Hi guys so today I was 7wk & 3 days. We had our scan an delighted to discover 2 healthy heartbeats 😁😁 yes we are having twins! I did have a wee idea has I had a scare at 6 weeks and went to my epu an they could see 2 sacs but at least today heartbeats confirmed it. So a few questions, my clinic said to start weaning of my 8mg prognava, from 4 a day to 3 for a few days then 2 for a few days then 1, then none. And cut my progesterone to one a day for 5 days then none. I'm really nervous about this as I thought I'd have these to 12weeks? Any thoughts?
7wk scan *update*.....sensitive post - Fertility Network UK
7wk scan *update*.....sensitive post

Oh my goddess 🥰 that’s amazing news. I’m so happy for you xx
Aw amazing news! Double congratulations xo
Aww congratulations doubly! Amazing news so happy for you. As for the progesterone pessaries all clinics seem to vary. I took it till I was 12 weeks ( even tho mine wasn’t an ivf pregnancy) could you not express your concerns to the clinic or GP? Technically they’ll probably discharge you now. If you are worried I’d insist on taking them till 12 weeks. It’s not good for you to get stressed right now. With me I had to fight the GP to get them to agree to issuing progesterone pessaries ( she ended up checking with my fertility doctor who thought it might help) on the other hand I’ve seen other ladies here stop taking progesterone pessaries at 7 weeks & have gone on to have a healthy baby. xoxo
Awww that's amazing, Im so pleased for you!! Very exciting! I havent gotten that far but had I, my clinic would have me on meds for up to 12 weeks.xx
amazing news, congratulations. xx
Congratulations, lovely news ❤️
Ah, double trouble - lovely news I came off the progynova slowly about the same time as you but Dr kept me on utrogestan until around week 10 xxx
Congrats...I would double check with the clinic again 🙂

Hi Littleflower. Oh my goodness me! Looks like you're in for a very busy life - but a happy one. Hope all continues to go well for you. Diane
Congratulations, that's wonderful news xxx
Congratulations! Fab news x
Hi all, thanks for all the lovely replies, we are just delighted, after 3 fresh cycles and 1 Fet we hope this is our time 🙏🤞. I have enough crinone to do me prob to 11weeks so I might just continue those anyway. I'l start to ween from the prognova as I don't have enough of those and they make me feel quite ill aswell. Hope my post has given some hope, if you read back my posts after transfer, the consultant was right about the 100m sprint at the olympics 😍😍 xx
Amazing! congrats xx
amazing news congratulations
What amazing news! Congratulations 💜💜 x x x
Like like like!!!! Congratulations!! So happy for you xx
Ahhh fabulous! What amazing news!!
I bet you’s are ecstatic. Can I ask how many embryos you had put back? As I only had one put back but my HCG levels seem to be very high for 5 weeks if it’s just one baba. Just wondering if you had two put back or one and it split? Xx
Congratulations xxx