICSI route as my partner have poor mobility and not a lot of sperm but the sperm that is there is good quality. How has your journey been? X